Comment 34 for bug 1438612

Revision history for this message
Adam Felson (adam-ubuntu) wrote :

after years of suffering with this bug, I found a solution that works for me.

I put a pre-down dispatch script for network manager to dismount nfs shares when bringing the network down. This works even if a reboot is run from a shell.

In /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-down has a link to it as well.

logger -s "********************** NetworkManager dispatch script nfs, IF="$1" STATUS="$2

case "$2" in
 umount -a -t nfs
 service cups stop

    mount -a -t nfs


I do NOT use the systemd automount fstab option as it'll try to automount when this script is trying to dismount the nfs shares.

I also have it stop cups as kubuntu sometimes hangs bringing cups down.