Interaction of FrictMat and a new class of material

Asked by behzad

Hi guys,

I created a new class of material to present viscoelasticity by Burgers model. This class of material has been derived from CohFrictMat and it's called CohBurgersMat. I verified the response of CohBurgersMat-CohBurgersMat interaction by comparing the load-displacement response of analytical equations.

However, I need to have FrictMat-CohBurgersMat interaction as well. To do so, I created a new Ip2 (Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys).

However, the model fails to create the required interaction physics. Can you please have a look on my script? Thanks.

======== CohBurgers.cpp ==============================================

// 2014 © Behzad Majidi <email address hidden>
// 2014 © Ricardo Pieralisi <email address hidden>



//********************** Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys ****************************/

void Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::go(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction)
// if(interaction->phys) return;
  shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys (new CohBurgersPhys());
  Calculate_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(b1, b2, interaction, phys);
  interaction->phys = phys;

  phys->cohesionBroken = false;
  phys->initCohesion = true;
  cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;
  setCohesionNow = true;

//********************** Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys ****************************/

void Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::go(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction)
  if(interaction->phys) return;
  shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys (new CohBurgersPhys());
  Calculate_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(b1, b2, interaction, phys);
  interaction->phys = phys;

  phys->cohesionBroken = false;
  phys->initCohesion = true;
  cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;
  setCohesionNow = true;

//********************** CohesiveBurgersContactLaw ****************************/

bool Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers::go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I)
  Vector3r force = Vector3r::Zero();
  Vector3r torque1 = Vector3r::Zero();
  Vector3r torque2 = Vector3r::Zero();
  CohBurgersPhys& phys=*static_cast<CohBurgersPhys*>(_phys.get());

  if (computeForceTorqueCohBurgers(_geom, _phys, I, force, torque1, torque2) and (I->isActive)){
    const int id1 = I->getId1();
    const int id2 = I->getId2();

    addForce (id1,-force,scene);
    addForce (id2, force,scene);
    addTorque(id1, torque1,scene);
    addTorque(id2, torque2,scene);
    return true;
   } else return false;

/*!Calculate_CohBurgersPhys (1)*/

void Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::Calculate_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction, shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys) {

  if(interaction->phys) return;
  CohBurgersMat* mat1 = static_cast<CohBurgersMat*>(b1.get());
  CohBurgersMat* mat2 = static_cast<CohBurgersMat*>(b2.get());
  Real mass1 = 1.0;
  Real mass2 = 1.0;


//Load the rheological parameters
  Real kmn1 = (mat1->kmn)*2; Real kkn1 = (mat1->kkn)*2;
  Real cmn1 = (mat1->cmn)*2; Real ckn1 = (mat1->ckn)*2;
  Real kms1 = (mat1->kms)*2; Real kks1 = (mat1->kks)*2;
  Real cms1 = (mat1->cms)*2; Real cks1 = (mat1->cks)*2;
  Real kmn2 = (mat2->kmn)*2; Real kkn2 = (mat2->kkn)*2;
  Real cmn2 = (mat2->cmn)*2; Real ckn2 = (mat2->ckn)*2;
  Real kms2 = (mat2->kms)*2; Real kks2 = (mat2->kks)*2;
  Real cms2 = (mat2->cms)*2; Real cks2 = (mat2->cks)*2;

  phys->kmn = contactParameterCalculation(kmn1,kmn2);
  phys->kms = contactParameterCalculation(kms1,kms2);
  phys->cmn = contactParameterCalculation(cmn1,cmn2);
  phys->cms = contactParameterCalculation(cms1,cms2);

  phys->kkn = contactParameterCalculation(kkn1,kkn2);
  phys->kks = contactParameterCalculation(kks1,kks2);
  phys->ckn = contactParameterCalculation(ckn1,ckn2);
  phys->cks = contactParameterCalculation(cks1,cks2);
  phys->normalAdhesion= (mat1->normalCohesion);

  interaction->phys = shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys>(phys);

/*!Calculate_CohBurgersPhys (2)*/

void Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::Calculate_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction, shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys) {

  if(interaction->phys) return;
  const shared_ptr<FrictMat>& mat1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<FrictMat>(b1);
  const shared_ptr<CohBurgersMat>& mat2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<CohBurgersMat>(b2);

  Real mass1 = 1.0;
  Real mass2 = 1.0;


//Load the rheological parameters

  Real kn1 = (mat1->young); Real ks1 = (mat1->young)*(mat1->poisson);
  Real kmn2 = (mat2->kmn); Real kkn2 = (mat2->kkn);
  Real cmn2 = (mat2->cmn); Real ckn2 = (mat2->ckn);
  Real kms2 = (mat2->kms); Real kks2 = (mat2->kks);
  Real cms2 = (mat2->cms); Real cks2 = (mat2->cks);

  phys->kmn = contactParameterCalculation(kn1,kmn2);
  phys->kms = contactParameterCalculation(ks1,kms2);
  phys->cmn = cmn2;
  phys->cms = cms2;

  phys->kkn = kkn2;
  phys->kks = kks2;
  phys->ckn = ckn2;
  phys->cks = cks2;
  phys->normalAdhesion= ((mat2->normalCohesion));

  interaction->phys = shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys>(phys);

/*! computeForceTorqueBurgers */

bool computeForceTorqueCohBurgers(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I, Vector3r & force, Vector3r & torque1, Vector3r & torque2) {

  const ScGeom& geom=*static_cast<ScGeom*>(_geom.get());
  CohBurgersPhys& phys=*static_cast<CohBurgersPhys*>(_phys.get());
  Scene* scene=Omega::instance().getScene().get();

  const int id1 = I->getId1();
  const int id2 = I->getId2();

  const BodyContainer& bodies = *scene->bodies;

  const State& de1 = *static_cast<State*>(bodies[id1]->state.get());
  const State& de2 = *static_cast<State*>(bodies[id2]->state.get());

  const Real& dt = scene->dt;

    if (phys.normalForce.norm() > phys.normalAdhesion) {
  return false;

  if (I->isFresh(scene)) {
      phys.ukn = Vector3r(0,0,0);
      phys.uks = Vector3r(0,0,0);
      phys.shearForce = Vector3r(0,0,0);
      phys.normalForce = phys.kmn * geom.penetrationDepth * geom.normal;
    } else {
      Real An = 1.0 + phys.kkn * dt / (2.0 * phys.ckn);
      Real Bn = 1.0 - phys.kkn * dt / (2.0 * phys.ckn);
      Real Cn = dt / (2.0 * phys.ckn * An) + 1.0 / phys.kmn + dt / (2.0 * phys.cmn);
      Real Dn = dt / (2.0 * phys.ckn * An) - 1.0 / phys.kmn + dt / (2.0 * phys.cmn);

      Real As = 1.0 + phys.kks * dt / (2.0 * phys.cks);
      Real Bs = 1.0 - phys.kks * dt / (2.0 * phys.cks);
      Real Cs = dt / (2.0 * phys.cks * As) + 1.0 / phys.kms + dt / (2.0 * phys.cms);
      Real Ds = dt / (2.0 * phys.cks * As) - 1.0 / phys.kms + dt / (2.0 * phys.cms);

      const Vector3r shift2 = scene->isPeriodic ? scene->cell->intrShiftPos(I->cellDist): Vector3r::Zero();
      const Vector3r shiftVel = scene->isPeriodic ? scene->cell->intrShiftVel(I->cellDist): Vector3r::Zero();

      const Vector3r c1x = (geom.contactPoint - de1.pos);
      const Vector3r c2x = (geom.contactPoint - de2.pos - shift2);

      const Vector3r relativeVelocity = (de1.vel+de1.angVel.cross(c1x)) - (de2.vel+de2.angVel.cross(c2x)) + shiftVel;
      const Vector3r normalVelocity = * geom.normal;
      const Vector3r shearVelocity = relativeVelocity-normalVelocity;

      const Vector3r normalForceT = (normalVelocity * dt + phys.ukn * (1.0 - Bn / An) - phys.normalForce * Dn) / Cn;
      phys.ukn = (phys.ukn * Bn + (normalForceT + phys.normalForce) * dt / (2.0 * phys.ckn)) / An;
      phys.normalForce = normalForceT;

      const Vector3r shearForceT = -1 * (shearVelocity * dt + phys.uks * (1.0 - Bs / As) - phys.shearForce * Ds) / Cs;
      phys.uks = (phys.uks * Bs + (shearForceT + phys.shearForce) * dt / (2.0 * phys.cks)) / As;
      phys.shearForce = shearForceT;

      const Real maxFs = phys.normalForce.squaredNorm() * std::pow(phys.tangensOfFrictionAngle,2);
      if( phys.shearForce.squaredNorm() > maxFs ) {

        const Real ratio = sqrt(maxFs) / phys.shearForce.norm();
        phys.shearForce *= ratio;

      force = phys.normalForce + phys.shearForce;
      torque1 = -c1x.cross(force);
      torque2 = c2x.cross(force);
      return true;




Question information

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Yade Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Jérôme Duriez (jduriez) said :

What about the behavior you observed with Yade ? (crash ? with what message if yes ?...)

It would help us to help you I think, as cross reading a bunch of c++ lines is not so easy....

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

I don't get any error message or crash!

But, the force-displacement law is not following the analytical response and actually the two contacting spheres pass through each other by even a very small force.

When I ask for properties of the interaction like

it gives ;
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'kmn'

but if I ask few steps after, it gives the right answer as:

Yade [4]: O.interactions[0,1].phys.kmn
 -> [4]: 61538461.538461536

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

> When I ask for properties of the interaction like
> O.interactions[0,1].phys.kmn
> it gives ;
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'kmn'

This means that O.interactions[0,1].phys is None and therefore the
interaction is only potential and not real

Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

My first reaction here was "where is the hpp?". It is not shown.
It would be helpful to have the two files. Not just pasted in textbox as indentation and syntax highlighting makes reading a lot easier.

Second, you maybe don't need to define CohFrict-Burger interactions if burger inherits from CohFrict.
They will be calculated automatically as CohFrict-CohFrict. If it's not a good behavior then indeed you need this third mixed type, else you don't.

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

I paste it here. How can I attach files?

// 2014 © Behzad Majidi <email address hidden>
// 2014 © Ricardo Pieralisi <email address hidden>

#pragma once


//********************** CohBurgersMat ****************************/

class CohBurgersMat : public CohFrictMat
 public :
  virtual ~CohBurgersMat () {};

/// Serialization
  ((Real,kmn,NaN,,"Normal elastic stiffness for Maxwell."))
  ((Real,cmn,NaN,,"Normal viscous constant for Maxwell."))
  ((Real,kms,NaN,,"Shear elastic stiffness for Maxwell."))
  ((Real,cms,NaN,,"Shear viscous constant for Maxwell."))
  ((Real,kkn,NaN,,"Normal elastic stiffness for Kelvin."))
  ((Real,ckn,NaN,,"Normal viscous constant for Kelvin."))
  ((Real,kks,NaN,,"Shear elastic stiffness for Kelvin."))
  ((Real,cks,NaN,,"Shear viscous constant for Kelvin.")),
/// Indexable


//********************** CohBurgersPhys ****************************/

class CohBurgersPhys : public CohFrictPhys
 public :
  virtual ~CohBurgersPhys() {};
  void SetBreakingState() {cohesionBroken = true; normalAdhesion = 0; shearAdhesion = 0;};

  ((Real,kmn,NaN,,"Stiffness of Maxwell's spring(normal)"))
  ((Real,kkn,NaN,,"Stiffness of Kelvin's spring(normal)"))
  ((Real,cmn,NaN,,"Viscosity of Maxwell's dashpot(normal)"))
      ((Real,ckn,NaN,,"Viscosity of Kelvin's dashpot(normal)"))
  ((Real,kms,NaN,,"Stiffness of Maxwell's spring(shear)"))
  ((Real,kks,NaN,,"Stiffness of Kelvin's spring(shear)"))
  ((Real,cms,NaN,,"Viscosity of Maxwell's dashpot(shear)"))
      ((Real,cks,NaN,,"Viscosity of Kelvin's dashpot(shear)"))
  ((Vector3r,ukn,Vector3r(0,0,0),,"Normal displacement"))
  ((Vector3r,uks,Vector3r(0,0,0),,"Shear displacement")),


//********************** Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys ****************************/

class Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys: public IPhysFunctor
 public :
  virtual void go( const shared_ptr<Material>& b1,
      const shared_ptr<Material>& b2,
      const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction);
  virtual void Calculate_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction, shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys);
  int cohesionDefinitionIteration;
 "Convert 2 instances of :yref:`CohBurgersMat` to :yref:`CohBurgersPhys` using the rule of consecutive connection.",
 ((bool,setCohesionNow,false,,"If true, assign cohesion to all existing contacts"))
 ((bool,setCohesionOnNewContacts,false,,"If true, assign cohesion at all new contacts."))
 cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;

class Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys: public IPhysFunctor
 public :
  virtual void go( const shared_ptr<Material>& b1,
     const shared_ptr<Material>& b2,
     const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction);
  virtual void Calculate_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction, shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys);
  int cohesionDefinitionIteration;
 "converts an interaction of FrictMat and CohBurgersMat to CohBurgersPhys",
 ((bool,setCohesionNow,false,,"If true, assign cohesion to all existing contacts"))
 ((bool,setCohesionOnNewContacts,false,,"If true, assign cohesion at all new contacts."))
 cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;


//******************** Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers *************************/

class Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers: public LawFunctor {
  virtual bool go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction*);


 YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC(Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers, LawFunctor,"");


bool computeForceTorqueCohBurgers(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I, Vector3r & force, Vector3r & torque1, Vector3r & torque2);

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

Could you also show us the Python script you use?

2015-02-05 19:21 GMT+01:00 behzad <email address hidden>:

> Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> behzad posted a new comment:
> I paste it here. How can I attach files?
> // 2014 © Behzad Majidi <email address hidden>
> // 2014 © Ricardo Pieralisi <email address hidden>
> #pragma once
> #include<core/Material.hpp>
> #include<pkg/dem/FrictPhys.hpp>
> #include<pkg/dem/ViscoelasticPM.hpp>
> #include<pkg/dem/CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw.hpp>
> #include<pkg/common/Dispatching.hpp>
> #include<pkg/dem/ScGeom.hpp>
> #include<pkg/dem/DemXDofGeom.hpp>
> #include<pkg/common/MatchMaker.hpp>
> //********************** CohBurgersMat ****************************/
> class CohBurgersMat : public CohFrictMat
> {
> public :
> virtual ~CohBurgersMat () {};
> /// Serialization
> YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(CohBurgersMat,CohFrictMat,"",
> ((Real,kmn,NaN,,"Normal elastic stiffness for Maxwell."))
> ((Real,cmn,NaN,,"Normal viscous constant for Maxwell."))
> ((Real,kms,NaN,,"Shear elastic stiffness for Maxwell."))
> ((Real,cms,NaN,,"Shear viscous constant for Maxwell."))
> ((Real,kkn,NaN,,"Normal elastic stiffness for Kelvin."))
> ((Real,ckn,NaN,,"Normal viscous constant for Kelvin."))
> ((Real,kks,NaN,,"Shear elastic stiffness for Kelvin."))
> ((Real,cks,NaN,,"Shear viscous constant for Kelvin.")),
> createIndex();
> );
> /// Indexable
> REGISTER_CLASS_INDEX(CohBurgersMat,CohFrictMat);
> };
> //********************** CohBurgersPhys ****************************/
> class CohBurgersPhys : public CohFrictPhys
> {
> public :
> virtual ~CohBurgersPhys() {};
> void SetBreakingState() {cohesionBroken = true;
> normalAdhesion = 0; shearAdhesion = 0;};
> YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(CohBurgersPhys,CohFrictPhys,"",
> ((Real,kmn,NaN,,"Stiffness of Maxwell's spring(normal)"))
> ((Real,kkn,NaN,,"Stiffness of Kelvin's spring(normal)"))
> ((Real,cmn,NaN,,"Viscosity of Maxwell's dashpot(normal)"))
> ((Real,ckn,NaN,,"Viscosity of Kelvin's dashpot(normal)"))
> ((Real,kms,NaN,,"Stiffness of Maxwell's spring(shear)"))
> ((Real,kks,NaN,,"Stiffness of Kelvin's spring(shear)"))
> ((Real,cms,NaN,,"Viscosity of Maxwell's dashpot(shear)"))
> ((Real,cks,NaN,,"Viscosity of Kelvin's dashpot(shear)"))
> ((Vector3r,ukn,Vector3r(0,0,0),,"Normal displacement"))
> ((Vector3r,uks,Vector3r(0,0,0),,"Shear displacement")),
> createIndex();
> )
> REGISTER_CLASS_INDEX(CohBurgersPhys,CohFrictPhys);
> };
> //********************** Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys
> ****************************/
> class Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys: public IPhysFunctor
> {
> public :
> virtual void go( const
> shared_ptr<Material>& b1,
> const
> shared_ptr<Material>& b2,
> const
> shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction);
> virtual void
> Calculate_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(const
> shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const
> shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction, shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys);
> int cohesionDefinitionIteration;
> YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys,IPhysFunctor,
> "Convert 2 instances of :yref:`CohBurgersMat` to
> :yref:`CohBurgersPhys` using the rule of consecutive connection.",
> ((bool,setCohesionNow,false,,"If true, assign cohesion to all
> existing contacts"))
> ((bool,setCohesionOnNewContacts,false,,"If true, assign cohesion
> at all new contacts."))
> ,
> cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;
> );
> FUNCTOR2D(CohBurgersMat,CohBurgersMat);
> };
> REGISTER_SERIALIZABLE(Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys);
> class Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys: public IPhysFunctor
> {
> public :
> virtual void go( const shared_ptr<Material>& b1,
> const shared_ptr<Material>& b2,
> const shared_ptr<Interaction>&
> interaction);
> virtual void
> Calculate_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys(const shared_ptr<Material>&
> b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>&
> interaction, shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys);
> int cohesionDefinitionIteration;
> YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys,IPhysFunctor,
> "converts an interaction of FrictMat and CohBurgersMat to
> CohBurgersPhys",
> ((bool,setCohesionNow,false,,"If true, assign cohesion to all
> existing contacts"))
> ((bool,setCohesionOnNewContacts,false,,"If true, assign cohesion
> at all new contacts."))
> ,
> cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;
> );
> FUNCTOR2D(FrictMat,CohBurgersMat);
> };
> REGISTER_SERIALIZABLE(Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys);
> //******************** Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers
> *************************/
> class Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers: public LawFunctor {
> public:
> virtual bool go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom,
> shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction*);
> FUNCTOR2D(ScGeom,CohBurgersPhys);
> YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC(Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers,
> LawFunctor,"");
> };
> REGISTER_SERIALIZABLE(Law2_ScGeom_CohBurgersPhys_CohesiveBurgers);
> bool computeForceTorqueCohBurgers(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom,
> shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I, Vector3r & force, Vector3r &
> torque1, Vector3r & torque2);
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a member of
> yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
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Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :


Here it is:

The first one gives CohBurgers-CohBurgers interaction and the model prediction coincides the analytical response.
However, the problem is the FrictMat-CohBurgersMat interaction. (the second python script)

========CohBurgers-CohBurgers interaction===============================

from yade import utils, plot
from yade import pack, qt

kms=1.2e8,kks=1.2e8,cms=3e8,cks=3e8,normalCohesion= 1e5, shearCohesion= 1e3, isCohesive= True, young=1e2,
density=2600, poisson=0.3, frictionAngle= 0.4))



PyRunner(command="fEngine.force=(0,0,0)", iterPeriod=10000000),

def AutoData():
 j1= 1/kmn
 j2= 1/kkn
 j3= kkn/ckn
 j4= 1/cmn
 a1= cmn/kmn+cmn*(1.0/kmn+1/kmn)
 b1= cmn
 if O.time < t_loading:






========FrictMat-CohBurgers Interaction================================

from yade import utils, plot
from yade import pack, qt

kms=1.2e8,kks=1.2e8,cms=3e8,cks=3e8,normalCohesion= 1e3, shearCohesion= 1e3, isCohesive= True, young=1e2,
density=2600, poisson=0.3, frictionAngle= 0.4))




PyRunner(command="fEngine.force=(0,0,0)", iterPeriod=5000000),

def AutoData():
 j1= 1/kmn
 j2= 1/kkn
 j3= kkn/ckn
 j4= 1/cmn
 a1= cmn/kmn+cmn*(1.0/kmn+1/kmn)
 b1= cmn
 if O.time < t_loading:






Revision history for this message
Jérôme Duriez (jduriez) said :

If this "kmn" attribute is the expected value at one time, and if your interaction does not have any physics at the beginning (your AttributeError message), I would say that your Ip2 c++ code does - at least, partly - correctly its job, but that maybe there is problems in other parts of the InteractionLoop..
Your python script would be useful, too, surely..

As a very basical advice, you might try to ouptut messages from the c++ code to check when the physics of the interaction is created, and if this time corresponds to what you think.

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

Hi Behzad,

I would continue by repeating what is actually the problem :-)
- interaction physics creation - at the beginning of the simulation, the
spheres are just touching, it is the matter of ronging errors if
interaction (and the physics too) are created or not
- difference of numerical and analytical results - no idea, can you check
if all parameters of O.interactions[0,1].phys are correct in Python?


2015-02-05 19:56 GMT+01:00 Jérôme Duriez <
<email address hidden>>:

> Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> Jérôme Duriez proposed the following answer:
> If this "kmn" attribute is the expected value at one time, and if your
> interaction does not have any physics at the beginning (your AttributeError
> message), I would say that your Ip2 c++ code does - at least, partly -
> correctly its job, but that maybe there is problems in other parts of the
> InteractionLoop..
> Your python script would be useful, too, surely..
> As a very basical advice, you might try to ouptut messages from the c++
> code to check when the physics of the interaction is created, and if
> this time corresponds to what you think.
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a member of
> yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
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Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

You can see that "Ip2_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys" and "Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys" are almost identical. There is only a difference in how Kmn is calculated when FrictMat is in contact with a BurgersMat. All other calculations and statements are the same. So, I'm wondering where the problem is for FrictMat-CohBurgersMat contact.

Something which can be of problem is how the materials sequence can affect the interaction here and I don't know if I've written the code correctly. I'm talking about:

const shared_ptr<FrictMat>& mat1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<FrictMat>(b1);
const shared_ptr<CohBurgersMat>& mat2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<CohBurgersMat>(b2);

in void Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::Calculate_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_ of cpp file.

Is this a correct statement? I mean, if in my Python file we switch the materials of O.bodies[0] and O.bodies[1], does it affect the interaction? It seems it does! I did this and by running the code, O.bodies[1] disappears and O.bodies[1].state.pos gives:
 -> [4]: Vector3(nan,nan,nan)

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

Hi Behzad,
the non-spherical clumps should be possible to use in latest trunk version
(r3576). I added an example, in principle doing exactly what you want,

2015-02-05 20:11 GMT+01:00 Jan Stránský <
<email address hidden>>:

> Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:
> Hi Behzad,
> I would continue by repeating what is actually the problem :-)
> - interaction physics creation - at the beginning of the simulation, the
> spheres are just touching, it is the matter of ronging errors if
> interaction (and the physics too) are created or not
> - difference of numerical and analytical results - no idea, can you check
> if all parameters of O.interactions[0,1].phys are correct in Python?
> Jan
> 2015-02-05 19:56 GMT+01:00 Jérôme Duriez <
> <email address hidden>>:
> > Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> >
> >
> > Jérôme Duriez proposed the following answer:
> > If this "kmn" attribute is the expected value at one time, and if your
> > interaction does not have any physics at the beginning (your
> AttributeError
> > message), I would say that your Ip2 c++ code does - at least, partly -
> > correctly its job, but that maybe there is problems in other parts of the
> > InteractionLoop..
> > Your python script would be useful, too, surely..
> >
> > As a very basical advice, you might try to ouptut messages from the c++
> > code to check when the physics of the interaction is created, and if
> > this time corresponds to what you think.
> >
> > --
> > You received this question notification because you are a member of
> > yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Mailing list:
> > Post to : <email address hidden>
> > Unsubscribe :
> > More help :
> >
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a member of
> yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
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Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

Sorry, wrong thread.. please ignore my last message

2015-02-07 19:01 GMT+01:00 Jan Stránský <
<email address hidden>>:

> Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:
> Hi Behzad,
> the non-spherical clumps should be possible to use in latest trunk version
> (r3576). I added an example, in principle doing exactly what you want,
> yade/examples/test/
> cheers
> Jan
> 2015-02-05 20:11 GMT+01:00 Jan Stránský <
> <email address hidden>>:
> > Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> >
> >
> > Jan Stránský proposed the following answer:
> > Hi Behzad,
> >
> > I would continue by repeating what is actually the problem :-)
> > - interaction physics creation - at the beginning of the simulation, the
> > spheres are just touching, it is the matter of ronging errors if
> > interaction (and the physics too) are created or not
> > - difference of numerical and analytical results - no idea, can you check
> > if all parameters of O.interactions[0,1].phys are correct in Python?
> >
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >
> > 2015-02-05 19:56 GMT+01:00 Jérôme Duriez <
> > <email address hidden>>:
> >
> > > Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> > >
> > >
> > > Jérôme Duriez proposed the following answer:
> > > If this "kmn" attribute is the expected value at one time, and if your
> > > interaction does not have any physics at the beginning (your
> > AttributeError
> > > message), I would say that your Ip2 c++ code does - at least, partly -
> > > correctly its job, but that maybe there is problems in other parts of
> the
> > > InteractionLoop..
> > > Your python script would be useful, too, surely..
> > >
> > > As a very basical advice, you might try to ouptut messages from the c++
> > > code to check when the physics of the interaction is created, and if
> > > this time corresponds to what you think.
> > >
> > > --
> > > You received this question notification because you are a member of
> > > yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Mailing list:
> > > Post to : <email address hidden>
> > > Unsubscribe :
> > > More help :
> > >
> >
> > --
> > You received this question notification because you are a member of
> > yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Mailing list:
> > Post to : <email address hidden>
> > Unsubscribe :
> > More help :
> >
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a member of
> yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
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Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

Problem is in Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys.

The problem is in my, when the 1st body is FrictMat and the 2nd body is CohBurgersMat everything is working well. But, if it's the reverse (1st body is CohBurgersMat and the 2nd body is FrictMat ) the interaction is Nan.

This means in Ip2 materials are not well defined. But, I don't know how can I define materials so the interaction is formed whenever a FrictMat is in contact with a CohBurgersMat whatever the sequence is.


Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

I think you need to define Ip2::goReverse for dealing with the failing sequence.
Grep "goReverse" in the source code, you will find examples of that.

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

Goo idea

However, I tried it the same way it appears in the examples, but it didn't work!

I have go function in cpp as:

void Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::go(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction)

  if(interaction->phys) return;
  shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys> phys (new CohBurgersPhys());

// const shared_ptr<FrictMat>& mat1 = YADE_PTR_CAST<FrictMat>(b1);
// const shared_ptr<CohBurgersMat>& mat2 = YADE_PTR_CAST<CohBurgersMat>(b2);

  FrictMat* mat1 = static_cast<FrictMat*>(b1.get());
  CohBurgersMat* mat2 = static_cast<CohBurgersMat*>(b2.get());

  ScGeom* geom= YADE_CAST<ScGeom*>(interaction->geom.get());

  Real mass1 = 1.0;
  Real mass2 = 1.0;
  Real Ra = geom->radius1;
  Real Rb = geom->radius2;


//Load the rheological parameters

  Real kn1 = (mat1->young); Real ks1 = (mat1->young)*(mat1->poisson);
  Real kmn2 = (mat2->kmn); Real kkn2 = (mat2->kkn);
  Real cmn2 = (mat2->cmn); Real ckn2 = (mat2->ckn);
  Real kms2 = (mat2->kms); Real kks2 = (mat2->kks);
  Real cms2 = (mat2->cms); Real cks2 = (mat2->cks);

  phys->kmn = contactParameterCalculation(kn1,kmn2);
  phys->kms = contactParameterCalculation(ks1,kms2);
  phys->cmn = cmn2;
  phys->cms = cms2;

  phys->kkn = kkn2;
  phys->kks = kks2;
  phys->ckn = ckn2;
  phys->cks = cks2;
  phys->MaxDef = 0.25*(Ra+Rb);
  phys->normalAdhesion= mat2->normalCohesion*0.5*pow(std::min(Ra,Rb),2);

  interaction->phys = shared_ptr<CohBurgersPhys>(phys);

  phys->cohesionBroken = false;
  phys->initCohesion = true;
  cohesionDefinitionIteration = -1;
  setCohesionNow = true;


and th goReverse as:

void Ip2_FrictMat_CohBurgersMat_CohBurgersPhys::goReverse(const shared_ptr<Material>& b1, const shared_ptr<Material>& b2, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction)


Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

Hey guys,

This is a serious issue for me now. Any idea is highly appreciated.
I just cannot make this FrictMat_ConBurgersMat interaction. I mean it only works if id1 is FrictMat and id2 is ConBurgersMat and the reverse is making interaction nan.


Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

Probably a mistake in goReverse. I can't check details now sorry.
Best way to debug is to not use static_cast's, they hide the problems.
Replace them with YADE_CAST, and of course make a debug build.


Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

If this is a really really bad issue, maybe handle Frict_Burger as Frict_Frict in the short term. Or just don't mix Burger and frictional materials.
Isn't it possible to reproduce the Frict behaviour with the Burger classes?!

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

- Yes, I was able to handle it as Frict_Frict. But, it doesn't not really fit the physics of the contact in reality.

-replacing the static_cast with YADE_CAST didn't change anything.

- As for that last option, yeah, I will try to mimic FrictMat with Burgers class. But this goReverese thing seems to be an easy method and we have the examples in the source code also. I really don't know why it doesn't work here.

Thanks Bruno

Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

>replacing the static_cast with YADE_CAST didn't change anything.

Just a good practice when trying to solve such problem. You are using a debug build, yes?

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

I tried:

cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=~/yade-trunk/ ~/yade-trunk/trunk/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG

Revision history for this message
Jérôme Duriez (jduriez) said :

As for myself, I did not know the "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE" option... I am using the "DEBUG" one ("-DDEBUG=ON", then "make install"...)

Where did you find the option you're using ? Not on, isn't it ?

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

No it wasn't on
I found it on a web page for make compilation.

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

Hi Behzad, could you place your complete .hpp and .cpp files together with
a python (preferably short) script reproducing the error somewhere on the
internet such that we can try to compile and test yade with your extension?

2015-02-20 19:21 GMT+01:00 behzad <email address hidden>:

> Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> behzad posted a new comment:
> No it wasn't on
> I found it on a web page for make compilation.
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a member of
> yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
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Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

Hi Jan,

Here you go!

You've got the hpp and cpp files and a script file showing an example of interactions of CohBurgersMat and also a readme file which explains the material and the problem.


Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

Hi Behzad,

thanks for files. I compiled them and used your py file, with no problem at
all :-)


from yade import utils, plot
from yade import pack, qt

kms=2.0e8,kks=1.0e8,cms=3e8,cks=3e8,normalCohesion= 1e13, shearCohesion=
1e13, isCohesive= True, young=1e2,
density=2600, poisson=0.3, frictionAngle= 0.4))


if 0: # works for both 0 and 1


PyRunner(command="fEngine.force=(0,0,0)", iterPeriod=5000000),

def AutoData():
# kmn=2.0e8
j1= 1/kmn
j2= 1/kkn
j3= kkn/ckn
j4= 1/cmn
a1= cmn/kmn+cmn*(1.0/kmn+1/kmn)
b1= cmn
if O.time < t_loading:




2015-02-20 21:26 GMT+01:00 behzad <email address hidden>:

> Question #261724 on Yade changed:
> behzad posted a new comment:
> Hi Jan,
> Here you go!
> You've got the hpp and cpp files and a script file showing an example of
> interactions of CohBurgersMat and also a readme file which explains the
> material and the problem.
> Cheers,
> Behzad
> --
> You received this question notification because you are a member of
> yade-users, which is an answer contact for Yade.
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Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

Look, I don't get what you're doing by:

if 0: # works for both 0 and 1

But if you run the file with


it works!
And if you change it to:


It does not!

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

> Look, I don't get what you're doing by:
> if 0: # works for both 0 and 1
> s1=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,0.0],0.01,fixed=True,material=Mat2)
> s2=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,2.0e-2],0.01,fixed=False,material=Mat1)
> else:
> s1=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,0.0],0.01,fixed=True,material=Mat1)
> s2=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,2.0e-2],0.01,fixed=False,material=Mat2)
> But if you run the file with
> s1=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,0.0],0.01,fixed=True,material=Mat2)
> s2=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,2.0e-2],0.01,fixed=False,material=Mat1)
> it works!
> And if you change it to:
> s1=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,0.0],0.01,fixed=True,material=Mat1)
> s2=utils.sphere([0.0,0.0,2.0e-2],0.01,fixed=False,material=Mat2)
> It does not!

my if else is just putting your two version of s1= s2= to one file for easy
change of them

sorry, it does not work for your original files, I tried some modifications
and it was the effect of undo/redo that I had the impression.

I you modify your .cpp file, specifically

  FrictMat* mat1 = YADE_CAST<FrictMat*>(b1.get());
  CohBurgersMat* mat2 = YADE_CAST<CohBurgersMat*>(b2.get());


  int i1 = b1->getClassIndex(); // get actual material index of b1
  int i2 = b2->getClassIndex(); // get actual material index of b2
  int cbmi = CohBurgersMat::getClassIndexStatic(); // get index of
  FrictMat* mat1;
  CohBurgersMat* mat2;
  if (i2 == cbmi) { // b2 is CohburgersMat and b1 is FrictMat
  mat1 = dynamic_cast<FrictMat*>(b1.get());
  mat2 = dynamic_cast<CohBurgersMat*>(b2.get());
  } else if (i1 == cbmi) { // b1 is CohburgersMat and b2 is FrictMat
  mat1 = dynamic_cast<FrictMat*>(b2.get());
  mat2 = dynamic_cast<CohBurgersMat*>(b1.get());
  } else { // should not happen, but to be sure..

it should work. If not, let me know.
Basically you check the types of material instances and switch materials if

Revision history for this message
behzad (behzad-majidi) said :

yes, this is what I needed to have in the code! Thank you, Jan. I appreciate it!


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