Questions for Scarlett Gately Moore

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 709207 Ownership request kde-workspace to Kubuntu Members 2024-02-05 10:30:28 UTC Scarlett Gately Moore Launchpad itself Answered
Needs information 406522 Icons missing in Plasma/KDE after upgrade 2016-12-05 21:16:28 UTC dubis kubuntu-meta in Ubuntu Needs information
Needs information 237545 kubuntu 13.10 keyboard don't work in de, after login... 2013-10-18 11:49:31 UTC marcobra (Marco Braida) kubuntu-meta in Ubuntu Needs information
Needs information 180414 Kubuntu 11.10 keyboard shortcuts fail 2011-11-29 17:44:18 UTC Antonio Sánchez kubuntu-meta in Ubuntu Needs information
14 of 4 results