Non-primary team email is blocking new account confirmation
Asked by
François Marier
I'm trying to create a new LP account (<email address hidden>) but I'm getting 1944canistellau
Here's what wgrant had to say about it on #launchpad:
<wgrant> fmarier: That email address is currently a non-primary address for ~mahara-core, and SSO doesn't handle that case well. Do you want to remove the address from the team and create a new account for it?
<wgrant> fmarier: Teams aren't meant to have multiple addresses, but there was a bug fixed about a year ago that left some old email addresses around.
<wgrant> I suspect mahara-core may be a victim of that.
We may need SQL to fix it up.
Question information
- Language:
- English Edit question
- Status:
- Solved
- Assignee:
- [LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Edit question
- Solved by:
- Steve McInerney
- Solved:
- Last query:
- Last reply:
- Whiteboard:
- assigning to ISD. aiui, we can't fix this as is.
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