No hepmc file from magdraph

Asked by Ken Gabriel Azurin

I am not getting a hepmc file whenever i generate and launch a process. Why is this so? I plan on using the hepmc file for a rivet analysis.

here are the files in the run directory:


inside the tag_1_MA5_analysis1.log:
* W E L C O M E to M A D A N A L Y S I S 5 *
* *
* MA5 release : 1.9.60 2023-11-14 *
* *
* Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 222-256 *
* Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014) 3103 *
Executing the commands from the script
ma5>import /home/kmazurin/software/MG5_aMC_v3_5_2/bin/ttbar/bin/internal/ufomodel
UFO model folder is detected
Import all particles defined in the model ...
43 particles have been successfully exported.
Adding 'gha' 'gha~' 've' 've~' 'vm' 'vm~' 'vt' 'vt~' to 'invisible' multiparticle
ma5>import /home/kmazurin/software/MG5_aMC_v3_5_2/bin/ttbar/Events/run_05/unweighted_events.lhe.gz as run_05
   -> Storing the file 'unweighted_events.lhe.gz' in the dataset 'run_05'.
ma5>define vl = 12 14 16
ma5>define vl~ = -16 -14 -12
ma5>define invisible = vm~ ve~ ve vt vt~ vm vl vl~
ma5>set main.graphic_render = matplotlib
ma5>plot THT 40 0 500 [logY]
ma5>plot MET 40 0 500 [logY]
ma5>plot SQRTS 40 0 500 [logY]
ma5>plot PT(t[1]) 40 0 500 [logY]
ma5>plot ETA(t[1]) 40 -10 10 [logY]
ma5>plot PT(t~[1]) 40 0 500 [logY]
ma5>plot ETA(t~[1]) 40 -10 10 [logY]
ma5>plot M(t[1] t~[1]) 40 0 500 [logY ]
ma5>plot DELTAR(t[1],t~[1]) 40 0 10 [logY ]
ma5>submit /home/kmazurin/software/MG5_aMC_v3_5_2/bin/ttbar/MA5_PARTON_ANALYSIS_analysis1
   Creating folder 'MA5_PARTON_ANALYSIS_analysis1'...
   Copying 'SampleAnalyzer' source files...
   Inserting your selection into 'SampleAnalyzer'...
   Writing the list of datasets...
   Writing the command line history...
   Creating Makefiles...
   Compiling 'SampleAnalyzer'...
   Linking 'SampleAnalyzer'...
   Running 'SampleAnalyzer' over dataset 'run_05'...
    * SampleAnalyzer for MadAnalysis 5 - Welcome.
    * Initializing all components
    - version: 1.10.9 (2023/02/07) [ python interface version: 1.9.60 (2023-11-14) ]
    - general: everything is default.
    - extracting the list of event samples...
    - analyzer 'MadAnalysis5job'
    * Running over files ...
    * 1/1 /home/kmazurin/software/MG5_aMC_v3_5_2/bin/ttbar/Events/run_05/unweighted_events.lhe.gz
    => file size: 10.30 Mo
    => sample format: LHE file produced by MadGraph5.
    => total number of events: 10000 ( analyzed: 10000 ; skipped: 0 )
    * Finalizing all components ...
    * Total number of processed events: 10000.
    * Goodbye.
   Checking SampleAnalyzer output...
   Extracting data from the output files...
   Preparing data for the reports ...
   Generating all plots ...
   Generating the HMTL report ...
     -> To open this HTML report, please type 'open'.
   Generating the PDF report ...
     -> To open this PDF report, please type 'open ttbar/MA5_PARTON_ANALYSIS_analysis1/Output/PDF/MadAnalysis5job_0'.
   Generating the DVI report ...
   Well done! Elapsed time = 18.43 seconds

I'm not well-versed in madgraph and pythia, so searching the reason why this happens has been a bit difficult. Hopefully someone can break it down a bit for me. Thank you so much.

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English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


If you want to run rivet, you need to use rivet and not madanalysis5.
Note that rivet is not designed to run on parton-level but at hadronic level.
Parton-level are in lhef format, while hadronic level is in hepmc format.

So here you have two possibilities:
1) run a parton-shower and hadronization model on the parton-level events (via for example pythia8)
2) use a "converter" from lhef format to hepmc format (knowing that most rivet analysis are not going to work on a file coming from such conversion since the physics content is not the same)



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