Seahorse doesn't apply GPG passphrases anymore

Asked by Andy

Since my upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 seahorse doesn't jump in when gpg asks me for a passphrase anymore.

Before the upgrade any time I used a gpg key, seahorse would ask me if it should use the remembered passphrase to use the key. No it doesn't ask anything.

Also when trying gpg in the terminal, gpg itself will ask me for the passphrase.

Would be really great if I got that working, since Enigmail isn't able to use my passphrase with the gpg key — why ever.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Vikram Dhillon (dhillon-v10) said :

Try this and see what you get (don't post the output because its your keys)

gpg --list-keys


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Andy
<email address hidden> wrote:
> New question #91742 on Ubuntu:
> Since my upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 seahorse doesn't jump in when gpg asks me for a passphrase anymore.
> Before the upgrade any time I used a gpg key, seahorse would ask me if it should use the remembered passphrase to use the key. No it doesn't ask anything.
> Also when trying gpg in the terminal, gpg itself will ask me for the passphrase.
> Would be really great if I got that working, since Enigmail isn't able to use my passphrase with the gpg key — why ever.
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for Ubuntu.

Revision history for this message
Andy (theonlyandy) said :

Hei Vikram.

Thanks for your answer.

your mentioned command gets me the list of my installed public keys.

I can use gpg fully, but I always have to type my passphrase.

Revision history for this message
Sam_ (and-sam) said :

Did you check seahorse-preferences (system preferences)?
There you can enable the option to ask when a passphrase from cache should be used, how long it should be cached and so on.

Revision history for this message
Andy (theonlyandy) said :

That sounds helpful! Thanks.

But unfortunately I don't know where to find those preferences!

What is system preferences?

Thanks for helping my with that probably quite simple steps!

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Sam_ (and-sam) said :

>What is system preferences?
See #7 here (needs javascript)

Might be hidden in your menu.

system preferences -> encryption+keys (or alike, I've german locals)

You can open
system preferences -> main menu
navigate to the entry and enable it.

However, you can start the app from a terminal by typing:

What is a terminal:

Revision history for this message
Andy (theonlyandy) said :

Thanks very much man!

I already tried the Main menu settings, but there was no entry. I also tried seahorse-preferences in the run application, it didn't exist.

So terminal now suggested me to install seahorse-plugins, what I did.

The settings for GPG are (my translation):
* Always remember passphrase
* Ask before using passphrase

So it's exactly what I'd like to have, but it doesn't work. :(

Here's what gpg says:

>gpg --decrypt test.txt.gpg
>Du trenger en passfrase for å låse opp den hemmelige nøkkelen for
>brukeren: «Andy Pillip <email address hidden>»

>gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session
>Tast inn passfrase:

Revision history for this message
Andy (theonlyandy) said :

I also installed gnupg-agent now and started it using
>gpg-agent --daemon --write-env-file "${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info"

But it didn't change anything.

Is the gpg-agent needed? Or should seahorse itself be the gpg-agent?

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Sam_ (and-sam) said :

Not sure, I didn't upgrade, but installed Karmic new and everything was there by default.
In system administration -> system monitor -> processes is no gpg-agent, but:
/usr/bin/seahorse-agent --execute gnome-session

which is related to
system preferences -> startup applications -> gnome keyring-service (or alike)
and -> searhorse-service

Just make sure everything related to seahorse is installed and activated, I'd update package management and reboot.

Revision history for this message
Andy (theonlyandy) said :

Hi again.

First of all: The problem is solved. Thanks a lot for your time!

I checked what you mentioned, and all the entries were there and the belonging processes were running.

When booting today I checked gpg --decrypt-files again and I had to type in my passphrase in a grafical dialog.
That would be gpg-agent. So it worked after restarting.

I deinstalled it, restarted again, and suddenly seahorse would ask for my passphrase and store it. =)

Great, I didn't learn anything out of that. :(