Tutorial to create Pi-image wont work on ubuntu 18.04 on intel desktop.

Asked by J.H.Hermens

The installer DEB download just keeps presenting AMD64 version, that wont install on intel

Seems I must fallback on a windows PC.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

If your CPU is 32bit then it won't work. AMD got to the desktop market with 64bit chips long before Intel and to make operating systems easier to code they even have a handful of AMD instructions. Linux was 64bit long before Windows and adopted the name "amd64" and this has stuck. The install will still run on a 64bit Intel CPU.

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J.H.Hermens (hansplace) said :

Yoy tell me nothing new, but I think an installer must work on more hardware. havng to mix develop and operational envirment as not smart in my opinion, so it seems i let my pi2 and 3 simply on rasbian, or some other environment.

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Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Which tutorial are you talking about? Please provide a link!

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J.H.Hermens (hansplace) said :

I tried this, but it won't even install 32 bits installer:


Although raspberry-pi2 is just 32 bits, and so is the desktop used: a
intel 32bits with ubuntu 18.04.

Op 2020-05-08 om 17:44 schreef Manfred Hampl:
> Your question #690539 on Ubuntu changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/690539
> Manfred Hampl posted a new comment:
> Which tutorial are you talking about? Please provide a link!

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :


It's an ARM CPU but transferring the file to SD card doesn't matter about the destination architecture

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J.H.Hermens (hansplace) said :

if the machine running the installer is something else as an AMD, e.g. linux ubunto 32 on intel32 x86 you cannot install installer.
Since a had a programming degree (jan 1967) before the byte , the half-word , the word and the double word was invented, I will find another solution.

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Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Ok, I understand. The Ubuntu page offers the raspberry pi imager only for amd64 deb, for Windows and for MacOS, but not as i386 deb.

This is not Ubuntu's fault, because Ubuntu just copies the information form raspberrypi.org
Please see https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/ and https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/

As the imager does not work for you, you probably have to do a manual download of the raspbian image from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ and copy it to the SD card by other means, e.g. the dd command, see https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/linux.md