No MadAnalysis5 version number could be read

Asked by saad ullah

hi i have generated the event p p > t z on madgraph version 3.5.4 and after launch all 5 pythia8,Delphes,madanalysis,madspin and madweight working perfect but i have one issue that is
"No MadAnalysis5 version number could be read from the path supplied '/home/saadullah/MG5_aMC_v3.5.4/MG5_aMC_v3_5_4/HEPTools/MadAnalysis5_v1.9.60/madanalysis5'.
The specified version of MadAnalysis5 will not be active in your session."
 i have corrected the path accordingly but error continues . I request you to help me to resolve this issue

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Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

So normally the version number is read from the file

Now your path is "weird" since it seems that you are installing using MG5aMC install facility but the path is not consistent with that (you should not get the "MadAnalysis5_v1.9.60").

So I'm a bit puzzled by the way you did your installation (and why you installed that version and not v1.10.9)



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