Questions for yong

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Solved 701613 network 2022-05-01 09:20:00 UTC yong firefox in Ubuntu Solved
Answered 701612 I donot know what's wrong with this OS. It usually cannot be shutdown normally. sometimes, when it startup, the icons in the upperright donot display normmally. when I click "setting" , OS usually responses my action after a while. My firefox webbrowser often has no response. today, I rollback my OS , it happens USB cannot be unmouted , but I surely umouted it. then the OS cannot be shutdown. I shutdow it by power button on my computer manually. now it is okay. I donot know next time wether will it work poeperly. 最近我的电脑不能正常工作,主要表现在内置软件不能关闭。比如firefox, system monitor, 以及系统的设置按钮。需要对电脑强制关闭,但是强制关闭后,需要多次重启才能进入系统,即便是进了系统,系统也不一定能正常工作。于是我利用grub恢复我的系统到之前一个还原点。但是出现了U 盘无法弹出的问题,虽然我已经把它弹出(通过任务栏图标,右键弹出)并且拔了。接着我点开了资源管理器,点了弹出的图标。但是没有响应。于是我重启电脑,弹出确认和输入密码的提示。我输入了密码,很长一段时间电脑并没有重启。于是我通过电脑主机的按钮强制重启了电脑。现在上报了问题。 2022-05-01 08:41:09 UTC yong ubiquity in Ubuntu Answered
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