Before submitting a bug report (READ ME!)

Created by Wolf Geldmacher

If you have problems with UCK please check for a newer release in our PPA at before submitting a bug report.

Frequently last minute changes to new Ubuntu releases break UCK and we'd rather spend our time adding features and resolving real issues than to act on bug reports for bugs already fixed.

When you submit a bug report, please make sure to include the following information:

* Version of Ubuntu you are running on (output of lsb_release -irs)
* Kernel architecture of host system (output of uname -rm)
* Version of Ubuntu you are trying to customize
* Kernel architecture of the version you are trying to customize

When submitting a bug report the build.log file is substantial for us to find bugs quickly. As the build log tends tpo be rather big please do not paste it into the bug report, but add it as an attachment.

It also does not hurt if you use the extended search to look through bugs that have already been fixed and maybe scan the answer section for the problem you are having ;-)