Questions for Juergen Reuter

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 816107 Size of cross section with restrictions vs. factorized 2024-05-27 17:12:00 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 816001 How to gen "real" single-W? 2024-05-21 10:21:04 UTC Leonhard Reichenbach WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 814182 [Spam report] please remove spamming user Satendra Nath 2024-05-14 05:24:22 UTC Juergen Reuter Launchpad itself Solved
Solved 809181 How to set ISR photon energy 2024-04-11 20:59:15 UTC Jing-Hang Fu WHIZARD Krzysztof Mekala Solved
Solved 809138 error in compilation of whizard 2024-04-09 15:35:03 UTC Roy Lemmon WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Answered 709607 Spam report 2024-03-19 14:39:48 UTC Juergen Reuter Launchpad itself Answered
Solved 709593 isr_q_max 2024-03-16 08:49:15 UTC Zhang, YJ WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 709538 cross section for lepton collider 2024-03-12 08:20:28 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Open 709339 circe2 for FCC-ee 2024-02-20 13:07:20 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Thorsten Ohl Open
Solved 709215 ISR simulations in WHIZARD 2024-02-06 12:22:16 UTC Suchita WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 709018 Pythia 6 aborts after a number of events 2024-01-17 07:59:56 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 709003 Decay Higgs to tau using whizard and pythia 8 2024-01-16 10:07:48 UTC Goran Kacarevic WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708991 Problem of convergence and cross section value for Bhabha scattering 2024-01-15 10:20:12 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708971 How to generate decay chains with non-fixed unstable particle masses 2024-01-12 14:01:47 UTC Xunwu Zuo WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708949 mu+ mu- -> gamma v vbar 2024-01-10 11:37:57 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Krzysztof Mekala Solved
Solved 708564 Scripting LHE files in WHIZARD 2023-11-28 19:09:45 UTC Shafakat Arifeen WHIZARD Aleksander Filip Zarnecki Solved
Solved 708541 Beam data: polarization fraction array has wrong dimension 2023-11-26 09:41:57 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708455 Conflict between factorized decay and beam setup 2023-11-15 17:11:38 UTC Xunwu Zuo WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708346 Error during make check 2023-11-01 19:55:50 UTC MohammadMohammadidoust WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708332 selection cuts 2023-10-31 14:51:47 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 708113 UFO problem with model loop_qcd_qed_sm 2023-10-05 08:29:19 UTC Swapan Kumar Majhi WHIZARD Thorsten Ohl Solved
Solved 708077 UFO Error: particle names in UFO models 2023-09-29 13:43:51 UTC user1905 WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 707906 problem loading ufo model 2023-09-12 19:31:51 UTC Shafakat Arifeen WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 707840 error while loading shared libraries 2023-09-05 04:52:03 UTC Silas Hardt WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 707656 whizard installation error 2023-08-16 14:46:53 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Tobias Striegl Solved
Solved 707146 Issue with WHIZARD 3.0.3 2023-06-29 08:50:13 UTC Donatella WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 707045 isr and beamstrahlung in lepton collider 2023-06-20 08:20:48 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706958 Confusion about ISR 2023-06-12 10:54:37 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Krzysztof Mekala Solved
Solved 706922 generate model file with Sarah 2023-06-07 14:01:28 UTC Si Wang WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706815 Error: Symbol ‘me’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type 2023-05-28 08:43:58 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Thorsten Ohl Solved
Solved 706778 Outcoming particles not sorted in energy 2023-05-24 13:30:08 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706749 Details of phase space integration: calls, iterations. passes 2023-05-22 08:39:16 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706746 Vanishing cross section for specific parameter point in BSM model 2023-05-22 01:30:35 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706724 cross section did not converge, accuracy value is very large 2023-05-19 13:13:07 UTC Si Wang WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706714 how to generate beam with transverse momentum 2023-05-18 23:07:48 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706691 info about momentum of incoming particles 2023-05-17 22:45:48 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706665 Issue while generating diagrams 2023-05-16 21:38:03 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706635 how whizard work 2023-05-14 18:30:08 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Krzysztof Mekala Solved
Solved 706468 Gaussian or Breit wigner distribution 2023-05-01 08:46:22 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706412 Syntax for forcing two identical particles to different final states 2023-04-25 18:55:43 UTC Prudhvi Bhattiprolu WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706411 Various errors when generating events with (b) jets in the final state 2023-04-25 18:08:51 UTC Prudhvi Bhattiprolu WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706197 how to uninstall whizard 2023-04-12 14:20:13 UTC Si Wang WHIZARD Krzysztof Mekala Solved
Solved 706070 default cuts 2023-04-04 10:25:23 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 706008 issues with installing whizard with openloops 2023-03-30 09:04:50 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 705947 Information about calculation of the cross setion in Whizard 2023-03-25 10:02:42 UTC Evgeny WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 705902 How to load SM (ufo) model? 2023-03-21 09:00:41 UTC Evgeny WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 705842 view process or display diagrams 2023-03-15 09:05:28 UTC Yehia Abdelaziz WHIZARD Pascal Stienemeier Solved
Solved 705786 rescale weight 2023-03-09 19:18:42 UTC Si Wang WHIZARD Pia Bredt Solved
Solved 705745 info whizard input 2023-03-07 10:27:19 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 705648 Resonant ee->H production 2023-02-28 16:12:03 UTC Louis Portales WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 705110 info about whizard code 2023-02-20 20:20:34 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 705059 how to control integral error goal 2023-02-15 15:38:20 UTC Si Wang WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 704517 info about whizard commands 2023-01-23 18:25:05 UTC Andrea Paolo Puppin WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 703873 Event generation getting stopped for radiative Bhabha process 2022-11-19 11:34:30 UTC Saumyen Kundu WHIZARD Krzysztof Mekala Solved
Solved 703485 A problem when using isr 2022-10-14 16:39:18 UTC Dayun Qiu WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 703471 An error in doing Z-lineshape 2022-10-13 15:39:51 UTC Dayun Qiu WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 703406 What is the method used for automatic decay? 2022-10-07 07:18:31 UTC Dayun Qiu WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 703375 New heavy particle decay width 2022-10-03 14:06:06 UTC Jian Zhang WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 703313 Regarding the unstable function 2022-09-27 15:58:03 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 702818 Unable to find cosolidated cross section file 2022-08-18 11:00:11 UTC manish sharma WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 702772 Placing restrictions 2022-08-15 00:01:51 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 702347 Two errors: make libtool error unrecognised option '-c' and File "command line", line 1: Error: Unbound module Stdlib 2022-06-30 16:28:20 UTC Alexander Schuy WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 702303 Is it possible to switch the weinberg angle? 2022-06-27 08:49:53 UTC Nico Rehberg WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 702043 ISR failed with UFO model 2022-06-02 07:25:54 UTC laetitia WHIZARD Thorsten Ohl Solved
Solved 701850 simulate the processes with mu- mu+ and mu- A initial states 2022-05-18 13:02:07 UTC Zhicheng Liu WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701829 simulate e+e- -> ttbar->wbwb 2022-05-17 11:03:47 UTC laetitia WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701694 Problem to import UFO file 2022-05-06 14:20:38 UTC laetitia WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701571 How to generate Feynman diagrams graphics file with Whizard3 2022-04-27 22:59:17 UTC Graham Wilson WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701563 How to select ISR photons in cuts/expressions 2022-04-27 12:44:35 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701227 Simulating HHnunu, HH -> bbWW, WW->qqqq 2022-04-06 11:44:25 UTC Jason Oliver WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701202 DM pair production in 2HDM extended by a complex scalar singlet 2022-04-04 18:21:19 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 701090 Cross section unaffected with ISR in THDM set in the unitarity gauge 2022-03-27 13:10:42 UTC Sheikh Farah Tabira WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 700842 Error during Whizard configuration 2022-03-07 07:10:43 UTC Ramin Barak WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 700660 Complie model with error: Unbound module Omega.Make 2022-02-17 23:17:27 UTC Ji-Chong Yang WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
Solved 700465 Tuning Pythia8 2022-02-01 08:56:19 UTC Zhijie Zhao WHIZARD Juergen Reuter Solved
175 of 125 results