Answered questions for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 816416 Forward Jet \eta Distribution Issue in Axion Process Simulation 2024-06-18 15:21:03 UTC ouseph cj Answered
Answered 816413 Decay processes cannot be perturbed 2024-06-17 16:37:01 UTC Zahra Answered
Solved 816410 Using MadSpin in Gridpack creation 2024-06-17 13:17:42 UTC Zachary Marshall Solved
Solved 816402 non QCD emission of Gluon 2024-06-15 19:31:50 UTC Taegyu Lee Solved
Answered 816397 Cannot calculate width of zprime with lhapdf6 2024-06-14 11:25:49 UTC Tomas Atehortua Answered
Solved 816310 qurak and anti-quark treatment at LHE level 2024-06-11 14:47:04 UTC Lata Panwar Solved
Answered 816308 displaced vertex analysis 2024-06-11 14:45:17 UTC 王世钰 Answered
Answered 816212 Compilation error when running pp > h j > l+ l- l+ l- 2024-06-10 18:43:44 UTC Carolina Rossi Answered
Solved 816211 lhapdf6 installation problem 2024-06-10 14:20:07 UTC Sahabub Jahedi Solved
Answered 816206 Issue while showering NLO event using Pythia8 2024-06-10 01:58:47 UTC Rashmi Answered
Answered 816185 Changing a cross section 2024-06-06 16:17:56 UTC Nitish Polishetty Answered
Answered 816180 Trouble generating certain processes 2024-06-06 04:11:34 UTC Nitish Polishetty Answered
Answered 816178 Problem with reweight=ON option in MadGraph 2024-06-05 19:25:36 UTC Prachi Answered
Answered 816177 Loop induced process 2024-06-05 19:09:20 UTC laura duarte Answered
Solved 816173 mg5amc_py8_interface 2024-06-05 11:25:59 UTC John Smith Solved
Answered 816155 SMEFTsim linear contribution to cross section disappears for imaginary parts of couplings 2024-06-03 10:50:57 UTC barthoux maxime Answered
Answered 816136 Reweight with change process 2024-05-31 14:50:30 UTC Jon Wilson Answered
Solved 816134 regarding QCD corrections in SMEFT file 2024-05-31 12:00:34 UTC Disha Bhatia Solved
Solved 816130 Madgraph running with default setting 2024-05-30 23:59:13 UTC Jayita Solved
Solved 816125 Problem running ttbbbb decaying hadronically 2024-05-30 17:56:47 UTC Gabriel Vian Solved
Solved 816114 Lead-Lead non-UPC in MG5 2024-05-29 12:36:20 UTC Zahra Moghaddam Solved
Answered 816100 Definition of a cut in the medgraph 2024-05-27 11:06:21 UTC Shirin Answered
Answered 816096 Problem generating more than 10 K events 2024-05-26 22:05:32 UTC Gabriel Vian Answered
Answered 816093 No hepmc file from magdraph 2024-05-26 17:53:16 UTC Ken Gabriel Azurin Answered
Solved 816086 Dileptonic ttbar decay (NLO) launch auto error 2024-05-25 14:13:30 UTC Aminul Hossain Solved
Solved 816063 Exception : program /home/allohn/Madgraph_v3.5.4/non_zero_test/SubProcesses/P0_ccx_ccx/ajob1 1 born 0 0 launch ends with non zero status: 127. Stop all computation. Problem exists for generated processes with [QCD] 2024-05-24 12:09:36 UTC Allencris John Rubesh Rajan Solved
Solved 816058 Reweight initial/final states cannot be found 2024-05-24 02:29:37 UTC Tae Kim Solved
Solved 816055 Delphes Error: invalid vertex format 2024-05-23 20:00:06 UTC Prachi Solved
Solved 816014 MadGraph Not Producing the Required Number of Events 2024-05-22 12:42:25 UTC Umar Sohail Qureshi Solved
Answered 816013 Integration channel issue while generating e- e+ > 4j [QCD] 2024-05-22 11:30:17 UTC Swapan Kumar Majhi marco zaro Answered
Solved 816005 Equal numbers of events from each subprocess 2024-05-21 13:31:33 UTC Jon Wilson Solved
Answered 815995 No MadAnalysis5 version number could be read 2024-05-21 05:43:32 UTC saad ullah Answered
Solved 815993 "OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files" -- in a scan 2024-05-21 01:16:14 UTC Arnab Roy Solved
Answered 815821 Choosing ROOT installation for Delphes use 2024-05-19 15:59:25 UTC Nitish Polishetty Answered
Solved 815803 Generating WW>Z via EVA approximation 2024-05-17 16:17:56 UTC Hannes Jung Solved
Solved 815801 higgs anomalous coupling to photon and b quarks 2024-05-17 14:38:50 UTC Rodrigo Capucha Solved
Solved 815799 SM di-Higgs production and bbgammagamma decay 2024-05-17 10:34:23 UTC Bastien Voirin Solved
Answered 815017 About ISR 2024-05-16 06:10:05 UTC wanghan Answered
Solved 814791 How can I add particles and lagrangians? 2024-05-15 14:20:06 UTC Yaroslav Basov Solved
Solved 814790 How can I plot distribution diagrams? 2024-05-15 14:07:55 UTC Yaroslav Basov Solved
Answered 814788 SMEFTsim restricting orders and decay chain 2024-05-15 12:02:16 UTC barthoux maxime Answered
Solved 814533 Top width set to auto error for dileptonic ttbar decay at NLO 2024-05-14 11:51:27 UTC Aminul Hossain Solved
Solved 814364 SystematicsError : Systematics not supported for pdlabel=none 2024-05-14 09:01:19 UTC wanghan Solved
Answered 814162 Calculating cross section on condor 2024-05-13 15:44:42 UTC Iram Haque Answered
Solved 814015 MadGraph gets stuck generating p p > b b~ b b~ [QCD] 2024-05-12 10:24:53 UTC Nihad Hidić Rikkert Frederix Solved
Solved 813795 Interruption when generating gg>zz>l-l+l-l+[noborn=QCD]/h. 2024-05-11 18:00:34 UTC Mingxuan Zhang Solved
Answered 813648 How do I impose my own cuts in MadEvent ? 2024-05-11 13:36:28 UTC Zeynab Answered
Answered 812894 Longitudinally polarised vector bosons 2024-05-10 13:45:14 UTC Tisa Biswas Answered
Answered 812822 Issue with cross section computation for a SUSY process 2024-05-08 12:35:11 UTC HH Answered
Solved 812659 The ww>h process in muon collider is ending up with an error 2024-05-07 17:44:35 UTC Navneeth C Solved
Solved 812656 Decay particles when specifying squared orders constraints is not allowed 2024-05-07 15:57:36 UTC Shudong Wang Solved
Answered 812477 Error detected in "generate_events run_01" 2024-05-07 07:49:51 UTC Shaoqiu Chen Answered
Answered 812460 generating events at the muon collider 2024-05-06 05:46:25 UTC Arvind Answered
Answered 812456 ISR 2024-05-05 10:52:30 UTC xc Answered
Answered 812425 could not convert string to float: b' cannot extract last t-channel invariant 2024-05-02 21:44:00 UTC Kamran Ahmad Answered
Answered 812393 Problems with madgraphs disk usage and file count 2024-05-01 14:43:26 UTC Jona Ackerschott Answered
Solved 811536 Dileptonic ttbar decay at NLO using Madspin 2024-04-30 14:24:07 UTC Aminul Hossain Solved
Answered 811483 Some few events with high event weights 2024-04-30 12:24:59 UTC Cedric Breuning Answered
Answered 809350 FileNotFoundError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: partials0.lhe 2024-04-29 03:14:56 UTC 王世钰 Answered
Answered 809349 Error detected in "generate_events run_01" 2024-04-28 18:28:19 UTC Maya Munoz Answered
Answered 809342 radiative return production process 2024-04-28 08:40:08 UTC xc Answered
Answered 809334 Meaning of Delphes "Track" output 2024-04-27 16:55:17 UTC Gabriel Vian Answered
Solved 809325 PYTHIA8 shower settings 2024-04-27 11:34:16 UTC jannisgebbo davide.pagani.85 Solved
Answered 809300 CT18NNLO with MadGraph5 2024-04-26 16:44:03 UTC laura duarte Answered
Solved 809297 matching and merging at the muon collider 2024-04-26 06:02:49 UTC Arvind Solved
Answered 809295 Mac Sonoma 14.4.1 can not generate events 2024-04-25 21:11:38 UTC Miguel Angel Soto Alcaraz Answered
Solved 809291 how to run a standalone event production including showering, and hadronisation 2024-04-25 13:22:44 UTC pietro govoni Solved
Solved 809286 Pyhtia8 interface installation: "could not retrieve Pythia8 version" 2024-04-24 10:47:49 UTC Jaime Fernandez Solved
Answered 809284 Different decay of the same particle 2024-04-24 08:57:12 UTC 1911226481 Answered
Solved 809278 Negative weights for Wjj in SM at LO 2024-04-23 10:09:31 UTC matteo maltoni Solved
Answered 809276 gfortran 10 compilation 2024-04-23 02:59:30 UTC yancywww123 Answered
Solved 809272 zz>4l madspin: factor 2 from declaration of same decay for same two particles 2024-04-22 16:43:28 UTC Oleksii Kurdysh Solved
Answered 809271 Error during event generation in macOS 2024-04-22 15:23:05 UTC Sebastian Urrutia-Quiroga Answered
Solved 809269 madgraph crashes when combining runs 2024-04-22 12:50:53 UTC Jona Ackerschott Solved
Solved 809254 Command "generate_events run_04" interrupted with error: 2024-04-20 10:12:29 UTC Raghad Badawi Solved
175 of 5891 results

Answer contacts for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO