Questions for Parsawit Deshwattanatham

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Solved 697943 Stuck in Sikulix-IDE 2.0.5 is starting on Java 8 2021-07-11 13:26:59 UTC Parsawit Deshwattanatham SikuliX Solved
Solved 683185 How can I make sikuli find text on Region and type the same thing as a text its find? 2019-08-23 06:26:57 UTC Parsawit Deshwattanatham SikuliX Solved
Solved 682258 I want to make "if" statement inside the first "if" statement and it just didn't detect anything from condition. Help. 2019-07-23 16:09:20 UTC Parsawit Deshwattanatham SikuliX Solved
13 of 3 results