terminator term and tput

Asked by Shawn Sterling

Hello, I am curious about how terminator is doing 256 colors.

As in, if I do a `tput colors` it returns 8 colors. If I `echo $TERM` it returns xterm. `infocmp` shows colors#8

Yet if I run 256colors.pl, I see the full color cube. I'm happy it does, but .. Is terminator not obeying the terminfo?

It is my understanding that I should need to set the TERM to be 'xterm-256color' , then tput should see 256, then colors should work. I've googled all about this, and can't find any solid info.

Thanks for making terminator, it's awesome.

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English Edit question
Terminator Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Chris Jones
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Best Chris Jones (cmsj) said :


We use the VTE widget from GNOME Terminal, so really it is their code that
is doing this.
My understanding is that they just try to process whatever they receive,
rather than being in a particular TERM mode and strictly enforcing it, so
if they receive 256 colour codes, they just get on with displaying them.



On 24 October 2012 10:06, Shawn Sterling <
<email address hidden>> wrote:

> New question #212170 on Terminator:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/terminator/+question/212170
> Hello, I am curious about how terminator is doing 256 colors.
> As in, if I do a `tput colors` it returns 8 colors. If I `echo $TERM` it
> returns xterm. `infocmp` shows colors#8
> Yet if I run 256colors.pl, I see the full color cube. I'm happy it does,
> but .. Is terminator not obeying the terminfo?
> It is my understanding that I should need to set the TERM to be
> 'xterm-256color' , then tput should see 256, then colors should work. I've
> googled all about this, and can't find any solid info.
> Thanks for making terminator, it's awesome.
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for Terminator.

Revision history for this message
Shawn Sterling (shawx) said :

Thanks Chris Jones, that solved my question.