Questions for Wesley

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 38616 I am a newcomer to Kubuntu. My version is 804 (64-bit AMD). My C is Acer with ATi Radeon Express 1100. When I try to play MP3 music on Amarok it says to install manually libxine1-ffmpeg. When I tried to instal by downloading it was giving error. 2008-07-09 01:31:15 UTC ramadasan7 kdebase in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 35390 Prolem with HP f4240 printer. 2008-06-05 23:55:23 UTC Wesley HPLIP Solved
Answered 24521 Using Amarok and it says I need decoders, where do I get them and how do I install them. I'm new. 2008-02-13 04:33:49 UTC Wesley kdebase in Ubuntu Answered
13 of 3 results