Use a pressure BC with parallel and get a extremely large pressure value.
I'am trying to feed west and east boundary with pressure source in a short channel
with two piers in the center. The flml mainly follows the manual "8.16 Configuring
ocean simulations",and turns on "/mesh_
and "adaptive_
It blowed up at 178 secs, and a very large pressure exists at the northwest boundary
corner near surface. The adaptive mesh is also sharp around there. But after changing
nproc from 2 to 1 and running again. It performs very well. In another case with parallel
doesn't get this problem.
Does it mean running in parallel may take risk with some meshs?
West/East: Pressure Source (use dirichlet read from file)
South/North side: no normal flow
Bottom: no normal flow and drag
Top: free surface
Pier:no slip
Thannel:length 55m, width 45m and depth 5m (2 sigma layer)
pier: radius 2.1m
The geo and flml contents are below.
#------------ pier_tsu.geo ------------
// center coordinate
xc=0; yc=0; // model center
xp1=xc-6.6; yp1=yc; // south pier center 6.6
xp2=xc+6.6; yp2=yc; // north pier center 6.6
rad = 2.1; // pier radius rad = 2.1
d1w=5; // resolution at boumdary 50
d2=2.5; // 5
d3=1; // resolution at pier
// boundary
wlen=27.5; //27.5
elen=27.5; //27.5
// 2345
// 1876
Point(1) = {xc-1*wlen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d1w}; //sw
Point(2) = {xc-1*wlen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d1w}; //nw
Point(3) = {xc-0.8*wlen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d2};//nnw
Point(4) = {xc+0.8*elen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d2};//nne
Point(5) = {xc+1*elen, yc+0.5*wid, 0, d1e}; //ne
Point(6) = {xc+1*elen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d1e}; //sw
Point(7) = {xc+0.8*elen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d2};//ssw
Point(8) = {xc-0.8*wlen, yc-0.5*wid, 0, d2};//sse
Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 5};
Line(5) = {5, 6};
Line(6) = {6, 7};
Line(7) = {7, 8};
Line(8) = {8, 1};
Point(9) = {xp1, yp1, 0, d3};
Point(10) = {xp1-rad, yp1, 0, d3};
Point(11) = {xp1+rad, yp1, 0, d3};
Circle(9) = {10, 9, 11};
Circle(10) = {11, 9, 10};
Point(12) = {xp2, yp2, 0, d3};
Point(13) = {xp2-rad, yp2, 0, d3};
Point(14) = {xp2+rad, yp2, 0, d3};
Circle(11) = {13, 12, 14};
Circle(12) = {14, 12, 13};
Line Loop(11) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; //BOUNDARY
Line Loop(12) = {9,10}; // SOUTH PIER
Line Loop(13) = {11,12}; // NORTH PIER
Plane Surface(14) = {11,12,13};
Physical Line(1) = {1}; //E
Physical Line(2) = {2,3,4}; //N
Physical Line(3) = {5}; //W
Physical Line(4) = {6,7,8}; //S
Physical Line(5) = {9,10,11,12}; // WEST EAST PIERS
Physical Surface(6) = {14};
#--------- pier_tsu.flml ---------
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<string_value lines="
<string_value lines="
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="InputMesh"/>
<regions name="WholeMesh">
<mesh name="VelocityM
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="PressureM
<mesh name="Coordinat
<mesh name="InputMesh">
<from_file file_name=
<format name="triangle"/>
<scalar_field name="DistanceT
<mesh name="Coordinat
<scalar_field name="DistanceT
<mesh name="Coordinat
<real_value rank="0"
<output_mesh name="VelocityM
<real_value rank="0"
<time_units date="seconds since 1987-01-05 00:00.0"/>
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<mesh name="VelocityM
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<real_value rank="0"
<vector_field name="GravityDi
<mesh name="Coordinat
<value name="gravity">
<material_phase name="Fields">
<scalar_field name="Pressure" rank="0">
<mesh name="PressureM
<type name="dirichlet">
import inputwave_w
return inputwave_w.val(X, t)*g</string_value>
return -0.135*
<type name="dirichlet">
import inputwave_e
return inputwave_e.val(X, t)*g</string_value>
return -0.135*
<scalar_field name="Density" rank="0">
<algorithm name="Internal" material_
<mesh name="VelocityM
<vector_field name="Velocity" rank="1">
<mesh name="VelocityM
<equation name="Boussinesq"/>
<type name="free_
<type name="no_
<type name="dirichlet">
<type name="drag">
<value name="WholeMesh">
<scalar_field name="FreeSurface" rank="0">
<algorithm name="Internal" material_
<mesh name="PressureM
<scalar_field name="DG_
<algorithm name="Internal" material_
<mesh name="VelocityM
<vector_field name="BedShearS
<algorithm name="Internal" material_
<mesh name="VelocityM
<vector_field name="GridVelocity" rank="1">
<mesh name="Coordinat
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- For:
- Fluidity Edit question
- Assignee:
- No assignee Edit question
- Solved by:
- Matthew Piggott
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply: