Edge releases of checkbox

PPA description

To align our distribution channels, have transitioned to a new set of PPAs.
These new channels will replace our existing ones and provide a clearer, more
consistent structure for our releases.

Edge: ppa:checkbox-dev/edge: For testing recent developments not yet in beta.

To install Checkbox testing suite, please do the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:checkbox-dev/edge
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install canonical-certification-client

You can then run Checkbox by running:
- checkbox-cli (textual user interface)

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:checkbox-dev/edge to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:checkbox-dev/edge
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/checkbox-dev/edge/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/checkbox-dev/edge/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
Signing key:
4096R/753F8DAABFD945830D46A6BB968504F7952C9377 (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Checkbox Developers.

PPA statistics

747 updates added during the past month.
Currently 0 packages building and 39 packages waiting to build.
View package details

Overview of published packages

76107 of 107 results
Package Version Uploaded by
pm-graph 5.8-1+202409262109+9190832~ubuntu24.04.1 Canonical Hardware Enablement ()
pm-graph 5.8-1+202205132123+d8e321b~ubuntu22.04.1 Canonical Hardware Enablement ()
pm-graph 5.6-1+202007012205+fd6276b~ubuntu20.04.1 Canonical Hardware Enablement ()
pm-graph 5.6-1+202007012205+fd6276b~ubuntu18.04.1 Canonical Hardware Enablement ()
pybluez 0.25+really0.22-1build2~ubuntu16.04.1~ppa1 Sylvain Pineau ()
pybluez 0.23-5~ppa~ubuntu22.04.1 Sylvain Pineau ()
pybluez 0.22+really0.22-1build2~ubuntu18.04.1~ppa1 Paul Larson ()
python-build 0.7.0-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-build 0.7.0-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-importlib-metadata 4.6.4-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-installer 0.5.1+dfsg1-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-installer 0.4.0+dfsg1-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-tomli 1.2.2-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-tomli 1.2.2-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
python-typing-extensions Rob Savoury ()
python-zipp 1.0.0-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
rust-gnome-randr 0.1.1-8 Massimiliano Girardi ()
rust-gnome-randr 0.1.1-8 Massimiliano Girardi ()
rust-gnome-randr 0.1.1-4 Massimiliano Girardi ()
rust-gnome-randr 0.1.1-3 Sylvain Pineau ()
rust-gnome-randr 0.1.1-3 Sylvain Pineau ()
rust-gnome-randr 0.1.1-3 Sylvain Pineau ()
setuptools 45.2.0-1ubuntu0.1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
stress-ng 0.18.10-0~202502181315~ubuntu24.04.1 Checkbox Developers ()
stress-ng 0.18.10-0~202502181315~ubuntu22.04.1 Checkbox Developers ()
stress-ng 0.18.10-0~202502181315~ubuntu20.04.1 Checkbox Developers ()
stress-ng 0.18.01-0~202407101148~ubuntu23.10.1 Checkbox Developers ()
stress-ng 0.18.00-0~202406102034~ubuntu18.04.1 Checkbox Developers ()
stress-ng 0.17.04-0~202401241600~ubuntu23.04.1 Checkbox Developers ()
tpm2-tools 3.0.4-1 Sylvain Pineau ()
tpm2-tss 1.4.0-2ubuntu1 Sylvain Pineau ()
zbar 0.1 (Newer version available) Sylvain Pineau ()
76107 of 107 results

Latest updates

  • checkbox-support 2 hours 50 minutes ago
    Successfully built
  • checkbox-support 2 hours 50 minutes ago
    Successfully built
  • checkbox-support 2 hours 50 minutes ago
    Successfully built
  • checkbox-support 2 hours 50 minutes ago
    Successfully built
  • checkbox-support 2 hours 50 minutes ago
    Successfully built