Answered questions for SikuliX

SikuliX has unanswered questions in the following languages: 1 in English (Canada). Can you help?

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Solved 698298 App.close error 2021-08-09 09:43:34 UTC Jeff_Vallis Solved
Solved 698272 Loop is not working (while, if) 2021-08-06 19:14:25 UTC Ricardo Luzini Solved
Solved 698268 [2.0.5] OCR: does not work with a username containing non-ASCII 2021-08-06 14:18:04 UTC Máté Bálint Solved
Solved 698265 Power Automate and SikuliX 2021-08-06 10:15:41 UTC Oberos Solved
Answered 698239 Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~ 2021-08-04 14:36:02 UTC Tony May Answered
Solved 698196 Windows 10 versions N and KN: opencv_java430.dll library error having MSVC++ Redistributables installed --- Media Feature Pack missing 2021-07-30 02:18:00 UTC Tom Hinds Solved
Answered 698171 Issue setting up Sikuli Eclipse 2021-07-27 20:24:52 UTC Ali Ahmed Answered
Solved 698136 Two `def` functions, doesn't work, only bottom one works, why 2021-07-24 13:48:45 UTC bhavanitech Solved
Answered 698118 my script reacts too slow when detecting the image, how to improve it? 2021-07-22 20:43:04 UTC tony Answered
Answered 698112 Windows 10: imports no longer working after moving to newest version (run from comand line, sys.path not containing location of common modules) 2021-07-22 15:41:57 UTC Richard Chubb Answered
Solved 698097 Error when opening projects in Sikuli (2.0.5) 2021-07-21 21:43:51 UTC Ricardo Luzini Solved
Answered 698074 Linux/CentOS: TigerVNC Server: Dialogs are all black on 'Take Screenshot' 2021-07-21 10:54:27 UTC Mat Answered
Answered 698070 Basic use for multiple platforms/browsers 2021-07-21 07:17:05 UTC Roger F Borrello Jr Answered
Answered 698063 ImagePath.getBundlePath() returns null 2021-07-20 17:19:58 UTC johnny doe Answered
Solved 698028 capture image without saving to disk 2021-07-17 10:12:52 UTC Jaroslav Novotny Solved
Answered 698000 [2.0.5] Java program: Unable to bring window forward on Windows 10 2021-07-16 13:59:13 UTC Jeff Harmon Answered
Solved 697996 Screen goes "black" in virtual machine 2021-07-16 12:28:47 UTC Patrick Geovani Francisconi Zerbinatti Solved
Answered 697968 Unable to import module Requests on Sikulix IDE 2.0.5 2021-07-13 18:19:54 UTC Guillermo Answered
Solved 697957 getpass echos password 2021-07-12 21:40:00 UTC Roger F Borrello Jr Solved
Answered 697946 [2.0.5] Sikulix.prefStore/Sikulix.prefLoad broken --- New 2.0 key/value pair storage --- fixed in 2.0.6 2021-07-12 01:40:16 UTC johnny doe Answered
Solved 697943 Stuck in Sikulix-IDE 2.0.5 is starting on Java 8 2021-07-11 13:26:59 UTC Parsawit Deshwattanatham Solved
Answered 697937 image not found during 2nd run 2021-07-10 20:20:22 UTC Daniel de Winter Answered
Solved 697931 Matching preview stuck on loading 2021-07-10 01:30:34 UTC Brendan Sapp Solved
Answered 697920 Tic Tac Toe game with robot 2021-07-09 10:37:40 UTC Michele Answered
Answered 697921 [error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L[841,559]@S(0) - but is not! 2021-07-09 09:46:06 UTC reda benslal Answered
Solved 697865 Issue with PSC in trying to build SikuliX1-2.0.5-final 2021-07-05 22:48:09 UTC Roger F Borrello Jr Solved
Solved 697864 Running IDE sikulixide-2.0.5.jar hangs 2021-07-05 22:40:11 UTC Roger F Borrello Jr Solved
Solved 697835 Left click on the current location of the mouse 2021-07-04 08:20:19 UTC charliedaps Solved
Answered 697795 Using keyDown and keyUp for regular keys? 2021-06-30 19:21:43 UTC Murmandamus Answered
Solved 697788 DOWN + SHIFT don't work in excel 2021-06-30 14:38:02 UTC charliedaps Solved
Answered 697786 Check the color of a text in a image 2021-06-30 13:59:02 UTC charliedaps Answered
Answered 697768 oberserveInBackground question 2021-06-29 07:47:19 UTC Ben Dix Answered
Answered 697757 IDE crashes when I run OCR 2021-06-28 16:46:45 UTC Waikit Lau Answered
Solved 697737 Copy Pattern Object 2021-06-26 09:03:20 UTC Jeff_Vallis Solved
Solved 697732 macOS M1: how to use a custom build of OpenCV 2021-06-25 14:46:29 UTC Jeff Harmon Solved
Solved 697681 select all text and copy to clipboard 2021-06-24 08:58:46 UTC Ben Dix Solved
Answered 697670 Chrome OS : nothing happens at start 2021-06-23 13:56:57 UTC Gilles Portier Answered
Solved 697643 Tesseract library problems 2021-06-21 17:52:09 UTC Roger F Borrello Jr Solved
Solved 697621 Need to check how to use sikuli with Selenium in Docker 2021-06-19 13:50:52 UTC Milind Warade Solved
Solved 697558 SikuliX API - headless error on macOS Big Sur (system M1) 2021-06-16 01:09:31 UTC Jeff Harmon Solved
Solved 697555 Connecting to a DB in Sikuli- is there a widely used method for Sikuli 2.0.5? 2021-06-15 19:58:08 UTC mpayne Solved
Solved 697493 Why is forum silent?-raiman??? 2021-06-11 06:00:43 UTC Chetan Solved
Answered 697378 Output of Sikulix IDE on console 2021-06-03 19:50:45 UTC Guillermo Answered
Solved 697339 Sikuli 2.0.5 - runScript('powershell get-process') return error 2021-06-01 09:17:53 UTC TestMechanic Solved
Solved 697312 Sikuli : String in Location 2021-05-30 06:11:55 UTC charliedaps Solved
Answered 697271 Release file created with the setLogFile() function 2021-05-27 07:05:26 UTC CDT Answered
Solved 697263 random function definition error 2021-05-26 17:26:54 UTC martin matias garcia Solved
Solved 697208 I need to show a permanent "log" windows on top 2021-05-23 18:04:09 UTC juan Solved
Answered 697175 passing string to shell using runscript 2021-05-21 07:24:55 UTC Ben Dix Answered
Solved 697147 Error connecting SikuliX 2.0.5 to sqlserver using zxJDBC 2021-05-19 17:38:24 UTC Kyle Winmill Solved
Answered 697135 Sikulix On Raspberry Pi ubuntu 21.04 2021-05-18 21:38:33 UTC Dhugald Spry Answered
Solved 697117 store captured image as variable into a py file 2021-05-18 08:13:26 UTC Ben Dix Solved
Answered 697041 Run error - [error] AttributeError ( 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getX' ) 2021-05-13 07:55:25 UTC Dev S Answered
Solved 697018 The same test passed on one machine but failed another’s 2021-05-12 02:48:59 UTC Javahir Solved
Solved 696946 Right click + Shift 2021-05-06 11:36:16 UTC DH Solved
Answered 696931 Capture a popup click image 2021-05-05 18:22:53 UTC Robert Answered
Answered 696901 When I run SikuliX IDE SikuliX starts but gets stuck with this pop up on screen: "SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is starting on Java 11". 2021-05-04 00:17:22 UTC Javahir Answered
Answered 696891 Sikuli not Running on MAcOS Catalina 10.15.3 2021-05-03 13:37:45 UTC Vitor Faeda Dalto Answered
Solved 696816 Scroll until 2021-04-29 14:32:28 UTC DH Solved
Solved 696762 Robot Framework Sikuli library is not working on Windows Server 2008 R2 2021-04-26 12:24:27 UTC nagaraju Solved
Solved 696693 I am hitting sporadic problems with findText in v2.0.5 2021-04-22 13:16:08 UTC TestMechanic Solved
Answered 696667 Minimal VM 2021-04-21 10:54:45 UTC john novak Answered
Solved 696579 override method sleep 2021-04-15 08:27:55 UTC Chetan Solved
Answered 696545 Resolution issue in sikuli - case developed in resolution (1366*768 - recommended laptop) is not working in 1920*1080 - recommended laptop when changed to 1366*768) 2021-04-13 10:44:40 UTC Sushanth Answered
Answered 696330 [1.1.2] jpype: KDE 4 Desktop: python(pytest): GUI freezes 2021-03-31 12:58:55 UTC Karol Answered
Answered 696257 [2.0.5] macOS: IDE: not really usable with Java 8 since macOS 11.2.3 --- using Java 11 works 2021-03-26 09:26:22 UTC Jeff_Vallis Answered
Answered 696244 [2.0.5] Windows 10: Cant Start Sikulix on a specific machine with 2 monitors (one hiRes) 2021-03-25 13:59:33 UTC Vitor Faeda Dalto Answered
Answered 696217 Run Multiple test and generate results in one test report 2021-03-23 15:37:39 UTC Ali Ahmed Answered
Solved 696216 Issue on getting time seconds in a script 2021-03-23 15:23:30 UTC DamienB Solved
Solved 696174 Emojis, wait, and continue in case of error 2021-03-21 19:15:04 UTC jatin Solved
Solved 696153 Font for select -Combo 2021-03-20 08:09:32 UTC Jeff_Vallis Solved
Solved 696094 [2.0.5] click text in region does not work --- workaround 2021-03-16 18:17:48 UTC TestMechanic Solved
Solved 696076 [2.0.5] IDE: macOS 11: problems with screen capture and mouse actions 2021-03-15 23:42:59 UTC Pedro Pablo Solved
Solved 696053 new to sikuli mac 2.0.5 NameError: name 'click' is not defined 2021-03-14 21:19:18 UTC Helen Solved
Solved 696004 OCR to wait for Text to appear for some seconds simiar to find("image",20) 2021-03-11 17:04:37 UTC Chetan Solved
226300 of 7913 results

Answer contacts for SikuliX