generate_events interrupted with error: ZeroDivisionError : float division

Asked by Stephanie Pointon

I have been trying to run a simulation for an assisnment. I am getting the following error when I run generate_events:
Command "generate_events " interrupted with error:
ZeroDivisionError : float division
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/run_01_tag_1_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.

I installed madgraph by extracting the MG5_aMC_v2.1.0.tar.gz file provided by my lecturer. I then used the following commands inside the resulting folder:
install pythia-pgs
install ExRootAnalysis

I am asked to do a SUSY model and do the following:
import mssm
generate p p > go go / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @0
add process p p > go go j / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @1
output MSSM_GOGO1

I then replace the param_card.dat file in the output folder with one provided to me by the lecturer. I had to edit the run_card.dat file to change the following:

I edited the pythia_card.dat (copied from pythia_card_default.dat) to add the lines at the end:
!...Matching parameters...

I edited the pgs_card.dat (copied from pgs_card_ATLAS.dat) to change:
0.4 ! MET resolution
antikt ! jet finding algorithm (cone or ktjet)
0.40 ! calorimeter kt cluster finder cone size (delta R)

I then generated my events using the commands:

The output of this on the terminal was:
The following switches determine which programs are run:
 1 Run the pythia shower/hadronization: pythia=ON
 2 Run PGS as detector simulator: pgs=ON
 3 Run Delphes as detector simulator: delphes=NOT INSTALLED
 4 Decay particles with the MadSpin module: madspin=OFF
 5 Add weight to events based on coupling parameters: reweight=OFF
  Either type the switch number (1 to 5) to change its default setting,
  or set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'madspin=ON' at the prompt)
  Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done.
 [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, auto, done, pythia=ON, pythia=OFF, ... ][60s to answer]
Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?
  1 / param : param_card.dat
  2 / run : run_card.dat
  3 / pythia : pythia_card.dat
  4 / pgs : pgs_card.dat
 you can also
   - enter the path to a valid card or banner.
   - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly.
     The set option works only for param_card and run_card.
     Type 'help set' for more information on this command.
   - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...).
     Type 'help' for the list of available command
 [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, pythia, 4, enter path, ... ][60s to answer]
Generating 100 events with run name run_01
survey run_01
INFO: compile directory
WARNING: information about "msoft [21]" is missing using default value: 32337.49.
WARNING: information about "msoft [22]" is missing using default value: -128800.1.
WARNING: information about "mass [23]" is missing using default value: 91.1876.
WARNING: information about "mass [15]" is missing using default value: 1.777.
Since icckw>0, We change the value of 'drjl' to 0
Using random number seed offset = 21
INFO: Running Survey
Creating Jobs
Working on SubProcesses
INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 2, Completed: 4 [ current time: 23h49 ]
INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 2, Completed: 8 [ 3.4s ]
INFO: End survey
refine 100
Creating Jobs
INFO: Refine results to 100
INFO: Combining runs
INFO: finish refine
refine 100
Creating Jobs
INFO: Refine results to 100
INFO: Combining runs
INFO: finish refine
INFO: Combining Events
INFO: Creating root files
** Calculating number of events to process. Please wait...
** Input file contains 100 events
[#########################] (100.00%) : 100/100 entries processed
** Exiting...
  === Results Summary for run: run_01 tag: tag_1 ===

     Cross-section : 0.5803 +- 0.003384 pb
     Nb of events : 100

running syscalc on mode parton
INFO: Storing parton level results
INFO: End Parton
reweight -from_cards
decay_events -from_cards
INFO: Running Pythia
Command "generate_events " interrupted with error:
ZeroDivisionError : float division
Please report this bug on
More information is found in '/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/run_01_tag_1_debug.log'.
Please attach this file to your report.

The contents of run_01_tag_debug.log are:
#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO/MadEvent *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadEvent *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/ filename *
#* *
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 872, in onecmd
    return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
  File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 865, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 2127, in do_generate_events
    self.exec_cmd('pythia --no_default', postcmd=False, printcmd=False)
  File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 912, in exec_cmd
    stop = Cmd.onecmd_orig(current_interface, line, **opt)
  File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 865, in onecmd_orig
    return func(arg, **opt)
  File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 3005, in do_pythia
    error_m = math.sqrt((error * Nacc/Ntry)**2 + sigma_m**2 *(1-Nacc/Ntry)/Nacc)
ZeroDivisionError: float division
                              Run Options
               stdout_level : None

                         MadEvent Options
     automatic_html_opening : False (user set)
          cluster_temp_path : None
              cluster_queue : madgraph
             cluster_memory : None
               cluster_time : None
                    nb_core : 2 (user set)
                   run_mode : 2

                      Configuration Options
                web_browser : None
                text_editor : None
            pythia-pgs_path : /home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/pythia-pgs (user set)
                    td_path : None (user set)
               delphes_path : None (user set)
                thepeg_path : None (user set)
               cluster_type : condor
           madanalysis_path : None (user set)
                     lhapdf : lhapdf-config
           cluster_nb_retry : 1
                    timeout : 60
           fortran_compiler : None
                auto_update : 7 (user set)
        exrootanalysis_path : /home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/ExRootAnalysis (user set)
      cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
                 eps_viewer : None
               syscalc_path : None (user set)
                 hepmc_path : None (user set)
               pythia8_path : None (user set)
                  hwpp_path : None (user set)
         cluster_retry_wait : 300
#* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * * * 5 * * * * *
#* * * * * *
#* * * *
#* *
#* *
#* VERSION 2.1.0 2014-02-21 *
#* *
#* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
#* *
#* *
#* *
#* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
#* *
#* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
#* *

set group_subprocesses Auto
set ignore_six_quark_processes False
set gauge unitary
set complex_mass_scheme False
import model sm
define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
define l+ = e+ mu+
define l- = e- mu-
define vl = ve vm vt
define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
import model mssm
generate p p > go go / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @0
add process p p > go go j / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @1
output MSSM_GOGO1
## MadGraph/MadEvent *
## Les Houches friendly file for the (MS)SM parameters of MadGraph *
## SM parameter set and decay widths produced by MSSMCalc *
##*Please note the following IMPORTANT issues: *
## *
##0. REFRAIN from editing this file by hand! Some of the parame- *
## ters are not independent. Always use a calculator. *
## *
##1. alpha_S(MZ) has been used in the calculation of the parameters*
## This value is KEPT by madgraph when no pdf are used lpp(i)=0, *
## but, for consistency, it will be reset by madgraph to the *
## value expected IF the pdfs for collisions with hadrons are *
## used. *
## *
##2. Values of the charm and bottom kinematic (pole) masses are *
## those used in the matrix elements and phase space UNLESS they *
## are set to ZERO from the start in the model (particles.dat) *
## This happens, for example, when using 5-flavor QCD where *
## charm and bottom are treated as partons in the initial state *
## and a zero mass might be hardwired in the model definition. *
## *
## The SUSY decays have calculated using SDECAY 1.1a *
## *
BLOCK DCINFO # Decay Program information
     1 SDECAY # decay calculator
     2 1.1a # version number
BLOCK SPINFO # Spectrum calculator information
     2 7.81
BLOCK MODSEL # Model selection
     1 1 #
BLOCK SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
     1 1.25778332E+02 # alpha_em^-1(M_Z)^MSbar
     2 1.16570000E-05 # G_F [GeV^-2]
     3 1.17200002E-01 # alpha_S(M_Z)^MSbar
     4 8.93764874E+01 # M_Z pole mass
     5 4.19999981E+00 # mb(mb)^MSbar
     6 1.54540821E+02 # mt pole mass (extracted)
     7 1.94850223E+00 # mtau pole mass (extracted)
BLOCK MINPAR # Input parameters - minimal models
     1 6.00000000E+02 # m_0
     2 3.00000000E+02 # m_{1/2}
     3 1.00000000E+01 # tan(beta)
     4 1.00000000E+00 # sign(mu)
BLOCK EXTPAR # Input parameters - non-minimal models
     0 2.21278347E+16 # Input scale
BLOCK MASS # Mass Spectrum
# PDG code mass particle
         5 4.81955182E+00 # b-quark pole mass (extracted)
         6 1.54540821E+02 # t-quark pole mass (not read by ME)
        24 7.71761851E+01 # W+
        25 1.11844620E+02 # h
        35 7.49062561E+02 # H
        36 7.43967712E+02 # A
        37 7.53755432E+02 # H+
   1000001 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000001 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000002 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000002 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000003 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000003 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000004 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000004 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000005 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000005 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000006 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000006 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000011 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000011 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000012 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000013 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000013 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000014 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000015 4.50000000E+03 #
   2000015 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000016 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000021 562.5 #
   1000022 187.5 #
   1000023 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000025 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000035 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000024 4.50000000E+03 #
   1000037 4.50000000E+03 #
BLOCK NMIX # Neutralino Mixing Matrix
  1 1 1.00000000E+00 # N_11
  1 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_12
  1 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_13
  1 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_14
  2 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_21
  2 2 1.00000000E+00 # N_22
  2 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_23
  2 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_24
  3 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_31
  3 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_32
  3 3 1.00000000E+00 # N_33
  3 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_34
  4 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_41
  4 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_42
  4 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_43
  4 4 1.00000000E+00 # N_44
BLOCK UMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix U
  1 1 1.00000000E+00 # U_11
  1 2 0.00000000E+00 # U_12
  2 1 0.00000000E+00 # U_21
  2 2 1.00000000E+00 # U_22
BLOCK VMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix V
  1 1 1.00000000E+00 # V_11
  1 2 0.00000000E+00 # V_12
  2 1 0.00000000E+00 # V_21
  2 2 1.00000000E+00 # V_22
BLOCK STOPMIX # Stop Mixing Matrix
  1 1 1.00000000E+00 # O_{11}
  1 2 0.00000000E+00 # O_{12}
  2 1 0.00000000E+00 # O_{21}
  2 2 1.00000000E+00 # O_{22}
BLOCK SBOTMIX # Sbottom Mixing Matrix
  1 1 1.00000000E+00 # O_{11}
  1 2 0.00000000E+00 # O_{12}
  2 1 0.00000000E+00 # O_{21}
  2 2 1.00000000E+00 # O_{22}
BLOCK STAUMIX # Stau Mixing Matrix
  1 1 1.00000000E+00 # O_{11}
  1 2 0.00000000E+00 # O_{12}
  2 1 0.00000000E+00 # O_{21}
  2 2 1.00000000E+00 # O_{22}
BLOCK ALPHA # Higgs mixing
          -1.02914833E-01 # Mixing angle in the neutral Higgs boson sector
BLOCK HMIX Q= 6.61219971E+02 # DRbar Higgs Parameters
     1 4.12454407E+02 # mu(Q)
     2 9.36003455E+00 # tanb (extracted)
     3 2.50607727E+02 # Higgs vev at Q
     4 5.53487938E+05 # m_A^2(Q)
BLOCK GAUGE Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The gauge couplings
     3 1.07381373E+00 # g3(Q) MSbar
BLOCK AU Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The trilinear couplings
  3 3 -5.32061523E+02 # A_t(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AD Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The trilinear couplings
  3 3 -8.07902039E+02 # A_b(Q) DRbar
BLOCK AE Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The trilinear couplings
  3 3 -1.81115051E+02 # A_tau(Q) DRbar
BLOCK YU Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The Yukawa couplings
  3 3 8.85841429E-01 # y_t(Q) (extracted)
BLOCK YD Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The Yukawa couplings
  3 3 1.36232540E-01 # y_b(Q) (extracted)
BLOCK YE Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The Yukawa couplings
  3 3 1.01981103E-01 # y_tau(Q) (extracted)
BLOCK MSOFT Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The soft SUSY breaking masses at the scale Q
     1 1.24019547E+02 # M_1(Q)
     2 2.32185043E+02 # M_2(Q)
     3 6.86750671E+02 # M_3(Q)
    31 6.29402649E+02 # MeL(Q)
    32 6.29402649E+02 # MmuL(Q)
    33 6.26662476E+02 # MtauL(Q)
    34 6.08800842E+02 # MeR(Q)
    35 6.08800842E+02 # MmuR(Q)
    36 6.03154236E+02 # MtauR(Q)
    41 8.48326294E+02 # MqL1(Q)
    42 8.48326294E+02 # MqL2(Q)
    43 7.40788147E+02 # MqL3(Q)
    44 8.34092896E+02 # MuR(Q)
    45 8.34092896E+02 # McR(Q)
    46 5.90198242E+02 # MtR(Q)
    47 8.32408752E+02 # MdR(Q)
    48 8.32408752E+02 # MsR(Q)
    49 8.31454102E+02 # MbR(Q)
# =================
# |The decay table|
# =================
# - The multi-body decays for the inos, stops and sbottoms are included.
# - The SUSY decays of the top quark are included.
# PDG Width
DECAY 23 2.22426094E+00 # Z width (SM calculation)
DECAY 24 1.80894237E+00 # W width (SM calculation)
# PDG Width
DECAY 6 1.02218095E+00 # top decays
     1.00000000E+00 2 5 24 # BR(t -> b W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 5 37 # BR(t -> b H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000022 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_10)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000023 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_20)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000025 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_30)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000035 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_40)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000022 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_10)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000023 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_20)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000025 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_30)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000035 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_40)
# PDG Width
DECAY 25 1.65461618E-03 # h decays
     1.47339152E-01 2 15 -15 # BR(H1 -> tau- tau+)
     7.81441418E-01 2 5 -5 # BR(H1 -> b bb)
     6.76395564E-02 2 24 -24 # BR(H1 -> W+ W-)
     3.57987415E-03 2 23 23 # BR(H1 -> Z Z)
# PDG Width
DECAY 35 1.26118245E+00 # H decays
     1.21586159E-01 2 15 -15 # BR(H -> tau- tau+)
     2.21890882E-01 2 6 -6 # BR(H -> t tb)
     6.50784860E-01 2 5 -5 # BR(H -> b bb)
     1.26971777E-03 2 24 -24 # BR(H -> W+ W-)
     6.21230085E-04 2 23 23 # BR(H -> Z Z)
     0.00000000E+00 2 24 -37 # BR(H -> W+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -24 37 # BR(H -> W- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 37 -37 # BR(H -> H+ H-)
     3.84715147E-03 2 25 25 # BR(H -> h h)
     0.00000000E+00 2 36 36 # BR(H -> A A)
# PDG Width
DECAY 36 1.32606570E+00 # A decays
     1.14768736E-01 2 15 -15 # BR(A -> tau- tau+)
     2.69728288E-01 2 6 -6 # BR(A -> t tb)
     6.14379413E-01 2 5 -5 # BR(A -> b bb)
     1.12356280E-03 2 23 25 # BR(A -> Z h)
     0.00000000E+00 2 23 35 # BR(A -> Z H)
     0.00000000E+00 2 24 -37 # BR(A -> W+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -24 37 # BR(A -> W- H+)
# PDG Width
DECAY 37 1.27808456E+00 # H+ decays
     1.20644761E-01 2 -15 16 # BR(H+ -> tau+ nu_tau)
     8.78124903E-01 2 6 -5 # BR(H+ -> t bb)
     1.23033590E-03 2 24 25 # BR(H+ -> W+ h)
     0.00000000E+00 2 24 35 # BR(H+ -> W+ H)
     0.00000000E+00 2 24 36 # BR(H+ -> W+ A)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000021 7.40992706E-02 # gluino decays
     2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 1 -1 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 d db)
     2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 2 -2 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 u ub)
     2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 3 -3 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 s sb)
     2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 4 -4 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 c cb)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000006 5.69449678E+00 # stop1 decays
     1.88206930E-01 2 1000022 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_10 t )
     9.44603249E-02 2 1000023 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_20 t )
     1.70455913E-01 2 1000025 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_30 t )
     2.29109632E-02 2 1000035 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_40 t )
     2.42095992E-01 2 1000024 5 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_1+ b )
     2.81869877E-01 2 1000037 5 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_2+ b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000021 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~g t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 37 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_1 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 37 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_2 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 24 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_1 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 24 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_2 W+)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000006 1.47683155E+01 # stop2 decays
     1.04775334E-02 2 1000022 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_10 t )
     1.13972560E-01 2 1000023 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_20 t )
     1.57562942E-01 2 1000025 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_30 t )
     2.57314086E-01 2 1000035 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_40 t )
     2.40022120E-01 2 1000024 5 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_1+ b )
     1.04238005E-01 2 1000037 5 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_2+ b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000021 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~g t )
     4.81590640E-02 2 1000006 25 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 35 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 36 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 37 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_1 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 37 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_2 H+)
     6.82536895E-02 2 1000006 23 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 Z )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 24 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_1 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 24 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_2 W+)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000005 1.37684102E+01 # sbottom1 decays
     1.24979039E-02 2 1000022 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_10 b )
     1.62963740E-01 2 1000023 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_20 b )
     5.39620118E-03 2 1000025 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_30 b )
     1.32454160E-02 2 1000035 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_40 b )
     2.97894492E-01 2 -1000024 6 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_1- t )
     3.94674666E-01 2 -1000037 6 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_2- t )
     1.30886580E-02 2 1000021 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~g b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -37 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_1 H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -37 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_2 H-)
     1.00238923E-01 2 1000006 -24 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_1 W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -24 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_2 W-)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000005 4.02050211E+00 # sbottom2 decays
     1.16939193E-01 2 1000022 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_10 b )
     9.67521720E-04 2 1000023 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_20 b )
     2.44620085E-02 2 1000025 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_30 b )
     2.54122057E-02 2 1000035 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_40 b )
     9.99862983E-04 2 -1000024 6 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_1- t )
     6.61498667E-02 2 -1000037 6 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_2- t )
     7.55931029E-01 2 1000021 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~g b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 25 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 35 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 36 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -37 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_1 H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -37 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_2 H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 23 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 Z )
     9.13831226E-03 2 1000006 -24 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_1 W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -24 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_2 W-)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000002 1.31301150E+01 # sup_L decays
     5.97240819E-03 2 1000022 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_10 u)
     2.13814900E-01 2 1000023 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_20 u)
     6.54997799E-04 2 1000025 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_30 u)
     1.15708854E-02 2 1000035 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_40 u)
     4.34593064E-01 2 1000024 1 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_1+ d)
     1.55107464E-02 2 1000037 1 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_2+ d)
     3.17882998E-01 2 1000021 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~g u)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000002 5.45626401E+00 # sup_R decays
     3.56050387E-01 2 1000022 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_10 u)
     1.95018645E-03 2 1000023 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_20 u)
     5.79103054E-04 2 1000025 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_30 u)
     2.22793094E-03 2 1000035 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_40 u)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 1 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_1+ d)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 1 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_2+ d)
     6.39192393E-01 2 1000021 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~g u)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000001 1.31836627E+01 # sdown_L decays
     1.36015082E-02 2 1000022 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_10 d)
     2.00968062E-01 2 1000023 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_20 d)
     1.12614606E-03 2 1000025 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_30 d)
     1.52229825E-02 2 1000035 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_40 d)
     3.97020140E-01 2 -1000024 2 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_1- u)
     4.05217275E-02 2 -1000037 2 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_2- u)
     3.31539434E-01 2 1000021 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~g d)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000001 3.95203891E+00 # sdown_R decays
     1.22809923E-01 2 1000022 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_10 d)
     6.72575606E-04 2 1000023 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_20 d)
     1.99604669E-04 2 1000025 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_30 d)
     7.67849884E-04 2 1000035 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_40 d)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 2 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_1- u)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 2 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_2- u)
     8.75550047E-01 2 1000021 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~g d)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000004 1.31301150E+01 # scharm_L decays
     5.97240819E-03 2 1000022 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_10 c)
     2.13814900E-01 2 1000023 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_20 c)
     6.54997799E-04 2 1000025 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_30 c)
     1.15708854E-02 2 1000035 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_40 c)
     4.34593064E-01 2 1000024 3 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_1+ s)
     1.55107464E-02 2 1000037 3 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_2+ s)
     3.17882998E-01 2 1000021 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~g c)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000004 5.45626401E+00 # scharm_R decays
     3.56050387E-01 2 1000022 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_10 c)
     1.95018645E-03 2 1000023 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_20 c)
     5.79103054E-04 2 1000025 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_30 c)
     2.22793094E-03 2 1000035 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_40 c)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 3 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_1+ s)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 3 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_2+ s)
     6.39192393E-01 2 1000021 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~g c)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000003 1.31836627E+01 # sstrange_L decays
     1.36015082E-02 2 1000022 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_10 s)
     2.00968062E-01 2 1000023 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_20 s)
     1.12614606E-03 2 1000025 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_30 s)
     1.52229825E-02 2 1000035 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_40 s)
     3.97020140E-01 2 -1000024 4 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_1- c)
     4.05217275E-02 2 -1000037 4 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_2- c)
     3.31539434E-01 2 1000021 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~g s)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000003 3.95203891E+00 # sstrange_R decays
     1.22809923E-01 2 1000022 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_10 s)
     6.72575606E-04 2 1000023 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_20 s)
     1.99604669E-04 2 1000025 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_30 s)
     7.67849884E-04 2 1000035 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_40 s)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 4 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_1- c)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 4 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_2- c)
     8.75550047E-01 2 1000021 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~g s)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000011 6.01545605E+00 # selectron_L decays
     1.11040636E-01 2 1000022 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_10 e-)
     3.10532538E-01 2 1000023 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_20 e-)
     2.58296815E-04 2 1000025 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_30 e-)
     6.35788612E-03 2 1000035 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_40 e-)
     5.41499312E-01 2 -1000024 12 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_1- nu_e)
     3.03113305E-02 2 -1000037 12 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_2- nu_e)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000011 2.97447234E+00 # selectron_R decays
     9.91606160E-01 2 1000022 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_10 e-)
     4.85044533E-03 2 1000023 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_20 e-)
     7.98993760E-04 2 1000025 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_30 e-)
     2.74440052E-03 2 1000035 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_40 e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 12 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_1- nu_e)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 12 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_2- nu_e)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000013 6.01545605E+00 # smuon_L decays
     1.11040636E-01 2 1000022 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_10 mu-)
     3.10532538E-01 2 1000023 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_20 mu-)
     2.58296815E-04 2 1000025 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_30 mu-)
     6.35788612E-03 2 1000035 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_40 mu-)
     5.41499312E-01 2 -1000024 14 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_1- nu_mu)
     3.03113305E-02 2 -1000037 14 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_2- nu_mu)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000013 2.97447234E+00 # smuon_R decays
     9.91606160E-01 2 1000022 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_10 mu-)
     4.85044533E-03 2 1000023 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_20 mu-)
     7.98993760E-04 2 1000025 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_30 mu-)
     2.74440052E-03 2 1000035 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_40 mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 14 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_1- nu_mu)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 14 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_2- nu_mu)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000015 3.25037203E+00 # stau_1 decays
     8.62776265E-01 2 1000022 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_10 tau-)
     4.80319526E-02 2 1000023 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_20 tau-)
     4.21977606E-03 2 1000025 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_30 tau-)
     2.46374419E-03 2 1000035 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_40 tau-)
     8.12723418E-02 2 -1000024 16 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_1- nu_tau)
     1.23592003E-03 2 -1000037 16 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_2- nu_tau)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -37 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~nu_tauL H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -24 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~nu_tauL W-)
# PDG Width
DECAY 2000015 5.77940856E+00 # stau_2 decays
     1.34953765E-01 2 1000022 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_10 tau-)
     2.97886887E-01 2 1000023 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_20 tau-)
     4.73358093E-03 2 1000025 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_30 tau-)
     1.18373086E-02 2 1000035 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_40 tau-)
     5.14907193E-01 2 -1000024 16 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_1- nu_tau)
     3.56812658E-02 2 -1000037 16 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_2- nu_tau)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -37 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~nu_tauL H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -24 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~nu_tauL W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 25 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 h)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 35 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 H)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 36 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 A)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 23 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 Z)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000012 6.07250223E+00 # snu_eL decays
     1.42806354E-01 2 1000022 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_10 nu_e)
     2.51079690E-01 2 1000023 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_20 nu_e)
     1.34732524E-03 2 1000025 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_30 nu_e)
     1.36914726E-02 2 1000035 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_40 nu_e)
     5.79974054E-01 2 1000024 11 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_1+ e-)
     1.11011047E-02 2 1000037 11 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_2+ e-)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000014 6.07250223E+00 # snu_muL decays
     1.42806354E-01 2 1000022 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_10 nu_mu)
     2.51079690E-01 2 1000023 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_20 nu_mu)
     1.34732524E-03 2 1000025 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_30 nu_mu)
     1.36914726E-02 2 1000035 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_40 nu_mu)
     5.79974054E-01 2 1000024 13 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_1+ mu-)
     1.11011047E-02 2 1000037 13 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_2+ mu-)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000016 6.07063864E+00 # snu_tauL decays
     1.42115898E-01 2 1000022 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_10 nu_tau)
     2.49372798E-01 2 1000023 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_20 nu_tau)
     1.32244004E-03 2 1000025 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_30 nu_tau)
     1.34038264E-02 2 1000035 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_40 nu_tau)
     5.77998382E-01 2 1000024 15 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_1+ tau-)
     1.57866549E-02 2 1000037 15 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_2+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 -37 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_1+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 -37 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_2+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 -24 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_1+ W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 -24 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_2+ W-)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000024 7.00367294E-03 # chargino1+ decays
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -1 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~u_L db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -1 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~u_R db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 2 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~d_L* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 2 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~d_R* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -3 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~c_L sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -3 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~c_R sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 4 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~s_L* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 4 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~s_R* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -5 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~t_1 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -5 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~t_2 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 6 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~b_1* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 6 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~b_2* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -11 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~nu_eL e+ )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -13 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~nu_muL mu+ )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -15 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~nu_tau1 tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 12 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~e_L+ nu_e)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 12 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~e_R+ nu_e)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 14 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~mu_L+ nu_mu)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 14 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~mu_R+ nu_mu)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 16 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~tau_1+ nu_tau)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 16 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~tau_2+ nu_tau)
     1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_20 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_30 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_40 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_20 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_30 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_40 H+)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000037 2.23350902E+00 # chargino2+ decays
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -1 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~u_L db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -1 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~u_R db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 2 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~d_L* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 2 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~d_R* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -3 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~c_L sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -3 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~c_R sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 4 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~s_L* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 4 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~s_R* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -5 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~t_1 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -5 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~t_2 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 6 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~b_1* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 6 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~b_2* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -11 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~nu_eL e+ )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -13 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~nu_muL mu+ )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -15 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~nu_tau1 tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 12 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~e_L+ nu_e)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 12 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~e_R+ nu_e)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 14 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~mu_L+ nu_mu)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 14 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~mu_R+ nu_mu)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 16 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~tau_1+ nu_tau)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 16 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~tau_2+ nu_tau)
     3.13898343E-01 2 1000024 23 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ Z )
     9.42923324E-02 2 1000022 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_10 W+)
     3.63297283E-01 2 1000023 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_20 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_30 W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_40 W+)
     2.28512042E-01 2 1000024 25 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 35 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 36 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_10 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_20 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_30 H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_40 H+)
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000022 0.00000000E+00 # neutralino1 decays
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000023 9.37327589E-04 # neutralino2 decays
     1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 23 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 Z )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1+ W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1- W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2+ W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2- W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 25 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 35 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 36 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_L ub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000002 2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_L* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_R ub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000002 2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_R* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000001 -1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_L db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_L* d )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000001 -1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_R db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_R* d )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_L cb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000004 4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_L* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_R cb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000004 4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_R* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000003 -3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_L sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_L* s )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000003 -3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_R sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_R* s )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_1 tb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000006 6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_1* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_2 tb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000006 6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_2* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 -5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_1 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_1* b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 -5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_2 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_2* b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000011 -11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_L- e+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_L+ e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000011 -11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_R- e+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_R+ e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000013 -13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_L- mu+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_L+ mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000013 -13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_R- mu+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_R+ mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 -15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_1- tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_1+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000015 -15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_2- tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_2+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -12 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_eL nu_eb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000012 12 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_eL* nu_e )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -14 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_muL nu_mub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000014 14 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_muL* nu_mu )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -16 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_tau1 nu_taub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000016 16 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_tau1* nu_tau )
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000025 2.16222723E+00 # neutralino3 decays
     1.12205625E-01 2 1000022 23 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 Z )
     2.42360898E-01 2 1000023 23 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 Z )
     3.06499253E-01 2 1000024 -24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1+ W-)
     3.06499253E-01 2 -1000024 24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1- W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2+ W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2- W+)
     2.16639745E-02 2 1000022 25 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 35 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 36 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 A )
     1.07709952E-02 2 1000023 25 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 35 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 36 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_L ub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000002 2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_L* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_R ub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000002 2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_R* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000001 -1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_L db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_L* d )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000001 -1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_R db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_R* d )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_L cb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000004 4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_L* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_R cb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000004 4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_R* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000003 -3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_L sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_L* s )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000003 -3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_R sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_R* s )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_1 tb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000006 6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_1* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_2 tb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000006 6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_2* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 -5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_1 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_1* b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 -5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_2 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_2* b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000011 -11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_L- e+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_L+ e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000011 -11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_R- e+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_R+ e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000013 -13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_L- mu+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_L+ mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000013 -13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_R- mu+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_R+ mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 -15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_1- tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_1+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000015 -15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_2- tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_2+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -12 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_eL nu_eb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000012 12 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_eL* nu_e )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -14 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_muL nu_mub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000014 14 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_muL* nu_mu )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -16 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_tau1 nu_taub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000016 16 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_tau1* nu_tau )
# PDG Width
DECAY 1000035 2.37932556E+00 # neutralino4 decays
     2.36489274E-02 2 1000022 23 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 Z )
     1.94410793E-02 2 1000023 23 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 Z )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 23 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 Z )
     3.39474740E-01 2 1000024 -24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1+ W-)
     3.39474740E-01 2 -1000024 24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1- W+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2+ W-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2- W+)
     9.26914543E-02 2 1000022 25 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 35 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 36 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 A )
     1.85269058E-01 2 1000023 25 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 35 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 36 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 25 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 h )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 35 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 H )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 36 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 A )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2+ H-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2- H+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_L ub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000002 2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_L* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_R ub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000002 2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_R* u )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000001 -1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_L db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_L* d )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000001 -1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_R db)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_R* d )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_L cb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000004 4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_L* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_R cb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000004 4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_R* c )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000003 -3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_L sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_L* s )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000003 -3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_R sb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_R* s )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_1 tb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000006 6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_1* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_2 tb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000006 6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_2* t )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 -5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_1 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_1* b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 -5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_2 bb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_2* b )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000011 -11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_L- e+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_L+ e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000011 -11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_R- e+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_R+ e-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000013 -13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_L- mu+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_L+ mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000013 -13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_R- mu+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_R+ mu-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 -15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_1- tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_1+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 2000015 -15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_2- tau+)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_2+ tau-)
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -12 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_eL nu_eb)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000012 12 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_eL* nu_e )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -14 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_muL nu_mub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000014 14 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_muL* nu_mu )
     0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -16 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_tau1 nu_taub)
     0.00000000E+00 2 -1000016 16 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_tau1* nu_tau )

# MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
# *
# run_card.dat MadEvent *
# *
# This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
# *
# Some notation/conventions: *
# *
# Lines starting with a '# ' are info or comments *
# *
# mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
# Running parameters
# Tag name for the run (one word) *
  tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
# Run to generate the grid pack *
  .false. = gridpack !True = setting up the grid pack
# Number of events and rnd seed *
# Warning: Do not generate more than 1M events in a single run *
# If you want to run Pythia, avoid more than 50k events in a run. *
  100 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
      0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
# Collider type and energy *
# lpp: 0=No PDF, 1=proton, -1=antiproton, 2=photon from proton, *
# 3=photon from electron *
        1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type
        1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type
     3500 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 total energy in GeV
     3500 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 total energy in GeV
# Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed) *
        0 = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1
        0 = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2
# PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes also alpha_s and its evol. *
 'cteq6l1' = pdlabel ! PDF set
# Renormalization and factorization scales *
 F = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
 F = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
 91.1880 = scale ! fixed ren scale
 91.1880 = dsqrt_q2fact1 ! fixed fact scale for pdf1
 91.1880 = dsqrt_q2fact2 ! fixed fact scale for pdf2
 1 = scalefact ! scale factor for event-by-event scales
# Matching - Warning! ickkw > 1 is still beta
 1 = ickkw ! 0 no matching, 1 MLM, 2 CKKW matching
 1 = highestmult ! for ickkw=2, highest mult group
 1 = ktscheme ! for ickkw=1, 1 Durham kT, 2 Pythia pTE
 1 = alpsfact ! scale factor for QCD emission vx
 F = chcluster ! cluster only according to channel diag
 T = pdfwgt ! for ickkw=1, perform pdf reweighting
 5 = asrwgtflavor ! highest quark flavor for a_s reweight
 T = clusinfo ! include clustering tag in output
# Automatic ptj and mjj cuts if xqcut > 0
# (turn off for VBF and single top processes)
   T = auto_ptj_mjj ! Automatic setting of ptj and mjj
# BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma)
  15 = bwcutoff ! (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma)
# Apply pt/E/eta/dr/mij cuts on decay products or not
# (note that etmiss/ptll/ptheavy/ht/sorted cuts always apply)
   T = cut_decays ! Cut decay products
# Number of helicities to sum per event (0 = all helicities)
# 0 gives more stable result, but longer run time (needed for
# long decay chains e.g.).
# Use >=2 if most helicities contribute, e.g. pure QCD.
   0 = nhel ! Number of helicities used per event
# Standard Cuts
# Minimum and maximum pt's (for max, -1 means no cut) *
 20 = ptj ! minimum pt for the jets
  0 = ptb ! minimum pt for the b
 10 = pta ! minimum pt for the photons
 10 = ptl ! minimum pt for the charged leptons
  0 = misset ! minimum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta)
  0 = ptheavy ! minimum pt for one heavy final state
 1.0 = ptonium ! minimum pt for the quarkonium states
 -1 = ptjmax ! maximum pt for the jets
 -1 = ptbmax ! maximum pt for the b
 -1 = ptamax ! maximum pt for the photons
 -1 = ptlmax ! maximum pt for the charged leptons
 -1 = missetmax ! maximum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta)
# Minimum and maximum E's (in the lab frame) *
  0 = ej ! minimum E for the jets
  0 = eb ! minimum E for the b
  0 = ea ! minimum E for the photons
  0 = el ! minimum E for the charged leptons
 -1 = ejmax ! maximum E for the jets
 -1 = ebmax ! maximum E for the b
 -1 = eamax ! maximum E for the photons
 -1 = elmax ! maximum E for the charged leptons
# Maximum and minimum absolute rapidity (for max, -1 means no cut) *
   5 = etaj ! max rap for the jets
  -1 = etab ! max rap for the b
 2.5 = etaa ! max rap for the photons
 2.5 = etal ! max rap for the charged leptons
 0.6 = etaonium ! max rap for the quarkonium states
   0 = etajmin ! min rap for the jets
   0 = etabmin ! min rap for the b
   0 = etaamin ! min rap for the photons
   0 = etalmin ! main rap for the charged leptons
# Minimum and maximum DeltaR distance *
 0 = drjj ! min distance between jets
 0 = drbb ! min distance between b's
 0.4 = drll ! min distance between leptons
 0.4 = draa ! min distance between gammas
 0 = drbj ! min distance between b and jet
 0.4 = draj ! min distance between gamma and jet
 0.4 = drjl ! min distance between jet and lepton
 0 = drab ! min distance between gamma and b
 0 = drbl ! min distance between b and lepton
 0.4 = dral ! min distance between gamma and lepton
 -1 = drjjmax ! max distance between jets
 -1 = drbbmax ! max distance between b's
 -1 = drllmax ! max distance between leptons
 -1 = draamax ! max distance between gammas
 -1 = drbjmax ! max distance between b and jet
 -1 = drajmax ! max distance between gamma and jet
 -1 = drjlmax ! max distance between jet and lepton
 -1 = drabmax ! max distance between gamma and b
 -1 = drblmax ! max distance between b and lepton
 -1 = dralmax ! maxdistance between gamma and lepton
# Minimum and maximum invariant mass for pairs *
 0 = mmjj ! min invariant mass of a jet pair
 0 = mmbb ! min invariant mass of a b pair
 0 = mmaa ! min invariant mass of gamma gamma pair
 0 = mmll ! min invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
 -1 = mmjjmax ! max invariant mass of a jet pair
 -1 = mmbbmax ! max invariant mass of a b pair
 -1 = mmaamax ! max invariant mass of gamma gamma pair
 -1 = mmllmax ! max invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
# Minimum and maximum invariant mass for all letpons *
 0 = mmnl ! min invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
 -1 = mmnlmax ! max invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
# Minimum and maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons *
 0 = ptllmin ! Minimum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
 -1 = ptllmax ! Maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
# Inclusive cuts *
 0 = xptj ! minimum pt for at least one jet
 0 = xptb ! minimum pt for at least one b
 0 = xpta ! minimum pt for at least one photon
 0 = xptl ! minimum pt for at least one charged lepton
# Control the pt's of the jets sorted by pt *
 0 = ptj1min ! minimum pt for the leading jet in pt
 0 = ptj2min ! minimum pt for the second jet in pt
 0 = ptj3min ! minimum pt for the third jet in pt
 0 = ptj4min ! minimum pt for the fourth jet in pt
 -1 = ptj1max ! maximum pt for the leading jet in pt
 -1 = ptj2max ! maximum pt for the second jet in pt
 -1 = ptj3max ! maximum pt for the third jet in pt
 -1 = ptj4max ! maximum pt for the fourth jet in pt
 0 = cutuse ! reject event if fails any (0) / all (1) jet pt cuts
# Control the pt's of leptons sorted by pt *
 0 = ptl1min ! minimum pt for the leading lepton in pt
 0 = ptl2min ! minimum pt for the second lepton in pt
 0 = ptl3min ! minimum pt for the third lepton in pt
 0 = ptl4min ! minimum pt for the fourth lepton in pt
 -1 = ptl1max ! maximum pt for the leading lepton in pt
 -1 = ptl2max ! maximum pt for the second lepton in pt
 -1 = ptl3max ! maximum pt for the third lepton in pt
 -1 = ptl4max ! maximum pt for the fourth lepton in pt
# Control the Ht(k)=Sum of k leading jets *
 0 = htjmin ! minimum jet HT=Sum(jet pt)
 -1 = htjmax ! maximum jet HT=Sum(jet pt)
 0 = ihtmin !inclusive Ht for all partons (including b)
 -1 = ihtmax !inclusive Ht for all partons (including b)
 0 = ht2min ! minimum Ht for the two leading jets
 0 = ht3min ! minimum Ht for the three leading jets
 0 = ht4min ! minimum Ht for the four leading jets
 -1 = ht2max ! maximum Ht for the two leading jets
 -1 = ht3max ! maximum Ht for the three leading jets
 -1 = ht4max ! maximum Ht for the four leading jets
# Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442 *
# When ptgmin=0, all the other parameters are ignored *
# When ptgmin>0, pta and draj are not going to be used *
   0 = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
 0.4 = R0gamma ! Radius of isolation code
 1.0 = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
 1.0 = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
 .true. = isoEM ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
# WBF cuts *
 0 = xetamin ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case
 0 = deltaeta ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case
 -1 = ktdurham
 0.4 = dparameter
# maximal pdg code for quark to be considered as a light jet *
# (otherwise b cuts are applied) *
 4 = maxjetflavor ! Maximum jet pdg code
# Jet measure cuts *
 140 = xqcut ! minimum kt jet measure between partons
# Store info for systematics studies *
# WARNING: If use_syst is T, matched Pythia output is *
# meaningful ONLY if plotted taking matchscale *
# reweighting into account! *
   F = use_syst ! Enable systematics studies
# Parameter of the systematics study
# will be use by SysCalc (if install)
0.5 1 2 = sys_scalefact # Central scale factors
0.5 1 2 = sys_alpsfact # \alpha_s emission scale factors
30 50 = sys_matchscale # variation of merging scale
# PDF sets and number of members (0 or none for all members).
CT10nlo.LHgrid = sys_pdf # matching scales
# MSTW2008nlo68cl.LHgrid 1 = sys_pdf

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Question information

English Edit question
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Edit question
de Visscher Edit question
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Hi Stefanie,

This is linked to the fact that None of your events passed the matching selection in pythia.
I would suggest first to increase the number of events to 10.000.



On Apr 16, 2014, at 3:46 PM, Stephanie Pointon <email address hidden> wrote:

> New question #247087 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO:
> I have been trying to run a simulation for an assisnment. I am getting the following error when I run generate_events:
> Command "generate_events " interrupted with error:
> ZeroDivisionError : float division
> Please report this bug on
> More information is found in '/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/run_01_tag_1_debug.log'.
> Please attach this file to your report.
> I installed madgraph by extracting the MG5_aMC_v2.1.0.tar.gz file provided by my lecturer. I then used the following commands inside the resulting folder:
> ./bin/mg5
> install pythia-pgs
> install ExRootAnalysis
> exit
> I am asked to do a SUSY model and do the following:
> ./bin/mg5
> import mssm
> generate p p > go go / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @0
> add process p p > go go j / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @1
> output MSSM_GOGO1
> exit
> I then replace the param_card.dat file in the output folder with one provided to me by the lecturer. I had to edit the run_card.dat file to change the following:
> 100=nevents
> 3500=ebeam1
> 3500=ebeam2
> 1=ickkw
> 0=drjj
> 140=xqcut
> I edited the pythia_card.dat (copied from pythia_card_default.dat) to add the lines at the end:
> !...Matching parameters...
> showerkt=T
> qcut=140
> imss(21)=24
> imss(22)=24
> I edited the pgs_card.dat (copied from pgs_card_ATLAS.dat) to change:
> 0.4 ! MET resolution
> antikt ! jet finding algorithm (cone or ktjet)
> 0.40 ! calorimeter kt cluster finder cone size (delta R)
> I then generated my events using the commands:
> ./bin/madevent
> generate_events
> The output of this on the terminal was:
> The following switches determine which programs are run:
> 1 Run the pythia shower/hadronization: pythia=ON
> 2 Run PGS as detector simulator: pgs=ON
> 3 Run Delphes as detector simulator: delphes=NOT INSTALLED
> 4 Decay particles with the MadSpin module: madspin=OFF
> 5 Add weight to events based on coupling parameters: reweight=OFF
> Either type the switch number (1 to 5) to change its default setting,
> or set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'madspin=ON' at the prompt)
> Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done.
> [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, auto, done, pythia=ON, pythia=OFF, ... ][60s to answer]
> Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?
> 1 / param : param_card.dat
> 2 / run : run_card.dat
> 3 / pythia : pythia_card.dat
> 4 / pgs : pgs_card.dat
> you can also
> - enter the path to a valid card or banner.
> - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly.
> The set option works only for param_card and run_card.
> Type 'help set' for more information on this command.
> - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...).
> Type 'help' for the list of available command
> [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, pythia, 4, enter path, ... ][60s to answer]
> Generating 100 events with run name run_01
> survey run_01
> INFO: compile directory
> WARNING: information about "msoft [21]" is missing using default value: 32337.49.
> WARNING: information about "msoft [22]" is missing using default value: -128800.1.
> WARNING: information about "mass [23]" is missing using default value: 91.1876.
> WARNING: information about "mass [15]" is missing using default value: 1.777.
> Since icckw>0, We change the value of 'drjl' to 0
> Using random number seed offset = 21
> INFO: Running Survey
> Creating Jobs
> Working on SubProcesses
> P1_gg_gogog
> P1_gq_gogoq
> P1_qq_gogog
> P0_gg_gogo
> P0_qq_gogo
> INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 2, Completed: 4 [ current time: 23h49 ]
> INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 2, Completed: 8 [ 3.4s ]
> INFO: End survey
> refine 100
> Creating Jobs
> INFO: Refine results to 100
> P1_gg_gogog
> P1_gq_gogoq
> P1_qq_gogog
> P0_gg_gogo
> P0_qq_gogo
> INFO: Combining runs
> INFO: finish refine
> refine 100
> Creating Jobs
> INFO: Refine results to 100
> P1_gg_gogog
> P1_gq_gogoq
> P1_qq_gogog
> P0_gg_gogo
> P0_qq_gogo
> INFO: Combining runs
> INFO: finish refine
> combine_events
> INFO: Combining Events
> INFO: Creating root files
> ** Calculating number of events to process. Please wait...
> ** Input file contains 100 events
> [#########################] (100.00%) : 100/100 entries processed
> ** Exiting...
> === Results Summary for run: run_01 tag: tag_1 ===
> Cross-section : 0.5803 +- 0.003384 pb
> Nb of events : 100
> running syscalc on mode parton
> store_events
> INFO: Storing parton level results
> INFO: End Parton
> reweight -from_cards
> decay_events -from_cards
> INFO: Running Pythia
> Command "generate_events " interrupted with error:
> ZeroDivisionError : float division
> Please report this bug on
> More information is found in '/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/run_01_tag_1_debug.log'.
> Please attach this file to your report.
> The contents of run_01_tag_debug.log are:
> #************************************************************
> #* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO/MadEvent *
> #* *
> #* * * *
> #* * * * * *
> #* * * * * 5 * * * * *
> #* * * * * *
> #* * * *
> #* *
> #* *
> #* VERSION *
> #* *
> #* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
> #* *
> #* *
> #************************************************************
> #* *
> #* Command File for MadEvent *
> #* *
> #* run as ./bin/ filename *
> #* *
> #************************************************************
> generate_events
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 872, in onecmd
> return self.onecmd_orig(line, **opt)
> File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 865, in onecmd_orig
> return func(arg, **opt)
> File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 2127, in do_generate_events
> self.exec_cmd('pythia --no_default', postcmd=False, printcmd=False)
> File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 912, in exec_cmd
> stop = Cmd.onecmd_orig(current_interface, line, **opt)
> File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 865, in onecmd_orig
> return func(arg, **opt)
> File "/home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/MSSM_GOGO1/bin/internal/", line 3005, in do_pythia
> error_m = math.sqrt((error * Nacc/Ntry)**2 + sigma_m**2 *(1-Nacc/Ntry)/Nacc)
> ZeroDivisionError: float division
> Run Options
> -----------
> stdout_level : None
> MadEvent Options
> ----------------
> automatic_html_opening : False (user set)
> cluster_temp_path : None
> cluster_queue : madgraph
> cluster_memory : None
> cluster_time : None
> nb_core : 2 (user set)
> run_mode : 2
> Configuration Options
> ---------------------
> web_browser : None
> text_editor : None
> pythia-pgs_path : /home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/pythia-pgs (user set)
> td_path : None (user set)
> delphes_path : None (user set)
> thepeg_path : None (user set)
> cluster_type : condor
> madanalysis_path : None (user set)
> lhapdf : lhapdf-config
> cluster_nb_retry : 1
> timeout : 60
> fortran_compiler : None
> auto_update : 7 (user set)
> exrootanalysis_path : /home/stephanie/madgraph1/MG5_aMC_v2_1_0/ExRootAnalysis (user set)
> cluster_status_update : (600, 30)
> eps_viewer : None
> syscalc_path : None (user set)
> hepmc_path : None (user set)
> pythia8_path : None (user set)
> hwpp_path : None (user set)
> cluster_retry_wait : 300
> #************************************************************
> #* MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
> #* *
> #* * * *
> #* * * * * *
> #* * * * * 5 * * * * *
> #* * * * * *
> #* * * *
> #* *
> #* *
> #* VERSION 2.1.0 2014-02-21 *
> #* *
> #* The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at *
> #* *
> #* *
> #************************************************************
> #* *
> #* Command File for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
> #* *
> #* run as ./bin/mg5_aMC filename *
> #* *
> #************************************************************
> set group_subprocesses Auto
> set ignore_six_quark_processes False
> set gauge unitary
> set complex_mass_scheme False
> import model sm
> define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
> define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~
> define l+ = e+ mu+
> define l- = e- mu-
> define vl = ve vm vt
> define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~
> import model mssm
> generate p p > go go / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @0
> add process p p > go go j / ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 ul ur dl dr cl cr sl sr t1 t2 b1 b2 @1
> output MSSM_GOGO1
> ##******************************************************************
> ## MadGraph/MadEvent *
> ##******************************************************************
> ## Les Houches friendly file for the (MS)SM parameters of MadGraph *
> ## SM parameter set and decay widths produced by MSSMCalc *
> ##******************************************************************
> ##*Please note the following IMPORTANT issues: *
> ## *
> ##0. REFRAIN from editing this file by hand! Some of the parame- *
> ## ters are not independent. Always use a calculator. *
> ## *
> ##1. alpha_S(MZ) has been used in the calculation of the parameters*
> ## This value is KEPT by madgraph when no pdf are used lpp(i)=0, *
> ## but, for consistency, it will be reset by madgraph to the *
> ## value expected IF the pdfs for collisions with hadrons are *
> ## used. *
> ## *
> ##2. Values of the charm and bottom kinematic (pole) masses are *
> ## those used in the matrix elements and phase space UNLESS they *
> ## are set to ZERO from the start in the model (particles.dat) *
> ## This happens, for example, when using 5-flavor QCD where *
> ## charm and bottom are treated as partons in the initial state *
> ## and a zero mass might be hardwired in the model definition. *
> ## *
> ## The SUSY decays have calculated using SDECAY 1.1a *
> ## *
> ##******************************************************************
> #
> BLOCK DCINFO # Decay Program information
> 1 SDECAY # decay calculator
> 2 1.1a # version number
> #
> BLOCK SPINFO # Spectrum calculator information
> 2 7.81
> #
> BLOCK MODSEL # Model selection
> 1 1 #
> #
> BLOCK SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
> 1 1.25778332E+02 # alpha_em^-1(M_Z)^MSbar
> 2 1.16570000E-05 # G_F [GeV^-2]
> 3 1.17200002E-01 # alpha_S(M_Z)^MSbar
> 4 8.93764874E+01 # M_Z pole mass
> 5 4.19999981E+00 # mb(mb)^MSbar
> 6 1.54540821E+02 # mt pole mass (extracted)
> 7 1.94850223E+00 # mtau pole mass (extracted)
> #
> BLOCK MINPAR # Input parameters - minimal models
> 1 6.00000000E+02 # m_0
> 2 3.00000000E+02 # m_{1/2}
> 3 1.00000000E+01 # tan(beta)
> 4 1.00000000E+00 # sign(mu)
> #
> BLOCK EXTPAR # Input parameters - non-minimal models
> 0 2.21278347E+16 # Input scale
> #
> BLOCK MASS # Mass Spectrum
> # PDG code mass particle
> 5 4.81955182E+00 # b-quark pole mass (extracted)
> 6 1.54540821E+02 # t-quark pole mass (not read by ME)
> 24 7.71761851E+01 # W+
> 25 1.11844620E+02 # h
> 35 7.49062561E+02 # H
> 36 7.43967712E+02 # A
> 37 7.53755432E+02 # H+
> 1000001 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000001 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000002 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000002 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000003 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000003 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000004 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000004 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000005 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000005 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000006 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000006 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000011 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000011 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000012 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000013 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000013 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000014 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000015 4.50000000E+03 #
> 2000015 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000016 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000021 562.5 #
> 1000022 187.5 #
> 1000023 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000025 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000035 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000024 4.50000000E+03 #
> 1000037 4.50000000E+03 #
> #
> BLOCK NMIX # Neutralino Mixing Matrix
> 1 1 1.00000000E+00 # N_11
> 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_12
> 1 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_13
> 1 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_14
> 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_21
> 2 2 1.00000000E+00 # N_22
> 2 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_23
> 2 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_24
> 3 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_31
> 3 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_32
> 3 3 1.00000000E+00 # N_33
> 3 4 0.00000000E+00 # N_34
> 4 1 0.00000000E+00 # N_41
> 4 2 0.00000000E+00 # N_42
> 4 3 0.00000000E+00 # N_43
> 4 4 1.00000000E+00 # N_44
> #
> BLOCK UMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix U
> 1 1 1.00000000E+00 # U_11
> 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # U_12
> 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # U_21
> 2 2 1.00000000E+00 # U_22
> #
> BLOCK VMIX # Chargino Mixing Matrix V
> 1 1 1.00000000E+00 # V_11
> 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # V_12
> 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # V_21
> 2 2 1.00000000E+00 # V_22
> #
> BLOCK STOPMIX # Stop Mixing Matrix
> 1 1 1.00000000E+00 # O_{11}
> 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # O_{12}
> 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # O_{21}
> 2 2 1.00000000E+00 # O_{22}
> #
> BLOCK SBOTMIX # Sbottom Mixing Matrix
> 1 1 1.00000000E+00 # O_{11}
> 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # O_{12}
> 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # O_{21}
> 2 2 1.00000000E+00 # O_{22}
> #
> BLOCK STAUMIX # Stau Mixing Matrix
> 1 1 1.00000000E+00 # O_{11}
> 1 2 0.00000000E+00 # O_{12}
> 2 1 0.00000000E+00 # O_{21}
> 2 2 1.00000000E+00 # O_{22}
> #
> BLOCK ALPHA # Higgs mixing
> -1.02914833E-01 # Mixing angle in the neutral Higgs boson sector
> #
> BLOCK HMIX Q= 6.61219971E+02 # DRbar Higgs Parameters
> 1 4.12454407E+02 # mu(Q)
> 2 9.36003455E+00 # tanb (extracted)
> 3 2.50607727E+02 # Higgs vev at Q
> 4 5.53487938E+05 # m_A^2(Q)
> #
> BLOCK GAUGE Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The gauge couplings
> 3 1.07381373E+00 # g3(Q) MSbar
> #
> BLOCK AU Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The trilinear couplings
> 3 3 -5.32061523E+02 # A_t(Q) DRbar
> #
> BLOCK AD Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The trilinear couplings
> 3 3 -8.07902039E+02 # A_b(Q) DRbar
> #
> BLOCK AE Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The trilinear couplings
> 3 3 -1.81115051E+02 # A_tau(Q) DRbar
> #
> BLOCK YU Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The Yukawa couplings
> 3 3 8.85841429E-01 # y_t(Q) (extracted)
> #
> BLOCK YD Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The Yukawa couplings
> 3 3 1.36232540E-01 # y_b(Q) (extracted)
> #
> BLOCK YE Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The Yukawa couplings
> 3 3 1.01981103E-01 # y_tau(Q) (extracted)
> #
> BLOCK MSOFT Q= 6.61219971E+02 # The soft SUSY breaking masses at the scale Q
> 1 1.24019547E+02 # M_1(Q)
> 2 2.32185043E+02 # M_2(Q)
> 3 6.86750671E+02 # M_3(Q)
> 31 6.29402649E+02 # MeL(Q)
> 32 6.29402649E+02 # MmuL(Q)
> 33 6.26662476E+02 # MtauL(Q)
> 34 6.08800842E+02 # MeR(Q)
> 35 6.08800842E+02 # MmuR(Q)
> 36 6.03154236E+02 # MtauR(Q)
> 41 8.48326294E+02 # MqL1(Q)
> 42 8.48326294E+02 # MqL2(Q)
> 43 7.40788147E+02 # MqL3(Q)
> 44 8.34092896E+02 # MuR(Q)
> 45 8.34092896E+02 # McR(Q)
> 46 5.90198242E+02 # MtR(Q)
> 47 8.32408752E+02 # MdR(Q)
> 48 8.32408752E+02 # MsR(Q)
> 49 8.31454102E+02 # MbR(Q)
> #
> #
> #
> # =================
> # |The decay table|
> # =================
> #
> # - The multi-body decays for the inos, stops and sbottoms are included.
> #
> # - The SUSY decays of the top quark are included.
> #
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 23 2.22426094E+00 # Z width (SM calculation)
> DECAY 24 1.80894237E+00 # W width (SM calculation)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 6 1.02218095E+00 # top decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.00000000E+00 2 5 24 # BR(t -> b W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 5 37 # BR(t -> b H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000022 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_10)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000023 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_20)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000025 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_30)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 1000035 # BR(t -> ~t_1 ~chi_40)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000022 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_10)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000023 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_20)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000025 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_30)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 1000035 # BR(t -> ~t_2 ~chi_40)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 25 1.65461618E-03 # h decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.47339152E-01 2 15 -15 # BR(H1 -> tau- tau+)
> 7.81441418E-01 2 5 -5 # BR(H1 -> b bb)
> 6.76395564E-02 2 24 -24 # BR(H1 -> W+ W-)
> 3.57987415E-03 2 23 23 # BR(H1 -> Z Z)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 35 1.26118245E+00 # H decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.21586159E-01 2 15 -15 # BR(H -> tau- tau+)
> 2.21890882E-01 2 6 -6 # BR(H -> t tb)
> 6.50784860E-01 2 5 -5 # BR(H -> b bb)
> 1.26971777E-03 2 24 -24 # BR(H -> W+ W-)
> 6.21230085E-04 2 23 23 # BR(H -> Z Z)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 24 -37 # BR(H -> W+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -24 37 # BR(H -> W- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 37 -37 # BR(H -> H+ H-)
> 3.84715147E-03 2 25 25 # BR(H -> h h)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 36 36 # BR(H -> A A)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 36 1.32606570E+00 # A decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.14768736E-01 2 15 -15 # BR(A -> tau- tau+)
> 2.69728288E-01 2 6 -6 # BR(A -> t tb)
> 6.14379413E-01 2 5 -5 # BR(A -> b bb)
> 1.12356280E-03 2 23 25 # BR(A -> Z h)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 23 35 # BR(A -> Z H)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 24 -37 # BR(A -> W+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -24 37 # BR(A -> W- H+)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 37 1.27808456E+00 # H+ decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.20644761E-01 2 -15 16 # BR(H+ -> tau+ nu_tau)
> 8.78124903E-01 2 6 -5 # BR(H+ -> t bb)
> 1.23033590E-03 2 24 25 # BR(H+ -> W+ h)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 24 35 # BR(H+ -> W+ H)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 24 36 # BR(H+ -> W+ A)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000021 7.40992706E-02 # gluino decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2 ID3
> 2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 1 -1 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 d db)
> 2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 2 -2 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 u ub)
> 2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 3 -3 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 s sb)
> 2.50000000E-01 3 1000022 4 -4 # BR(~g -> ~chi_10 c cb)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000006 5.69449678E+00 # stop1 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.88206930E-01 2 1000022 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_10 t )
> 9.44603249E-02 2 1000023 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_20 t )
> 1.70455913E-01 2 1000025 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_30 t )
> 2.29109632E-02 2 1000035 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_40 t )
> 2.42095992E-01 2 1000024 5 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_1+ b )
> 2.81869877E-01 2 1000037 5 # BR(~t_1 -> ~chi_2+ b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000021 6 # BR(~t_1 -> ~g t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 37 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_1 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 37 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_2 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 24 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_1 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 24 # BR(~t_1 -> ~b_2 W+)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000006 1.47683155E+01 # stop2 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.04775334E-02 2 1000022 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_10 t )
> 1.13972560E-01 2 1000023 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_20 t )
> 1.57562942E-01 2 1000025 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_30 t )
> 2.57314086E-01 2 1000035 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_40 t )
> 2.40022120E-01 2 1000024 5 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_1+ b )
> 1.04238005E-01 2 1000037 5 # BR(~t_2 -> ~chi_2+ b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000021 6 # BR(~t_2 -> ~g t )
> 4.81590640E-02 2 1000006 25 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 35 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 36 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 37 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_1 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 37 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_2 H+)
> 6.82536895E-02 2 1000006 23 # BR(~t_2 -> ~t_1 Z )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 24 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_1 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 24 # BR(~t_2 -> ~b_2 W+)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000005 1.37684102E+01 # sbottom1 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.24979039E-02 2 1000022 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_10 b )
> 1.62963740E-01 2 1000023 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_20 b )
> 5.39620118E-03 2 1000025 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_30 b )
> 1.32454160E-02 2 1000035 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_40 b )
> 2.97894492E-01 2 -1000024 6 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_1- t )
> 3.94674666E-01 2 -1000037 6 # BR(~b_1 -> ~chi_2- t )
> 1.30886580E-02 2 1000021 5 # BR(~b_1 -> ~g b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -37 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_1 H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -37 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_2 H-)
> 1.00238923E-01 2 1000006 -24 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_1 W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -24 # BR(~b_1 -> ~t_2 W-)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000005 4.02050211E+00 # sbottom2 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.16939193E-01 2 1000022 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_10 b )
> 9.67521720E-04 2 1000023 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_20 b )
> 2.44620085E-02 2 1000025 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_30 b )
> 2.54122057E-02 2 1000035 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_40 b )
> 9.99862983E-04 2 -1000024 6 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_1- t )
> 6.61498667E-02 2 -1000037 6 # BR(~b_2 -> ~chi_2- t )
> 7.55931029E-01 2 1000021 5 # BR(~b_2 -> ~g b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 25 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 35 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 36 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -37 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_1 H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -37 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_2 H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 23 # BR(~b_2 -> ~b_1 Z )
> 9.13831226E-03 2 1000006 -24 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_1 W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -24 # BR(~b_2 -> ~t_2 W-)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000002 1.31301150E+01 # sup_L decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 5.97240819E-03 2 1000022 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_10 u)
> 2.13814900E-01 2 1000023 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_20 u)
> 6.54997799E-04 2 1000025 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_30 u)
> 1.15708854E-02 2 1000035 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_40 u)
> 4.34593064E-01 2 1000024 1 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_1+ d)
> 1.55107464E-02 2 1000037 1 # BR(~u_L -> ~chi_2+ d)
> 3.17882998E-01 2 1000021 2 # BR(~u_L -> ~g u)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000002 5.45626401E+00 # sup_R decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 3.56050387E-01 2 1000022 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_10 u)
> 1.95018645E-03 2 1000023 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_20 u)
> 5.79103054E-04 2 1000025 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_30 u)
> 2.22793094E-03 2 1000035 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_40 u)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 1 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_1+ d)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 1 # BR(~u_R -> ~chi_2+ d)
> 6.39192393E-01 2 1000021 2 # BR(~u_R -> ~g u)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000001 1.31836627E+01 # sdown_L decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.36015082E-02 2 1000022 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_10 d)
> 2.00968062E-01 2 1000023 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_20 d)
> 1.12614606E-03 2 1000025 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_30 d)
> 1.52229825E-02 2 1000035 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_40 d)
> 3.97020140E-01 2 -1000024 2 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_1- u)
> 4.05217275E-02 2 -1000037 2 # BR(~d_L -> ~chi_2- u)
> 3.31539434E-01 2 1000021 1 # BR(~d_L -> ~g d)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000001 3.95203891E+00 # sdown_R decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.22809923E-01 2 1000022 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_10 d)
> 6.72575606E-04 2 1000023 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_20 d)
> 1.99604669E-04 2 1000025 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_30 d)
> 7.67849884E-04 2 1000035 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_40 d)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 2 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_1- u)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 2 # BR(~d_R -> ~chi_2- u)
> 8.75550047E-01 2 1000021 1 # BR(~d_R -> ~g d)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000004 1.31301150E+01 # scharm_L decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 5.97240819E-03 2 1000022 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_10 c)
> 2.13814900E-01 2 1000023 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_20 c)
> 6.54997799E-04 2 1000025 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_30 c)
> 1.15708854E-02 2 1000035 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_40 c)
> 4.34593064E-01 2 1000024 3 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_1+ s)
> 1.55107464E-02 2 1000037 3 # BR(~c_L -> ~chi_2+ s)
> 3.17882998E-01 2 1000021 4 # BR(~c_L -> ~g c)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000004 5.45626401E+00 # scharm_R decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 3.56050387E-01 2 1000022 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_10 c)
> 1.95018645E-03 2 1000023 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_20 c)
> 5.79103054E-04 2 1000025 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_30 c)
> 2.22793094E-03 2 1000035 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_40 c)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 3 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_1+ s)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 3 # BR(~c_R -> ~chi_2+ s)
> 6.39192393E-01 2 1000021 4 # BR(~c_R -> ~g c)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000003 1.31836627E+01 # sstrange_L decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.36015082E-02 2 1000022 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_10 s)
> 2.00968062E-01 2 1000023 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_20 s)
> 1.12614606E-03 2 1000025 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_30 s)
> 1.52229825E-02 2 1000035 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_40 s)
> 3.97020140E-01 2 -1000024 4 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_1- c)
> 4.05217275E-02 2 -1000037 4 # BR(~s_L -> ~chi_2- c)
> 3.31539434E-01 2 1000021 3 # BR(~s_L -> ~g s)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000003 3.95203891E+00 # sstrange_R decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.22809923E-01 2 1000022 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_10 s)
> 6.72575606E-04 2 1000023 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_20 s)
> 1.99604669E-04 2 1000025 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_30 s)
> 7.67849884E-04 2 1000035 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_40 s)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 4 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_1- c)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 4 # BR(~s_R -> ~chi_2- c)
> 8.75550047E-01 2 1000021 3 # BR(~s_R -> ~g s)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000011 6.01545605E+00 # selectron_L decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.11040636E-01 2 1000022 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_10 e-)
> 3.10532538E-01 2 1000023 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_20 e-)
> 2.58296815E-04 2 1000025 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_30 e-)
> 6.35788612E-03 2 1000035 11 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_40 e-)
> 5.41499312E-01 2 -1000024 12 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_1- nu_e)
> 3.03113305E-02 2 -1000037 12 # BR(~e_L -> ~chi_2- nu_e)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000011 2.97447234E+00 # selectron_R decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 9.91606160E-01 2 1000022 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_10 e-)
> 4.85044533E-03 2 1000023 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_20 e-)
> 7.98993760E-04 2 1000025 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_30 e-)
> 2.74440052E-03 2 1000035 11 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_40 e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 12 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_1- nu_e)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 12 # BR(~e_R -> ~chi_2- nu_e)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000013 6.01545605E+00 # smuon_L decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.11040636E-01 2 1000022 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_10 mu-)
> 3.10532538E-01 2 1000023 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_20 mu-)
> 2.58296815E-04 2 1000025 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_30 mu-)
> 6.35788612E-03 2 1000035 13 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_40 mu-)
> 5.41499312E-01 2 -1000024 14 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_1- nu_mu)
> 3.03113305E-02 2 -1000037 14 # BR(~mu_L -> ~chi_2- nu_mu)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000013 2.97447234E+00 # smuon_R decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 9.91606160E-01 2 1000022 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_10 mu-)
> 4.85044533E-03 2 1000023 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_20 mu-)
> 7.98993760E-04 2 1000025 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_30 mu-)
> 2.74440052E-03 2 1000035 13 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_40 mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 14 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_1- nu_mu)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 14 # BR(~mu_R -> ~chi_2- nu_mu)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000015 3.25037203E+00 # stau_1 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 8.62776265E-01 2 1000022 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_10 tau-)
> 4.80319526E-02 2 1000023 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_20 tau-)
> 4.21977606E-03 2 1000025 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_30 tau-)
> 2.46374419E-03 2 1000035 15 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_40 tau-)
> 8.12723418E-02 2 -1000024 16 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_1- nu_tau)
> 1.23592003E-03 2 -1000037 16 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~chi_2- nu_tau)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -37 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~nu_tauL H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -24 # BR(~tau_1 -> ~nu_tauL W-)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 2000015 5.77940856E+00 # stau_2 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.34953765E-01 2 1000022 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_10 tau-)
> 2.97886887E-01 2 1000023 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_20 tau-)
> 4.73358093E-03 2 1000025 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_30 tau-)
> 1.18373086E-02 2 1000035 15 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_40 tau-)
> 5.14907193E-01 2 -1000024 16 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_1- nu_tau)
> 3.56812658E-02 2 -1000037 16 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~chi_2- nu_tau)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -37 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~nu_tauL H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -24 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~nu_tauL W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 25 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 h)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 35 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 H)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 36 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 A)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 23 # BR(~tau_2 -> ~tau_1 Z)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000012 6.07250223E+00 # snu_eL decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.42806354E-01 2 1000022 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_10 nu_e)
> 2.51079690E-01 2 1000023 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_20 nu_e)
> 1.34732524E-03 2 1000025 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_30 nu_e)
> 1.36914726E-02 2 1000035 12 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_40 nu_e)
> 5.79974054E-01 2 1000024 11 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_1+ e-)
> 1.11011047E-02 2 1000037 11 # BR(~nu_eL -> ~chi_2+ e-)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000014 6.07250223E+00 # snu_muL decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.42806354E-01 2 1000022 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_10 nu_mu)
> 2.51079690E-01 2 1000023 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_20 nu_mu)
> 1.34732524E-03 2 1000025 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_30 nu_mu)
> 1.36914726E-02 2 1000035 14 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_40 nu_mu)
> 5.79974054E-01 2 1000024 13 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_1+ mu-)
> 1.11011047E-02 2 1000037 13 # BR(~nu_muL -> ~chi_2+ mu-)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000016 6.07063864E+00 # snu_tauL decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.42115898E-01 2 1000022 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_10 nu_tau)
> 2.49372798E-01 2 1000023 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_20 nu_tau)
> 1.32244004E-03 2 1000025 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_30 nu_tau)
> 1.34038264E-02 2 1000035 16 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_40 nu_tau)
> 5.77998382E-01 2 1000024 15 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_1+ tau-)
> 1.57866549E-02 2 1000037 15 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~chi_2+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 -37 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_1+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 -37 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_2+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 -24 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_1+ W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 -24 # BR(~nu_tauL -> ~tau_2+ W-)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000024 7.00367294E-03 # chargino1+ decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -1 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~u_L db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -1 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~u_R db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 2 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~d_L* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 2 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~d_R* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -3 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~c_L sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -3 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~c_R sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 4 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~s_L* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 4 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~s_R* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -5 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~t_1 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -5 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~t_2 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 6 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~b_1* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 6 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~b_2* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -11 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~nu_eL e+ )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -13 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~nu_muL mu+ )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -15 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~nu_tau1 tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 12 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~e_L+ nu_e)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 12 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~e_R+ nu_e)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 14 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~mu_L+ nu_mu)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 14 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~mu_R+ nu_mu)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 16 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~tau_1+ nu_tau)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 16 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~tau_2+ nu_tau)
> 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_20 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_30 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 24 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_40 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_10 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_20 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_30 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 37 # BR(~chi_1+ -> ~chi_40 H+)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000037 2.23350902E+00 # chargino2+ decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -1 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~u_L db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -1 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~u_R db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 2 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~d_L* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 2 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~d_R* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -3 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~c_L sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -3 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~c_R sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 4 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~s_L* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 4 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~s_R* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -5 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~t_1 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -5 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~t_2 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 6 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~b_1* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 6 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~b_2* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -11 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~nu_eL e+ )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -13 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~nu_muL mu+ )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -15 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~nu_tau1 tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 12 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~e_L+ nu_e)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 12 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~e_R+ nu_e)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 14 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~mu_L+ nu_mu)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 14 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~mu_R+ nu_mu)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 16 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~tau_1+ nu_tau)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 16 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~tau_2+ nu_tau)
> 3.13898343E-01 2 1000024 23 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ Z )
> 9.42923324E-02 2 1000022 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_10 W+)
> 3.63297283E-01 2 1000023 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_20 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_30 W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 24 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_40 W+)
> 2.28512042E-01 2 1000024 25 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 35 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 36 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_1+ A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_10 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_20 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_30 H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000035 37 # BR(~chi_2+ -> ~chi_40 H+)
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000022 0.00000000E+00 # neutralino1 decays
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000023 9.37327589E-04 # neutralino2 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.00000000E+00 2 1000022 23 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 Z )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1+ W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1- W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2+ W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 24 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2- W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 25 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 35 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 36 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_10 A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_1- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 37 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~chi_2- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_L ub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000002 2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_L* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_R ub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000002 2 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~u_R* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000001 -1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_L db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_L* d )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000001 -1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_R db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 1 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~d_R* d )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_L cb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000004 4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_L* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_R cb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000004 4 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~c_R* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000003 -3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_L sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_L* s )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000003 -3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_R sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 3 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~s_R* s )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_1 tb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000006 6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_1* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_2 tb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000006 6 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~t_2* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 -5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_1 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_1* b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 -5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_2 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 5 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~b_2* b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000011 -11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_L- e+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_L+ e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000011 -11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_R- e+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 11 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~e_R+ e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000013 -13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_L- mu+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_L+ mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000013 -13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_R- mu+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 13 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~mu_R+ mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 -15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_1- tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_1+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000015 -15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_2- tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 15 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~tau_2+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -12 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_eL nu_eb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000012 12 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_eL* nu_e )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -14 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_muL nu_mub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000014 14 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_muL* nu_mu )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -16 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_tau1 nu_taub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000016 16 # BR(~chi_20 -> ~nu_tau1* nu_tau )
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000025 2.16222723E+00 # neutralino3 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 1.12205625E-01 2 1000022 23 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 Z )
> 2.42360898E-01 2 1000023 23 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 Z )
> 3.06499253E-01 2 1000024 -24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1+ W-)
> 3.06499253E-01 2 -1000024 24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1- W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2+ W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 24 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2- W+)
> 2.16639745E-02 2 1000022 25 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 35 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 36 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_10 A )
> 1.07709952E-02 2 1000023 25 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 35 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 36 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_20 A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_1- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 37 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~chi_2- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_L ub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000002 2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_L* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_R ub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000002 2 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~u_R* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000001 -1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_L db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_L* d )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000001 -1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_R db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 1 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~d_R* d )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_L cb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000004 4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_L* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_R cb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000004 4 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~c_R* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000003 -3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_L sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_L* s )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000003 -3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_R sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 3 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~s_R* s )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_1 tb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000006 6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_1* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_2 tb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000006 6 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~t_2* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 -5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_1 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_1* b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 -5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_2 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 5 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~b_2* b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000011 -11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_L- e+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_L+ e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000011 -11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_R- e+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 11 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~e_R+ e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000013 -13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_L- mu+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_L+ mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000013 -13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_R- mu+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 13 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~mu_R+ mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 -15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_1- tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_1+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000015 -15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_2- tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 15 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~tau_2+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -12 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_eL nu_eb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000012 12 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_eL* nu_e )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -14 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_muL nu_mub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000014 14 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_muL* nu_mu )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -16 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_tau1 nu_taub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000016 16 # BR(~chi_30 -> ~nu_tau1* nu_tau )
> #
> # PDG Width
> DECAY 1000035 2.37932556E+00 # neutralino4 decays
> # BR NDA ID1 ID2
> 2.36489274E-02 2 1000022 23 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 Z )
> 1.94410793E-02 2 1000023 23 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 Z )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 23 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 Z )
> 3.39474740E-01 2 1000024 -24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1+ W-)
> 3.39474740E-01 2 -1000024 24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1- W+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2+ W-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 24 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2- W+)
> 9.26914543E-02 2 1000022 25 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 35 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000022 36 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_10 A )
> 1.85269058E-01 2 1000023 25 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 35 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000023 36 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_20 A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 25 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 h )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 35 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 H )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000025 36 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_30 A )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000024 -37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000024 37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_1- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000037 -37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2+ H-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000037 37 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~chi_2- H+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000002 -2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_L ub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000002 2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_L* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000002 -2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_R ub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000002 2 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~u_R* u )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000001 -1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_L db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000001 1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_L* d )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000001 -1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_R db)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000001 1 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~d_R* d )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000004 -4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_L cb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000004 4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_L* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000004 -4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_R cb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000004 4 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~c_R* c )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000003 -3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_L sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000003 3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_L* s )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000003 -3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_R sb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000003 3 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~s_R* s )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000006 -6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_1 tb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000006 6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_1* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000006 -6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_2 tb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000006 6 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~t_2* t )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000005 -5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_1 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000005 5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_1* b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000005 -5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_2 bb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000005 5 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~b_2* b )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000011 -11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_L- e+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000011 11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_L+ e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000011 -11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_R- e+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000011 11 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~e_R+ e-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000013 -13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_L- mu+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000013 13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_L+ mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000013 -13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_R- mu+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000013 13 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~mu_R+ mu-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000015 -15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_1- tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000015 15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_1+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 2000015 -15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_2- tau+)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -2000015 15 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~tau_2+ tau-)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000012 -12 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_eL nu_eb)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000012 12 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_eL* nu_e )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000014 -14 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_muL nu_mub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000014 14 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_muL* nu_mu )
> 0.00000000E+00 2 1000016 -16 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_tau1 nu_taub)
> 0.00000000E+00 2 -1000016 16 # BR(~chi_40 -> ~nu_tau1* nu_tau )
> #*********************************************************************
> # MadGraph5_aMC@NLO *
> # *
> # run_card.dat MadEvent *
> # *
> # This file is used to set the parameters of the run. *
> # *
> # Some notation/conventions: *
> # *
> # Lines starting with a '# ' are info or comments *
> # *
> # mind the format: value = variable ! comment *
> #*********************************************************************
> #
> #*******************
> # Running parameters
> #*******************
> #
> #*********************************************************************
> # Tag name for the run (one word) *
> #*********************************************************************
> tag_1 = run_tag ! name of the run
> #*********************************************************************
> # Run to generate the grid pack *
> #*********************************************************************
> .false. = gridpack !True = setting up the grid pack
> #*********************************************************************
> # Number of events and rnd seed *
> # Warning: Do not generate more than 1M events in a single run *
> # If you want to run Pythia, avoid more than 50k events in a run. *
> #*********************************************************************
> 100 = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested
> 0 = iseed ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
> #*********************************************************************
> # Collider type and energy *
> # lpp: 0=No PDF, 1=proton, -1=antiproton, 2=photon from proton, *
> # 3=photon from electron *
> #*********************************************************************
> 1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type
> 1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type
> 3500 = ebeam1 ! beam 1 total energy in GeV
> 3500 = ebeam2 ! beam 2 total energy in GeV
> #*********************************************************************
> # Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed) *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1
> 0 = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2
> #*********************************************************************
> # PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes also alpha_s and its evol. *
> #*********************************************************************
> 'cteq6l1' = pdlabel ! PDF set
> #*********************************************************************
> # Renormalization and factorization scales *
> #*********************************************************************
> F = fixed_ren_scale ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
> F = fixed_fac_scale ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
> 91.1880 = scale ! fixed ren scale
> 91.1880 = dsqrt_q2fact1 ! fixed fact scale for pdf1
> 91.1880 = dsqrt_q2fact2 ! fixed fact scale for pdf2
> 1 = scalefact ! scale factor for event-by-event scales
> #*********************************************************************
> # Matching - Warning! ickkw > 1 is still beta
> #*********************************************************************
> 1 = ickkw ! 0 no matching, 1 MLM, 2 CKKW matching
> 1 = highestmult ! for ickkw=2, highest mult group
> 1 = ktscheme ! for ickkw=1, 1 Durham kT, 2 Pythia pTE
> 1 = alpsfact ! scale factor for QCD emission vx
> F = chcluster ! cluster only according to channel diag
> T = pdfwgt ! for ickkw=1, perform pdf reweighting
> 5 = asrwgtflavor ! highest quark flavor for a_s reweight
> T = clusinfo ! include clustering tag in output
> #*********************************************************************
> #**********************************************************
> #
> #**********************************************************
> # Automatic ptj and mjj cuts if xqcut > 0
> # (turn off for VBF and single top processes)
> #**********************************************************
> T = auto_ptj_mjj ! Automatic setting of ptj and mjj
> #**********************************************************
> #
> #**********************************
> # BW cutoff (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma)
> #**********************************
> 15 = bwcutoff ! (M+/-bwcutoff*Gamma)
> #**********************************************************
> # Apply pt/E/eta/dr/mij cuts on decay products or not
> # (note that etmiss/ptll/ptheavy/ht/sorted cuts always apply)
> #**********************************************************
> T = cut_decays ! Cut decay products
> #*************************************************************
> # Number of helicities to sum per event (0 = all helicities)
> # 0 gives more stable result, but longer run time (needed for
> # long decay chains e.g.).
> # Use >=2 if most helicities contribute, e.g. pure QCD.
> #*************************************************************
> 0 = nhel ! Number of helicities used per event
> #*******************
> # Standard Cuts
> #*******************
> #
> #*********************************************************************
> # Minimum and maximum pt's (for max, -1 means no cut) *
> #*********************************************************************
> 20 = ptj ! minimum pt for the jets
> 0 = ptb ! minimum pt for the b
> 10 = pta ! minimum pt for the photons
> 10 = ptl ! minimum pt for the charged leptons
> 0 = misset ! minimum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta)
> 0 = ptheavy ! minimum pt for one heavy final state
> 1.0 = ptonium ! minimum pt for the quarkonium states
> -1 = ptjmax ! maximum pt for the jets
> -1 = ptbmax ! maximum pt for the b
> -1 = ptamax ! maximum pt for the photons
> -1 = ptlmax ! maximum pt for the charged leptons
> -1 = missetmax ! maximum missing Et (sum of neutrino's momenta)
> #*********************************************************************
> # Minimum and maximum E's (in the lab frame) *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = ej ! minimum E for the jets
> 0 = eb ! minimum E for the b
> 0 = ea ! minimum E for the photons
> 0 = el ! minimum E for the charged leptons
> -1 = ejmax ! maximum E for the jets
> -1 = ebmax ! maximum E for the b
> -1 = eamax ! maximum E for the photons
> -1 = elmax ! maximum E for the charged leptons
> #*********************************************************************
> # Maximum and minimum absolute rapidity (for max, -1 means no cut) *
> #*********************************************************************
> 5 = etaj ! max rap for the jets
> -1 = etab ! max rap for the b
> 2.5 = etaa ! max rap for the photons
> 2.5 = etal ! max rap for the charged leptons
> 0.6 = etaonium ! max rap for the quarkonium states
> 0 = etajmin ! min rap for the jets
> 0 = etabmin ! min rap for the b
> 0 = etaamin ! min rap for the photons
> 0 = etalmin ! main rap for the charged leptons
> #*********************************************************************
> # Minimum and maximum DeltaR distance *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = drjj ! min distance between jets
> 0 = drbb ! min distance between b's
> 0.4 = drll ! min distance between leptons
> 0.4 = draa ! min distance between gammas
> 0 = drbj ! min distance between b and jet
> 0.4 = draj ! min distance between gamma and jet
> 0.4 = drjl ! min distance between jet and lepton
> 0 = drab ! min distance between gamma and b
> 0 = drbl ! min distance between b and lepton
> 0.4 = dral ! min distance between gamma and lepton
> -1 = drjjmax ! max distance between jets
> -1 = drbbmax ! max distance between b's
> -1 = drllmax ! max distance between leptons
> -1 = draamax ! max distance between gammas
> -1 = drbjmax ! max distance between b and jet
> -1 = drajmax ! max distance between gamma and jet
> -1 = drjlmax ! max distance between jet and lepton
> -1 = drabmax ! max distance between gamma and b
> -1 = drblmax ! max distance between b and lepton
> -1 = dralmax ! maxdistance between gamma and lepton
> #*********************************************************************
> # Minimum and maximum invariant mass for pairs *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = mmjj ! min invariant mass of a jet pair
> 0 = mmbb ! min invariant mass of a b pair
> 0 = mmaa ! min invariant mass of gamma gamma pair
> 0 = mmll ! min invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
> -1 = mmjjmax ! max invariant mass of a jet pair
> -1 = mmbbmax ! max invariant mass of a b pair
> -1 = mmaamax ! max invariant mass of gamma gamma pair
> -1 = mmllmax ! max invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
> #*********************************************************************
> # Minimum and maximum invariant mass for all letpons *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = mmnl ! min invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
> -1 = mmnlmax ! max invariant mass for all letpons (l+- and vl)
> #*********************************************************************
> # Minimum and maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = ptllmin ! Minimum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
> -1 = ptllmax ! Maximum pt for 4-momenta sum of leptons(l and vl)
> #*********************************************************************
> # Inclusive cuts *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = xptj ! minimum pt for at least one jet
> 0 = xptb ! minimum pt for at least one b
> 0 = xpta ! minimum pt for at least one photon
> 0 = xptl ! minimum pt for at least one charged lepton
> #*********************************************************************
> # Control the pt's of the jets sorted by pt *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = ptj1min ! minimum pt for the leading jet in pt
> 0 = ptj2min ! minimum pt for the second jet in pt
> 0 = ptj3min ! minimum pt for the third jet in pt
> 0 = ptj4min ! minimum pt for the fourth jet in pt
> -1 = ptj1max ! maximum pt for the leading jet in pt
> -1 = ptj2max ! maximum pt for the second jet in pt
> -1 = ptj3max ! maximum pt for the third jet in pt
> -1 = ptj4max ! maximum pt for the fourth jet in pt
> 0 = cutuse ! reject event if fails any (0) / all (1) jet pt cuts
> #*********************************************************************
> # Control the pt's of leptons sorted by pt *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = ptl1min ! minimum pt for the leading lepton in pt
> 0 = ptl2min ! minimum pt for the second lepton in pt
> 0 = ptl3min ! minimum pt for the third lepton in pt
> 0 = ptl4min ! minimum pt for the fourth lepton in pt
> -1 = ptl1max ! maximum pt for the leading lepton in pt
> -1 = ptl2max ! maximum pt for the second lepton in pt
> -1 = ptl3max ! maximum pt for the third lepton in pt
> -1 = ptl4max ! maximum pt for the fourth lepton in pt
> #*********************************************************************
> # Control the Ht(k)=Sum of k leading jets *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = htjmin ! minimum jet HT=Sum(jet pt)
> -1 = htjmax ! maximum jet HT=Sum(jet pt)
> 0 = ihtmin !inclusive Ht for all partons (including b)
> -1 = ihtmax !inclusive Ht for all partons (including b)
> 0 = ht2min ! minimum Ht for the two leading jets
> 0 = ht3min ! minimum Ht for the three leading jets
> 0 = ht4min ! minimum Ht for the four leading jets
> -1 = ht2max ! maximum Ht for the two leading jets
> -1 = ht3max ! maximum Ht for the three leading jets
> -1 = ht4max ! maximum Ht for the four leading jets
> #***********************************************************************
> # Photon-isolation cuts, according to hep-ph/9801442 *
> # When ptgmin=0, all the other parameters are ignored *
> # When ptgmin>0, pta and draj are not going to be used *
> #***********************************************************************
> 0 = ptgmin ! Min photon transverse momentum
> 0.4 = R0gamma ! Radius of isolation code
> 1.0 = xn ! n parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
> 1.0 = epsgamma ! epsilon_gamma parameter of eq.(3.4) in hep-ph/9801442
> .true. = isoEM ! isolate photons from EM energy (photons and leptons)
> #*********************************************************************
> # WBF cuts *
> #*********************************************************************
> 0 = xetamin ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case
> 0 = deltaeta ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case
> #*********************************************************************
> #*********************************************************************
> -1 = ktdurham
> 0.4 = dparameter
> #*********************************************************************
> # maximal pdg code for quark to be considered as a light jet *
> # (otherwise b cuts are applied) *
> #*********************************************************************
> 4 = maxjetflavor ! Maximum jet pdg code
> #*********************************************************************
> # Jet measure cuts *
> #*********************************************************************
> 140 = xqcut ! minimum kt jet measure between partons
> #*********************************************************************
> #
> #*********************************************************************
> # Store info for systematics studies *
> # WARNING: If use_syst is T, matched Pythia output is *
> # meaningful ONLY if plotted taking matchscale *
> # reweighting into account! *
> #*********************************************************************
> F = use_syst ! Enable systematics studies
> #
> #**************************************
> # Parameter of the systematics study
> # will be use by SysCalc (if install)
> #**************************************
> #
> 0.5 1 2 = sys_scalefact # Central scale factors
> 0.5 1 2 = sys_alpsfact # \alpha_s emission scale factors
> 30 50 = sys_matchscale # variation of merging scale
> # PDF sets and number of members (0 or none for all members).
> CT10nlo.LHgrid = sys_pdf # matching scales
> # MSTW2008nlo68cl.LHgrid 1 = sys_pdf
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.

Revision history for this message
Stephanie Pointon (stephanie-pointon) said :

Hi Olivier,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I have tried running it again with nevents set to 10000 and I got the same error out.
Thank you for your help,


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Ok Then I need to redirect you to a ShowerKt expert since I never used that matching method.
Simon will got back to you as soon as he can.



Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Dear Olivier, Stephanie,

I do not use showerkt but normal mlm matching - and I seem to have a similar problem. How was this one solved?

Thank you in advance,


Revision history for this message
de Visscher (sdevissc) said :


While Using KtMLM would require that Qcut>xqcut, it is a bit suspicious that no event passes. Could you post the pythia log somewhere? And perhaps the LHE file containing the 100 events.



Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Simon,

If you mean my run, you can find the files here:

I think there must be something about the matching procedure that I do not understand. Switching to ickkw=0 lets pythia run just fine (but probably with double counting events).


Revision history for this message
de Visscher (sdevissc) said :

Hi Jory,

I'm not sure this is the correct log. In the first message you quote a run with xqcut=qcut=140, while in the pythia log you propose I find

QCUT= 46.000000000000000
Note that in ME generation, qcut = 30.000000000000000

Are you sure you look to the correct LHE file?


Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Simon,

No, I am not Stephanie, sorry, I just had a similar problem and wondered if Stephanie's problem had been solved.
My settings are under the link above in the run tag - I added the run, pythia, proc, and param cards now as well.
I use indeed QCUT=46.

I just find it funny that these same settings seemed to work for a SUSY-like model but now do not for a UED-like model. I'm sure I am making a mistake somewhere.


Revision history for this message
de Visscher (sdevissc) said :

Ok sorry for the confusion.

Anyway this is odd, I don't see anything wrong with your events from the point of view of extra-parton production. I tried to run pythia on your lhe file but somehow it stops/crashes after

* (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 14 (SLHA read-in not allowed)
 * (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 16 (SLHA read-in not allowed)
 * (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 11 (SLHA read-in not allowed)
 * (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 13 (SLHA read-in not allowed)
 * (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 15 (SLHA read-in not allowed)
 * (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 2 (SLHA read-in not allowed)
 * (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 4

If you put your model in your public rep I could try to reproduce your issue.



Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Simon,

I put a directory and a tar file under

Perhaps you could have a look to see what I am doing wrong?

Thanks a lot,


Revision history for this message
de Visscher (sdevissc) said :

I just make a trial under 2_1_1 and unfortunately pythia cannot run on the LHE I produced with your model (on 100 events). It stops in

* (PYSLHA:) Ignoring DECAY table for KF = 3 (SLHA read-in not allowed)

Sorry for the ping pong but perhaps Olivier since your are expert in the model part could you make a test on your side?


Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Simon,

What about version 1.5.14?
I think there it should work.

thanks for helping out,


Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Can you manage to reproduce the problem using Madgraph 1.5.12 or 1.5.14?
If you think this is a different problem, I will open a new ticket.
The files are still here: (settings) (model)

Many thanks,

Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :

Actually, I have check it last week with 2.1.2 and this was working fine.

So I'm confuse about this bug report...
Could you try with 2.1.2?
Testing with old version of MG5/pythia-pgs are actually pointless since they are not going to be fixed anyway.



Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Olivier,

Thank you for checking.
I indeed can generate events with 2.1.2 and run pythia as well, but not when I try to use matching settings.

Were you able to generate events with the run, parameter, pythia, and proc cards in the directory

For me, events are generated by MadGraph but not passed to pythia (the pythia event file is empty), and I get the error:

Command "generate_events --laststep=pythia -f" interrupted with error:
InvalidCmd : No file file pythia_events.hep currently available
                    Please specify a valid run_name
INFO: storring files of Previous run
INFO: Storing Pythia files of Previous run
mv: cannot stat ‘/mount/vol1/scratch/work/sonneveld/MG5_aMC_v2_1_2/dqdq/Events/pythia_events.hep’: No such file or directory
gzip: /mount/vol1/scratch/work/sonneveld/MG5_aMC_v2_1_2/dqdq/Events/run_01/tag_1_pythia_events.hep: No such file or directory
Where the hep file is not present because pythia did not run as far as I know.

The way I proceeded:
 ./bin/mg5_aMC ~/matching/src/procs/dqdq_proc_card_mg5.dat
cp ~/matchingued/*.dat dqdq/Cards
cd dqdq
 ./bin/generate_events --laststep=pythia -f

Thank you for helping,


Revision history for this message
Olivier Mattelaer (olivier-mattelaer) said :


Could you put your event sample (before shower) with matching in your repository?

Such that I can take a look directly on your file.



On Jul 17, 2014, at 8:56 AM, Jory Sonneveld <email address hidden> wrote:

> Question #247087 on MadGraph5_aMC@NLO changed:
> Jory Sonneveld requested more information:
> Hi Olivier,
> Thank you for checking.
> I indeed can generate events with 2.1.2 and run pythia as well, but not when I try to use matching settings.
> Were you able to generate events with the run, parameter, pythia, and proc cards in the directory
> ?
> For me, events are generated by MadGraph but not passed to pythia (the
> pythia event file is empty), and I get the error:
> --------------------------------------
> Command "generate_events --laststep=pythia -f" interrupted with error:
> InvalidCmd : No file file pythia_events.hep currently available
> Please specify a valid run_name
> quit
> INFO: storring files of Previous run
> INFO: Storing Pythia files of Previous run
> mv: cannot stat ‘/mount/vol1/scratch/work/sonneveld/MG5_aMC_v2_1_2/dqdq/Events/pythia_events.hep’: No such file or directory
> gzip: /mount/vol1/scratch/work/sonneveld/MG5_aMC_v2_1_2/dqdq/Events/run_01/tag_1_pythia_events.hep: No such file or directory
> --------------------------------------
> Where the hep file is not present because pythia did not run as far as I know.
> The way I proceeded:
> ./bin/mg5_aMC ~/matching/src/procs/dqdq_proc_card_mg5.dat
> cp ~/matchingued/*.dat dqdq/Cards
> cd dqdq
> ./bin/generate_events --laststep=pythia -f
> Thank you for helping,
> Jory
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.

Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Oliver,

Yes the unweighted events were there:

as are the weighted events:

Is that what you mean?


Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Oliver,

Do you perhaps know what I am doing wrong in matching that it does not seem to work out for a model with spin opposite to SUSY?

Could you have a look at my events?

I think no events were passed to pythia but I do not know why.

Many thanks,

Revision history for this message
Jory Sonneveld (jory) said :

Hi Oliver,

Never mind, I made a typo in the parameter card in the decays. This was not understandable by pythia, whereafter pythia could not decay the particle, and thus had no events.

The zero division error was a result of a math expression where a division by the number of events took place, which was zero after pythia.

Sorry for bothering you and thanks for taking a look anyway.


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