Questions for Philip Peitsch

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 132502 Delete project (never used) 2010-11-04 04:28:42 UTC Philip Peitsch Launchpad itself Answered
Answered 94646 Please delete Depreciated Hudson Notifier Developers team, 2009-12-20 06:19:17 UTC Philip Peitsch Launchpad itself [LEGACY] Canonical WebOps Answered
Solved 88052 Is it possible to specify which PPA to share to? 2009-11-02 05:29:06 UTC Philip Peitsch Quickly Solved
Solved 87456 Attempting to use any launchpad related commands results in "No gpg key set" 2009-10-30 09:51:32 UTC Philip Peitsch Quickly Solved
Answered 14910 Unable to push changes back to a url 2007-10-11 07:42:20 UTC Philip Peitsch Bazaar Plugin for Eclipse Answered
15 of 5 results