How do I install OSHIP on Ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10?

Created by Roger Erens
install installation linux ubuntu
Last updated by:
Tim Cook

These instructions are out of date. OSHIP now requires Python 2.6.x Please see the installation instructions at:

These instruction steps have been tested on:

    - Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop 32-bit edition (Roger Erens)
    - Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop 64-bit edition (Tim Cook)
    - Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop 32-bit edition RC1 (Roger Erens)

We would appreciate feedback if you find any issues with these instructions.

We hope these instructions can serve you too when you're running another GNU/Linux flavor. Please note that we also have FAQ entries for installing OSHIP on other Ubuntu versions.

Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 come with Python 2.6 installed, but OSHIP requires Python 2.5. Install this version of Python, including required header and library files:

sudo apt-get install python-all-dev

We also need to have a compiler (g++) installed. Therefore:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

The virtualenv package allows us to create python-sandboxes, which are isolated development environments. This will prevent various versions of libraries or packages to interfere with each other:

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

Before we move on by creating our first sandbox, make sure to have bazaar available, which is used to keep track of the different versions of the source code and accompanying files:

sudo apt-get install bzr

Now, we create a sandbox with a Python interpreter that is different from the system-wide interpreter. A directory called `oshipenv` will be created. We prefer to create this under the users' home directory since we will end up with some pretty deep directory structure:

virtualenv --python=python2.5 --no-site-packages oshipenv

Creating the sandbox is not enough, we also need to activate it (note how the prompt gets prefixed with the name of the sandbox in parentheses):

cd oshipenv
source bin/activate

Obtain the latest stable OSHIP source tree:

bzr branch lp:~oship-mgmt/oship/stable

If you are a developer you probably do not want the stable version but the the trunk version instead:

bzr branch lp:oship

OSHIP was built using a lot of open source basis code. Prepare for some time to wait as we obtain that code:

cd stable/oship

If you are a developer and are going to perform multiple installations, there is some time to gain here. See the FAQ
"How do I speed up subsequent installations?" (

We are almost there. Assuming that port 8080 is available for the web server to handle requests, start up the server:

bin/oship-ctl fg

In a web browser, go to http://localhost:8080
Login with the defaults:

user = admin
password = admin

NOTE: We can execute bin/zpasswd to change these defaults and select the encryption method later.

We arrive at the <add application page>; in the box type the name of your new app:


and click the `Create`-button.

Then, click on the oship (oship) link that is in the box listing the 'Installed applicatons'.
We will now arrive at OSHIP's Main Management Screen with the address http://localhost:8080/oship.

The remaining instructions are there.