Questions for Jason Kairl

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 215776 how do i upgrade from karmic koala to next 2012-12-02 02:58:45 UTC jeffkihneman gnome-terminal in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 205029 Password reset 2012-08-04 23:05:20 UTC gabrielle beaupre shadow in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 188005 Having problem with package manager 2012-02-17 06:48:08 UTC samir xalxo apt in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 184453 Downloading ubuntu 2012-01-12 06:20:02 UTC Anil ubiquity in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 184444 What are the minimum system requirement for ubuntu11.10? 2012-01-12 03:08:28 UTC Indika Udayanga Thawalama Gamage ubiquity in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 180775 wireless n 2011-12-02 23:31:24 UTC Jeff.nitt gnome-nettool in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 180439 How can I type words into a circle? 2011-11-29 22:14:27 UTC brenda in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 179957 program wants "group" access 2011-11-25 05:15:36 UTC Natan Seeley virtualbox-ose in Ubuntu Solved
18 of 8 results