Printing through cups to a remote cups Mac printer in 9.04 not working

Asked by intrader

It was working perfectly in 8.10. The printer is attached to a cups server running on the Mac. On the 8.10, the cups server was automatically discovered. On 9.04 for Printer Configuratoin->Server-Cupsserver I enter 'Max Roxy' or the IP address of the Mac. When, I click on connect whether with encryption of not, I get the message 'Cups Server Error' - 'There was an error during the Cups operation: 'httpConnectionEncrypt failed'

Thanks, I really liked 8.10 for having zero problems with printing as I did before when I was running Suse.

I have reinstalled all the cups components to no avail.

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Ubuntu cups Edit question
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Solved by:
Ernst Zlo
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Revision history for this message
Ernst Zlo (ernst-zlo) said :

When you go to System / Administration / Printing and right click on your Printer and chose Properties:

Do you find a similar entry near Device URl like


Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

I have not gotten that far. When I go 'Server-.Connect' and enter either 'Max Roxy' or the IP of the Mac, I get the described failure. I just sent a report for cups. When I go Preferences->Default Printer I get that the cups server is not running.

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

When I go to http://localhost:631
Firefox(my browser) can't establish connection to the server at localhost:631

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

The list of services in System->Administration->Services does not contain an entry for cups

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Best Ernst Zlo (ernst-zlo) said :

That informations help a lot.
Your Problem is a bit more basic

searches on your Ubuntu computer for the port 631 (and this is NOT the Mac, where the printer is connected to) so it must fail. I don't think you have even installed a webserver on your Ubuntu PC

When you try this on your Mac, you will get a response - the CUPS main page
(if not, the problem is on your MAC, not on your Ubuntu PC ! )

I hope, you forgive me, if I suggest things, you have allready done, but to be shure:

Have you tried to connect to the MAC via Firefox with the IP of your Mac but without any port?

if this fails, you have a http connection problem. In this case
use your terminal: What's the result of
ping IP
packet lost should be 0% in a LAN. (except someone has switched of pinging for the mac)
if not you have a general connection problem to your mac

If all this works you should go to the MAC and try
and read the error log and the other logs.

BTW as long as you have not made an entry in
Tab Hosts
IP Alias
ip MaxRoxy
you will not reach your mac by name.

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

Thanks, I am following your steps, very detailed and helpful
1. I installed ubuntu from a magazine's version. It seems unstable as many things hag it up. I don't think that the installation has many packages; and probably not a Web Server
2. On the Mac http://localhost:631 gives a CUPS page with all sorts of controls
3. Connection to takes forever (gives me a message that it is taking too long)
4. Ping responds with PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable ... and more like this. Note that on previous version of ubuntu I had no problem connecting to printer
5. The log appears normal - no communication from intrader (the ubuntu user)
6. Unfortunatelly I don't have System->Administration->Network only ... Network Tools

Should I reinstall from a download from ubuntu?

Revision history for this message
Ernst Zlo (ernst-zlo) said :

May I respectfully disagree with you in one single point:
You don't have a problem with the CUPS printer, you have a very severe problem to even reach your MAC.
Please double cross check if your LAN is really set to (most common would be

The fact, that you never had a problem with the "old" Ubuntu 8.04 tells me, that it probably is "only" a software problem.
@ 2 fine, so the Mac's still o.k. up and running <g>
@ 3 this is why I'm certain, that the connection to the Mac is the basic problem
@ 4 host unreachable ? forget the rest, it IS the connection <g>
@ 5 Yes of course, your Mac never heared from your ubuntu, so there can't be any problems from that side.
@ 6 Network Tools can be installed from the Synaptic.

As far as I think, you would be on the safer side to completely install the system with an original and proved Ubuntu 9.04 (Of course, you could manually check every part of your system, upgrade it by hand ... but it will take much much longer!)

I in your position would:

1 Make a backup of all data on your PC (!!!)
2 download the Ubuntu ISO file here:
   (you find all needed information there).
3 burn it to a CD
4 Insert the CD
5 Boot the system
6 make a check for CD integrity first -> so that you are on the safe side, that the CD was burned ok!
7 Use it as tryout and see, if you can reach the MAC via Firefox (without :631)
   if yes, then install the system and be happy. (much happier then with 8.04)
   (and come back and mark this question as resolved <g>)

if not, tell us with detailed data about your network hardware, then (and only then) it might even be a bug.
you could search the questions for the network hardware's name first.
If you don't find help in resolved questions:
please open a new question, because that would be a network problem (and mark this question as resolved)

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

I really appreciate your help with this. I wish that the answer could be interspersed properly, for it is difficult to quote your answers.

My mistake, it is (I checked the System Profiler on the Mac) --> still not reachable

I will follow your recommendation and post back.


Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

I hope I don't drive you nuts. I have brought up another laptop with 9.04:
The printer configuration applet shows /var/run/cups/cups.sock, and when I bring up the server via connections to http://localhost:631 and show the printers I see
Hp_Deskjet_5400 Series
Location Max Roxy's Macbook (5)
Printer Driver: HP Deskjet 5400 series on

I think I still need to reinstall

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Ernst Zlo (ernst-zlo) said :

Drive me nuts? not possible, I'm nuts since 1967 (before that I was only a bit weird) <giggle>

I had never tried that out before this very moment and you are quite right, it also leads to my printer. (= redirect)

But the fact, that your doesn't connect you to your MAC leaves us both in that situation, where you have no connetction to your mac - and therefore the port :631 also cant't reach your Mac.

Trying out with an original Live CD as described before is always a good choice.
If this works and you can reach the CUPS page from there:
Reinstall? Yes!
As I have said (most unclearly), one could save your system with hours of work. Or reinstall it in half an hour.

Don't forget to backup your data first!

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

You and I have been around for a while - I used CDC 160A and Fortran II in 1962. I really appreciate your patience and perserverance
Looking back at my answers, I screw up with the IP addresses

I have reinstalled ubuntu - things are better.

1. I can see the cups page locally (http://localhost:631) and at
2. 'New Printer' from printer configuration finds a printer at the host above and tells me what kind of printer it is; but then when I try to finish I get Printer 'maxroxy' requires the '/System/Library/Printers/Libraries/PrintJobMgr/Contents/MacOS/PrintJobMgr' program but it is not currently installed. Please install it before using this printer. --- Why doe it need t driver? I thought the printer is remote on the Mac. Where do I get such driver it case I need it?


Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

I don't know what made it work, but when I opened an editor and tried to print, voila

Thanks for help

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

Thanks Ernst Zlo, that solved my question.

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Ernst Zlo (ernst-zlo) said :

hehe that's typically for people at our age: We still ask "Why on earth does this work" (and not only why is it not working).
The fact is, that not only the Mac needs information, how the printer works, but also all other computers in the network have to know, what they can tell the printer and how they tell it.
It's a bit comparable with the fact, that you HAVE to write in French even when you use a fax to France. <vbg>

And yes this could be done better, if there were one single standard for printers but "ah nice, they have a standard, that's a fine idea, let's make our own new standard" <eg>

Nice to have talked to you!

Revision history for this message
intrader (intrader) said :

Ernst Zlo wrote:
> Your question #84182 on cups in ubuntu changed:
> Ernst Zlo posted a new comment:
> hehe that's typically for people at our age: We still ask "Why on earth does this work" (and not only why is it not working).
> The fact is, that not only the Mac needs information, how the printer works, but also all other computers in the network have to know, what they can tell the printer and how they tell it.
> It's a bit comparable with the fact, that you HAVE to write in French even when you use a fax to France. <vbg>
> And yes this could be done better, if there were one single standard for
> printers but "ah nice, they have a standard, that's a fine idea, let's
> make our own new standard" <eg>
> Nice to have talked to you!
> Regards
> Ernst
Same here. thanks for your help