downloading issue, then results in no schedule

Asked by Kees

hi all,

I just started using xibo and was trying setup a raspberry to run on another location. But it seems that every time i try to setup a schedule using large files the download of these/some files seems to crash. I don't have any clue why it crashes, but the biggest problem is that Xibo doesn't restart/resume when it happens. Xibo only shows the splash screen during downloads, and because not all the files are fully downloaded it keeps showing the splash screen. When i refresh/fullrefresh it does not refreshes the files that are crashed. i already tried re-uploading them without luck.

Does Xibo normally restarts or resumes downloads like this?

The connection is set up using a VPN so Xibo can act like it is in the same network.

Here is a link to a full log:
i am working with server: 1.4.2

thanks for every help!

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Revision history for this message
Mike H (s-mike-s) said :

Make a layout with 2 images. The "display" tad set the new layout as default. Don't set the "display" into any group or schedule. This should get the great looking splash screen to go away.

Sounds like a network issue somewhere easiest fix set the play to allow only 2 download at a time and response time to 300 sec.
Press "i" on the player to see the log.

Revision history for this message
Kees (kees-s) said :

Hi Mike,

thanx for the help, you mentioned setting the player to only download 2 at a time and the responses tot 300 sec.
which settings do you need to change for this to work?


Revision history for this message
Mike H (s-mike-s) said :

how to set is here.


Revision history for this message
Mike H (s-mike-s) said :

I don't see a setting for the python for max conn. downloads. I know the one in the windows version works.

Revision history for this message
Kees (kees-s) said :

i changed xmdsUpdateInterval to 300. And i also changed queueSize to 2 and socketTimeout to 300.
Now when using a default template and adding the +- 300 MB movies one by one Xibo works.

Aren't there any tools/settings to prevent braking a download when downloading multiple big files?
Cause the next i will assign this template to a new device it will crash again(at least if i'm not on the same location as the server).

EDIT: Just now when building the template on file no. 4, the download crashed again. Is there a manual way to initiate a REdownload?

Revision history for this message
Mike H (s-mike-s) said :

It sound like this site is to remote and the bandwidth is low. Try standalone with usb updates?


Revision history for this message
Kees (kees-s) said :

@Mike H
I don't think this is an acceptable solution for us. The whole purpose was to remotely manage a few systems on other locations.

Aren't there better tools / functions to be sure that when something is downloaded it forces to check if completed and when not redownload the media?

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

That's exactly what the client code does do - runs a checksum when a
download completes and then retry if it's incorrect.

You're not the first person to mention it not working on the Pi (from
memory) so I would assume there's something broken in the image you've been

As I've said numerous times the support isn't there yet to run a client
well on a Pi, so until that changes I can't take on the overhead of
supporting that. If whoever is making these images for the Pi wants to
contribute patches to make the client run better on that platform then they
are welcome to do so and I'll review/merge them in to mainstream


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