ERROR MESSAGE : Abnormal Termination

Asked by shibasipu

Dear Benjamin,
                                I am using Madanalysis_v1.2_patch4. Following error message is coming.
        with the Delphes card: ../../Input/delphes_atlas.tcl
    * Running over files ...
    * 1/1 /home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/sample_NEW/2jplusMET/IDM/2jeth2h2_IDM_mHp80.hep.gz
        => file size: 546.77 Mo
        => sample format: STDHEP file produced by Pythia6.
        => progress: [====================> ]
ERROR: ================================================================================
ERROR: Abnormal termination
ERROR: ================================================================================
 ** ERROR: run over 'sig' aborted.
   Checking SampleAnalyzer output...
   Extracting data from the output files...
 ** ERROR: SAF header <SAFheader> and </SAFheader> is not found.
 ** ERROR: SAF footer <SAFfooter> and </SAFfooter> is not found.
 ** ERROR: Information corresponding to the block <SampleGlobalInfo> is not found.
 ** ERROR: Information on the dataset 'sig' are not updated.
 ** ERROR: Information corresponding to the block <SampleDetailInfo> is not found.
 ** ERROR: Information on the dataset 'sig' are not updated.
   Preparing data for the reports ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./bin/ma5", line 70, in <module>
    madanalysis.core.launcher.LaunchMA5(version, date, ma5dir)
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/core/", line 325, in LaunchMA5
    repeat = MainSession(mode,arglist,ma5dir,version,date)
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/core/", line 228, in MainSession
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 68, in load
    stop = self.onecmd(line)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 221, in onecmd
    return func(arg)
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 260, in do_submit,self.history)
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 81, in do
    return self.do_submit(args,history)
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 244, in do_submit
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/layout/", line 59, in Initialize
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/layout/", line 55, in Initialize
  File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/layout/", line 98, in Initialize
IndexError: list index out of range


Question information

English Edit question
MadAnalysis 5 Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Benjamin Fuks
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Best Benjamin Fuks (fuks) said :

Dear Shiba,

Please retry with the latest version of the program. I cannot reproduce your error.



On 07 Mar 2016, at 07:27 , shibasipu <email address hidden> wrote:

> New question #288001 on MadAnalysis 5:
> Dear Benjamin,
> I am using Madanalysis_v1.2_patch4. Following error message is coming.
> #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> with the Delphes card: ../../Input/delphes_atlas.tcl
> * Running over files ...
> * 1/1 /home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/sample_NEW/2jplusMET/IDM/2jeth2h2_IDM_mHp80.hep.gz
> => file size: 546.77 Mo
> => sample format: STDHEP file produced by Pythia6.
> => progress: [====================> ]
> ERROR: ================================================================================
> ERROR: Abnormal termination
> ERROR: ================================================================================
> ** ERROR: run over 'sig' aborted.
> *******************************************************
> Checking SampleAnalyzer output...
> Extracting data from the output files...
> ** ERROR: SAF header <SAFheader> and </SAFheader> is not found.
> ** ERROR: SAF footer <SAFfooter> and </SAFfooter> is not found.
> ** ERROR: Information corresponding to the block <SampleGlobalInfo> is not found.
> ** ERROR: Information on the dataset 'sig' are not updated.
> ** ERROR: Information corresponding to the block <SampleDetailInfo> is not found.
> ** ERROR: Information on the dataset 'sig' are not updated.
> Preparing data for the reports ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "./bin/ma5", line 70, in <module>
> madanalysis.core.launcher.LaunchMA5(version, date, ma5dir)
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/core/", line 325, in LaunchMA5
> repeat = MainSession(mode,arglist,ma5dir,version,date)
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/core/", line 228, in MainSession
> interpreter.load(filename)
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 68, in load
> stop = self.onecmd(line)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 221, in onecmd
> return func(arg)
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 260, in do_submit
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 81, in do
> return self.do_submit(args,history)
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/interpreter/", line 244, in do_submit
> layout.Initialize()
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/layout/", line 59, in Initialize
> self.cutflow.Initialize()
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/layout/", line 55, in Initialize
> item.Initialize()
> File "/home/shiba/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4/madanalysis/layout/", line 98, in Initialize
> self.Nselected_posweight[icut].mean=self.cuts[icut].sumw_pos
> IndexError: list index out of range
> shiba@shiba:~/research/madanalysis5_v1.2_patch4$
> Regards,
> Shiba
> --
> You received this question notification because you are an answer
> contact for MadAnalysis 5.

Revision history for this message
shibasipu (shibasipu) said :

Thanks Benjamin Fuks, that solved my question.