Unable to install older release

Created by Jeff Lane 

If you are unable to install an older release, especially in cases where hardware devices are not detected, we suggest you try the latest LTS release which provides up to 5 years of support and security updates. You can also, experimentally, install the development/interim releases (non-LTS releases) if your hardware is the latest and greatest and not supported by the current LTS or LTS Point Release.

If your system is listed as "Certified Pre-install", that means it was certified with a customized version of Ubuntu intended to be installed by the manufacturer and sold with that custom version of Ubuntu.

We make every effort to get any hardware enablement in the pre-install image into stock Ubuntu in the next release or two following the certification, but that may not always happen due to driver issues, licensing, or any manner of other blockers.

In those cases, we still suggest you install the latest LTS release, however, there could be issues with hardware support. If you have problems with hardware support, please file a bug against Ubuntu so that the development teams can work on getting that support into the next Ubuntu release.