Questions for queXS

Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 816061 2024 Versions Compatibility 2024-05-24 10:16:44 UTC Kostas Papagiannopoulos Answered
Answered 707224 Case cannot be closed on the QueXS Operator's interface after being set as 'complete'. The case is fed through permanently. 2023-07-06 15:29:29 UTC Thomas Answered
Answered 705720 I downloaded queXS. But I can't find instruction to install it on my pc. Can you help me? 2023-03-05 06:58:47 UTC Raffaele Rio Answered
Solved 699171 Quota : on data from column in sample 2021-10-20 17:36:44 UTC Shnoulle Solved
Answered 691902 Does case assignment respect sample timezone? 2020-07-16 17:53:20 UTC Tyson McCarney Answered
Solved 691378 Extent of AUTO_CLOSE_NO_ANSWER functionality 2020-06-18 00:03:12 UTC Tyson McCarney Solved
Solved 689675 Error setting up Questionarire Service 2020-04-02 23:51:32 UTC Jeff Wood Solved
Solved 675469 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception 2018-10-22 21:44:03 UTC Andre Santos Solved
Solved 674071 Timezone incorrect in Operator Panel 2018-09-18 00:16:29 UTC Thomas Graydon-Guy Solved
Answered 669839 Automatic assignment of cases 2018-06-01 12:50:59 UTC Harry Gaitanidis Answered
Solved 669779 ALTERNATE_INTERFACE reverted back 2018-05-30 15:00:55 UTC Harry Gaitanidis Solved
Answered 669778 Can not connect queXS with FreePBX 13 2018-05-30 14:57:12 UTC Harry Gaitanidis Answered
Solved 668263 Pre fill questions setup 2018-04-25 22:11:27 UTC Sladja Solved
Solved 664706 asterisk v13 compatibility 2018-02-20 19:05:21 UTC tomislav.m.zagreb Solved
Solved 662677 LimeSurvey 3.0.1 compatibility? 2018-01-07 12:45:11 UTC Andre Santos Solved
Answered 660715 Assigning operators to questionnaire 2017-11-14 09:34:05 UTC Nicolas Truchaud Answered
Answered 660714 How to delete a RPC ? 2017-11-14 09:08:50 UTC Nicolas Truchaud Answered
Solved 658350 ADOConnection problem 2017-09-20 13:15:30 UTC Nicolas Truchaud Solved
Solved 656849 Empty case list in user view 2017-08-24 11:28:58 UTC Leonardo Valente Solved
Answered 646234 two types of appointments 2017-07-05 07:16:53 UTC Joost Answered
Solved 645306 Cannot export data 2017-06-28 12:37:26 UTC Joost Solved
Open 448557 Download survey data is very slow 2017-01-29 07:00:16 UTC Muhammad Saad Open
Solved 402718 "not attempted" priority over "no answer" cases 2016-10-03 14:59:42 UTC Joost Solved
Solved 375015 Limesurvey questionnaire not showing up in QueXS 2016-08-31 13:13:43 UTC Joost Solved
Answered 301433 No respondent shown 2016-07-23 09:48:19 UTC Alan khoo Answered
Answered 295606 questionnaire shift issue 2016-06-23 17:07:06 UTC Nicolas Reali Answered
Answered 291138 question type array display not correct 2016-04-15 13:00:07 UTC Cristiano Santinello Answered
Answered 288678 Alternative to Time Zone Tables for shared hosting 2016-03-15 18:42:04 UTC Bo Answered
Solved 287820 Link to other survey system 2016-03-04 14:31:30 UTC Bo Solved
Answered 285531 Tokens in Cases and Survey Results 2016-02-15 07:50:53 UTC Andrew Tokmakoff Answered
Answered 274008 issue with Action and Status section 2015-11-10 15:20:41 UTC Nkosy Answered
Solved 273764 No calls with or without Voip 2015-11-05 12:05:49 UTC Nkosy Solved
Answered 271241 Questionnaire/study to be chosen by operator 2015-09-09 16:36:43 UTC Christian Loeper Answered
Answered 270743 Sample Import Error 2015-08-24 15:32:35 UTC Aung Thura Answered
Solved 258431 One answer to 257408 and several questions 2014-11-30 18:54:39 UTC Gerry Gilmore Solved
Answered 257408 installation issue on Ubuntu 2014-11-13 08:43:06 UTC Vladimir Answered
Answered 256294 voip(asterisk) integration 2014-10-28 12:40:00 UTC Vladimir Answered
Solved 254072 Predictive Dialing in queXS? 2014-09-04 17:10:15 UTC James Olmos Solved
Answered 249880 VOIP provider instead of Astersk/freePBX server 2014-06-06 17:46:27 UTC Alex Answered
Answered 249510 Can I integrate quexs with mypbx u500 system 2014-05-30 04:12:03 UTC Peter Chaw Answered
Answered 248624 Getting this error after installation of queXS in Ubuntu 2014-05-13 13:31:22 UTC Gatogo Answered
Answered 247051 Version of LimeSurvey 2014-04-15 19:26:08 UTC David Chen Answered
Answered 243274 Using queXS with other survey system then LimeSurvey 2014-02-04 16:13:26 UTC Catalin Patrascu Answered
Solved 239556 Sample Time Zone 2013-11-20 21:40:42 UTC Rob Brill Solved
Answered 237579 Minimum time value to set outcome type "no answer" 2013-10-18 19:53:53 UTC Alvaro Menendez Answered
Solved 234898 setting up server authentication 2013-08-30 11:33:42 UTC Siddiq Solved
Solved 233680 Deleting Availability Groups using the GUI? 2013-08-07 18:18:55 UTC Chris Sinnard Solved
Answered 233679 Deleting Samples from the GUI? 2013-08-07 18:16:22 UTC Chris Sinnard Answered
148 of 48 results

Answer contacts for queXS