Questions for koosha hosseiny

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 11683 how to install gcc 4.2.1? 2007-08-17 16:23:08 UTC koosha hosseiny build-essential in Ubuntu Answered
Solved 7784 which programming language should i learn? 2007-06-06 15:20:59 UTC koosha hosseiny yelp in Ubuntu Solved
Solved 7756 i have problem whit Held Broken to remove them? 2007-06-06 06:08:38 UTC koosha hosseiny yelp in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 7258 i can't install ATI Radeon 9250 2007-05-27 11:23:19 UTC koosha hosseiny yelp in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 7209 i want too keep downloaded update and software 2007-05-26 11:45:34 UTC koosha hosseiny yelp in Ubuntu Answered
15 of 5 results