How to solve "PYTHIA Abort from Pythia::Pythia: unmatched version numbers :"

Created by Olivier Mattelaer

If you face an error similar to
 PYTHIA Abort from Pythia::Pythia: unmatched version numbers : in code 8.306 but in XML 8.240
within the file

This typically means that you have multiple version of pythia8 install and that the system try to run one but is linking some meta-data from the second one. The solution is typically to change the following environment variable " PYTHIA8DATA"

for example via the following command:
export PYTHIA8DATA="MG5_dir/HEPTools/pythia8/share/Pythia8/xmldoc"

(modify MG5_dir in the above command to the actual path of MG5aMC)