Questions for Amalia Betancur

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 816186 DM interaction with a protons and neutrons using maddump 2024-06-06 16:21:40 UTC Amalia Betancur maddump Solved
Solved 709369 Inelastic scattering in maddump 2024-02-23 16:26:18 UTC Amalia Betancur maddump Solved
Open 708711 Pion not decaying 2023-12-14 13:05:27 UTC Amalia Betancur maddump Luca Open
Answered 639676 madweight issue 2017-06-02 13:53:29 UTC Amalia Betancur MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Answered
Answered 636806 Units of weights in weight.out 2017-05-30 14:20:09 UTC Amalia Betancur MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Answered
15 of 5 results