How do I install OSHIP?

Created by Tim Cook
Last updated by:
Tim Cook

These instructions are out of date. OSHIP now requires Python 2.6.x Please see the installation instructions at:

** You can also get OSHIP without having a Launchpad login. See note below. **

** OSHIP REQUIRES Python 2.5.x **

** OS-specific installation notes **
We are experimenting with installation instructions for specific Operating Systems.
For Ubuntu 9.04, see
For other OSes, please be patient as we are working on them
** OS-specific installation notes **

I have tested these steps on Linux (Ubuntu 8.10/9.04 on an AMD64) and they worked for me.
I would appreciate some feedback if you find any problems with them.

On Ubuntu and maybe other Debian flavors you may need to issue these two commands first:

sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential

in order to get all the required headers and libs.

Assuming that you have installed easy_install according to these

and assuming you have installed virtualenv (easy_install virtualenv)
and the version control system bazaar (sudo apt-get install bzr)

sudo easy_install virtualenv

virtualenv --no-site-packages oshipenv

If you are using a mixed Python environment i.e. Python 2.6 is is main interpreter and that is where virtualenv was installed then you should specify python2.5 like this:

virtualenv python=python2.5 --no-site-packages oshipenv

cd oshipenv
source bin/activate
bzr branch lp:oship

**NOTE: If you do not have a Launchpad login then you should use 'bzr co lp:oship' instead of 'bzr branch lp:oship'
**This will allow you to try it out but not create your own branch or commit back to the project.

cd oship/oship
bin/oship-ctl fg

In your web browser go to http://localhost:8080
Login with the defaults:
user = admin
password = admin

*NOTE: You can execute bin/zpasswd to change these defaults and select the encryption method later.

You'll see the <add application page>;
type 'oship' (without quotes) into the box and click the

Then, click on the oship (oship) link.
Read the instructions and click on the setup link.
You'll then be redirected back to the main page http://localhost:8080/oship.

The remaining instructions are there.