Answered questions for SikuliX

SikuliX has unanswered questions in the following languages: 1 in English (Canada). Can you help?

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 151758 Cant get native src files for sikuli ide script 2011-04-05 15:49:23 UTC Alex Kut Answered
Solved 151747 Global Region 2011-04-05 14:07:44 UTC Linus Holmeros Solved
Solved 151742 Clicking not working on Quality Center 2011-04-05 12:56:42 UTC Yves Valgaeren Solved
Solved 151734 CTRL + TAB, Tab navigation 2011-04-05 11:32:20 UTC Pablo Frank Solved
Solved 151656 Way to scroll the target offset screen 2011-04-04 17:49:53 UTC someotherperson432423423 Solved
Answered 151531 How to avoid start up latency with executable .skl --- not possible 2011-04-03 17:01:33 UTC Looffy Chen Answered
Answered 151397 Mac: Want to use sikuli-script.jar in Java using Eclipse: Unable to find library META-INF/lib/libVisionProxy.dylib on classpath 2011-04-02 13:16:36 UTC Amit Answered
Solved 151719 [Java] Mac: Eclipse: Java Heap Error --- adjustments in build.xml needed 2011-04-02 05:57:44 UTC Jeremiah Jacquet Solved
Answered 151368 What does this runtime error? FindFailed --- image not found on screen 2011-04-02 05:15:09 UTC joao Answered
Solved 151367 Did "Export as executable" and cannot edit the script anymore --- save as .sikuli first 2011-04-02 05:05:03 UTC joao Solved
Solved 151359 Java: How to use assertion in program 2011-04-02 01:20:01 UTC liuhailin Solved
Answered 151324 How to write Sikuli messages to a logfile 2011-04-01 15:52:13 UTC Linus Holmeros Answered
Solved 151278 Try to use Sikuli features in Python script using Python interpreter --- not possible --- use Jython 2011-04-01 09:13:35 UTC Philippe Dejean Solved
Solved 151274 [Java] How to change attribute values in the Settings class --- seems setter methods are missing 2011-04-01 08:37:35 UTC manu Solved
Solved 151213 [Java] save captured screen or image on hard disk 2011-03-31 19:17:06 UTC vishal bhat Solved
Answered 151212 Running Sikuli Executable on a machine that doesn't have sukuli installed 2011-03-31 19:14:27 UTC John Babin Answered
Answered 151199 what text editor/ide work-flow do you use? 2011-03-31 17:35:16 UTC eliteSKL Answered
Solved 151185 How to save the images in the script folder , if they are not referenced by direct names in the script 2011-03-31 14:22:44 UTC Anshu Solved
Answered 151181 how to call this recorded script from java 2011-03-31 13:10:02 UTC Madhu chandra Answered
Solved 151161 Why no error mesages? 2011-03-31 07:57:07 UTC Linus Holmeros Solved
Solved 151110 importing .sikuli scripts won't import images --- use sys.path correctly 2011-03-30 21:22:29 UTC Paul Bellamy Solved
Solved 151102 compare saved images against browser 2011-03-30 20:40:03 UTC vishal bhat Solved
Answered 151084 type(Shift + Down Arrow) does not work as expected 2011-03-30 17:34:53 UTC maxpundi Answered
Solved 151077 nearby example for windows 7 2011-03-30 16:54:17 UTC Rudiger Wolf Solved
Solved 151044 unable to edit the .py file 2011-03-30 13:21:22 UTC sikuliproject Solved
Solved 151013 There is no "get" action to get value of control 2011-03-30 09:40:32 UTC Hong Anh Solved
Solved 151008 Could Sikuli import 2011-03-30 09:02:16 UTC Julio Solved
Solved 150961 Arrow key 2011-03-29 21:39:17 UTC Adam Tate Solved
Solved 150915 Sikuli X cannot identify colours correctly 2011-03-29 15:59:49 UTC Shane Kalpage Solved
Answered 150882 Determine if data is entered in fields 2011-03-29 10:33:56 UTC Kelli Gudz Answered
Solved 150862 Wake up from sleep or hibernate 2011-03-29 07:17:14 UTC SleepBug Solved
Solved 150836 Getting a sub region from a region. 2011-03-28 23:25:32 UTC Shienarier Solved
Answered 150770 Using random.choice with pictures 2011-03-28 13:48:55 UTC Romain Claret Answered
Answered 150735 Sikuli popup 2011-03-28 06:54:36 UTC Kunal Answered
Answered 150551 Which makes faster scans, increasing or decreasing similarity 2011-03-26 14:55:14 UTC Raymond Answered
Solved 150481 can't run Goodbye Trash tutorial on Mac 2011-03-25 20:46:10 UTC Alex Prengel Solved
Answered 150476 Testing if something was clicked? (clickable) 2011-03-25 19:14:27 UTC Zachary R Answered
Answered 150386 Will there be a smaller jar file with JavaDoc for Java? 2011-03-25 09:42:04 UTC xxx Answered
Solved 150302 Not possible to type() chinese letters - try paste() with unicode strings u"..." 2011-03-24 15:25:45 UTC quan4wen Solved
Answered 150269 How is OpenCV used in Sikuli to support the find operation 2011-03-24 06:36:05 UTC swethaa Answered
Answered 150217 getBundlePath returns None when running unit tests from the command line 2011-03-23 21:38:37 UTC Matthew Balvanz Answered
Solved 150145 Python module subprocess: IndexError: index out of range: 0 2011-03-23 11:40:00 UTC Matthew Israelsohn Solved
Answered 150110 How to connect Oracle database? 2011-03-23 03:13:23 UTC Ricardo Cardona Ramirez Answered
Answered 150005 Vbscript to run sikuli 2011-03-22 09:39:14 UTC Kunal Answered
Answered 149990 Accuracy of image recognizers and actions sikuli. 2011-03-22 05:23:56 UTC born Answered
Answered 149866 Import python modules in Sikuli jar 2011-03-21 06:30:00 UTC Kunal Answered
Solved 149852 How To Loop A File/Replay A File Once Finished 2011-03-21 03:44:19 UTC john Solved
Answered 149794 Sikuli Accurately Locates Positions in Target App Using Images, But Target Application does not receive Mouse, Text, or Paste Input from Script 2011-03-20 16:43:57 UTC James Mazzanti Answered
Answered 149760 How to use the Eject Key [MAC] 2011-03-20 07:19:08 UTC Alan Answered
Answered 149688 Multiple visual events --- Use observe() or exists()? 2011-03-19 11:52:53 UTC paul Answered
Answered 149687 How to access MySQL database? 2011-03-19 11:47:54 UTC Raymond Answered
Answered 149628 How to wait for visual object to come up and be sure it is the right one? 2011-03-18 19:33:36 UTC dill pole Answered
Answered 149502 IDE: Preview: Possible to set the screen to search pictures? 2011-03-17 21:47:52 UTC someotherperson432423423 Answered
Solved 149459 Browser Authentication Window and DEDENT error 2011-03-17 16:02:47 UTC Rudiger Wolf Solved
Solved 149411 Import sikuli from unit test 2011-03-17 09:36:33 UTC Elisabeth Svensson Solved
Solved 149401 Python datetime instruction issue 2011-03-17 07:39:34 UTC Kunal Solved
Answered 149392 How to pass in parameters to a sikuli script? 2011-03-17 05:58:33 UTC milin agrawal Answered
Solved 149156 OCR - Text extraction from image failed 2011-03-15 11:32:11 UTC praveen Solved
Solved 149054 X-1.0rc2: Ubuntu: Scripts don't work 2011-03-14 16:43:25 UTC 982c80311320c1b Solved
Solved 148706 [request] search png with transparent areas, ignoring those areas 2011-03-11 14:54:39 UTC Manuel Lilienberg Solved
Solved 148663 Sikuli IDE Disappears When Capture is Invoked 2011-03-11 05:42:40 UTC J. Mailshredder Solved
Solved 148656 Bundle Sikuli script with a Mac Cocoa application. 2011-03-11 03:52:24 UTC Smythe Winsington Solved
Solved 148652 change the captured file name --- use shutil.move() 2011-03-11 02:59:32 UTC Tim Wong Solved
Answered 148534 how to access Serial port for writing and reading data in sikuli?? 2011-03-10 06:04:47 UTC Umesh Raj Answered
Answered 148531 Created a fully automated gui script bot 2011-03-10 05:00:43 UTC Raymond Answered
Solved 148465 Widening a Column using dragDrop() 2011-03-09 18:05:51 UTC sandra hulme Solved
Solved 148439 exists() finds patterns that are not there 2011-03-09 14:15:59 UTC Elisabeth Svensson Solved
Solved 148363 a function to find with lower similarity (code snippet) 2011-03-08 21:14:34 UTC eliteSKL Solved
Answered 148328 How do I copy text? --- just simulate copy&paste using type() 2011-03-08 17:05:41 UTC Raymond Answered
Answered 148254 Getting path of .sikuli script running 2011-03-08 01:45:54 UTC Raymond Answered
Answered 148137 How to activate at a specific time every week?day 2011-03-07 09:21:15 UTC T Answered
Answered 148128 how to copy 2011-03-07 07:33:02 UTC milin agrawal Answered
Answered 147840 X-1.0rc2: Env.isLockOn not supported --- a bug 2011-03-04 21:21:00 UTC Edgar Park Answered
Solved 147916 setROI updates the constant variable SCREEN 2011-03-04 18:56:43 UTC Will P Solved
Answered 147764 if not found image skip to --- use exists() instead of find() 2011-03-04 10:02:12 UTC T Answered
72017275 of 7913 results

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