Questions for Neisha

Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status
Answered 124800 Forgot password to my computer 2010-09-09 21:47:48 UTC Neisha Ubuntu Answered
Answered 79495 when i turn my computer on after it loads up in the grub stage i believe I get a blank colored background after that is there a way i can fix it? 2009-08-08 18:13:48 UTC Neisha Ubuntu Answered
Answered 76819 apt-get autoremove error 2009-07-13 02:01:59 UTC Neisha update-manager in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 75928 Root partition 100% full 2009-07-02 19:50:37 UTC Neisha update-manager in Ubuntu Answered
Answered 59295 Can a internet connection from a laptop be used through a big computer 2009-01-30 22:38:29 UTC Neisha firefox-3.0 in Ubuntu Answered
15 of 5 results