Strange servo using ServoPIDController

Asked by Ruidong LI

Hi! I am using ServoPIDController() to simulate the consolidation of the cylindrical triaxial test. But I encountered problems that the confining pressure was not able to achieve and a high unbalanced force ratio during the simulation.

The MWE is presented below:
# import essential modules
from __future__ import print_function
from yade import pack, ymport, qt, plot, geom
from yade.gridpfacet import *
import gts, os.path, locale, random, math
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')


# 1.a). define variables
key = 'Triaxial_Undrained' # file name to be saved
young=55e6 # normal contact stiffness
compFricDegree = 1.8 # initial contact friction during the confining phase
finalFricDegree = 43 # contact friction during the deviatoric loading
poisson = 0.3 # shear-to-normal stiffness ratio
isoStress = 110000 # confining stress
conStress = 100000 # confining stress for deviatoric loading stage
width = 1.4e-1 # sample width
height = 2.8e-1 # target sample height(after consolidation)
height_0 = 3.2e-1 # initial sample height
num_spheres=500 # number of spheres
R_p = 0.0084 # mean particle radius
rCoff = 10 # thickness of top and bot sphere cap (based on rParticle)
rParticle = 0.02e-1 # membrane grid seed size
alpha = 8
rate = 0.1 # loading rate (strain rate)
damp = 0.3 # damping coefficient
targetPorosity = 0.45 # target porosity
thresholdvalue = 0.05 # threshold unbalance force
final_rate = 0.1 # strain rate for deviator loading
thresholdstrain = 0.06 # threshold axial strain for terminate
enlargefactor = 1.00

# A.b). create materials for sand spheres and plates
Sand = O.materials.append(CohFrictMat(
young=young,poisson=poisson,frictionAngle=radians(compFricDegree), alphaKr=0.25,alphaKtw=0,etaRoll=0.005,etaTwist=0, normalCohesion=5e6,shearCohesion=5e6, momentRotationLaw=True,density=2650,label='spheres'

# A.c). create membrane materials

GridMat = O.materials.append(CohFrictMat( young=100e6,poisson=0.3,density=2650,frictionAngle=radians(0), alphaKr=0,alphaKtw=0,etaRoll=0,etaTwist=0, normalCohesion=1e9,shearCohesion=1e9, momentRotationLaw=True,label='gridNodeMat'
pFacetMat = O.materials.append(FrictMat( young=100e6,poisson=0.3,density=2650,frictionAngle=radians(0),label='pFacetMat'

# A.d). create TOP & BOT plate materials
frictMat = O.materials.append(FrictMat(



# C.a). generate random dense sphere pack
pred = pack.inCylinder((0,0,0),(0,0,height_0),.5*width)
sp = pack.randomDensePack(pred,spheresInCell=num_spheres,radius=R_p,rRelFuzz=0.3, returnSpherePack=True,memoDbg=True,memoizeDb='/tmp/loosePackings11.sqlite')

# C.b). define different sections of sphere pack
bot = [O.bodies[s] for s in sand if O.bodies[s].state.pos[2]<rParticle*rCoff]
top = [O.bodies[s] for s in sand if O.bodies[s].state.pos[2]>height_0-rParticle*rCoff]
tot = [O.bodies[s] for s in sand if O.bodies[s].state.pos[2]<=height_0]

# C.c). detect the position of particles in top & bot layer
top_limit = 0
top_id = 0
for s in top:
 if s.state.pos[2]>=top_limit:
  top_limit = s.state.pos[2]
  top_id =
bot_limit = height_0
bot_id = 0
for s in bot:
 if s.state.pos[2]<=bot_limit:
  bot_limit = s.state.pos[2]
  bot_id =

# C.d). create facet wall around particle packing
facets = []
nw = 45
nh = 15
rCyl2 = 0.5*width / cos(pi/float(nw))
for r in range(nw):
 for h in range(nh):
  v1 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+0)/float(nh) )
  v2 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+0)/float(nh) )
  v3 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+1)/float(nh) )
  v4 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), height_0*(h+1)/float(nh) )
  f1 = facet((v1,v2,v3),color=(0,0,1),material=frictMat)
  f2 = facet((v1,v3,v4),color=(0,0,1),material=frictMat)
wall = O.bodies.append(facets)

# C.e). define different sections of facet wall
for b in wall:
 O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
 O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)

# C.f). create top & bot facet plate
facets3 = []
rCyl2 = (.6*width+2*rParticle) / cos(pi/float(nw))
for r in range(nw):
 if r%2==0:
  v1 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), height_0 )
  v2 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), height_0 )
  v3 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), height_0 )
  v4 = Vector3( 0, 0, height_0 )
  f1 = facet((v1,v2,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
  f2 = facet((v2,v3,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
topcap = O.bodies.append(facets3)
facets3 = []
for r in range(nw):
 if r%2==0:
  v1 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+0)/float(nw)), 0 )
  v2 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+1)/float(nw)), 0 )
  v3 = Vector3( rCyl2*cos(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), rCyl2*sin(2*pi*(r+2)/float(nw)), 0 )
  v4 = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
  f1 = facet((v1,v2,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
  f2 = facet((v2,v3,v4),color=(0,0,0),material=frictMat)
botcap = O.bodies.append(facets3)

# C.g). define top & bot wall id
for s in topcap:
 top_id = s
bot_id = 0
for s in botcap:
 bot_id = s

# D.h). calculate porosity
V_sand = 0
num_sand = 0
for b in sand:
 r = O.bodies[b].shape.radius
 V_sand += 1.3333333*3.1416*r*r*r
 num_sand +=1
porosity = 1-V_sand/(.25*width*width*3.1416*height_0)
print('v_sand= ',V_sand,' number of sand: ',num_sand,'porosity is: ',porosity)

####################################################################### # D. DEFINING ADD-ON FUNCTIONS # #######################################################################

# D.c). a function for recording data
def checkrecord():

def compress():
 for b in wall:
  O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
  O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,0)

####################################################################### # E. APPLYING CONFINING STRESS TO FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE # #######################################################################
# E.a). adding corrosponding python function

# E.b). compress until target porosity
vel_ini_a = rate*height_0
vel_ini_r = rate*height_0
for b in topcap:
 O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
 O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,-vel_ini_a)
for b in botcap:
 O.bodies[b].state.blockedDOFs = 'xyzXYZ'
 O.bodies[b].state.vel = (0,0,vel_ini_a)
while 1:,True)
 h = (O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2]-O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2])
 V = h*0.25*width*width*3.1416
 porosity = 1-V_sand/V
 print('porosity: ',porosity, ' height: ', h)
 if (porosity <= targetPorosity):
  print( 'compression stage finished!')
h_ini = h # record height after compression

# E.c.1). remove facet wall
for b in wall:

# E.c.2). create membrane around particle packing by reading mesh file
def membraneCylinderGenerator(width, height, nw, nh, rNode, posC, materialNodes, materialPfacets):
 width: diameter of cylinder
 height: height of cylinder
 nw: number of facets along perimeter
 nh: number of facets along height
 rNode: radius of grid node
 posC: center of cylindrical bottom surface-->Vector3(x,y,z)
 materialNodes: material of grid nodes
 materialPfacets: material of PFacets
 nodesIds = [] # ID list of gridnodes
 cylIds = [] # ID list of cylinders
 pfIds = [] # ID list of pfacets
 colornode = [255/255,102/255,0/255]
 colorcylinder = [0,0,0]
 colorpfacet1 = [248/255,248/255,168/255]
 colorpfacet2 = [156/255,160/255,98/255]
 # create gridnodes
 rCyl2 = 0.5*width / cos(pi/float(nw))
 for r in range(nw):
   for h in range(nh+1):
       v = Vector3(rCyl2*cos(2*pi*r/float(nw)),rCyl2*sin(2*pi*r/float(nw)), height*h/float(nh))+posC
       V = (O.bodies.append(gridNode(v,rNode,wire=False,fixed=False, material=materialNodes,color=colornode)) )
 # create grid connection
 nodeIdsMin = min(nodesIds)
 for r in range(nw):
  for h in range(nh):
   if r == nw-1:
    V1 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+0
    V2 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V3 = nodeIdsMin+(0+0)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V4 = nodeIdsMin+(0+0)*(nh+1)+h+0
    V1 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+0
    V2 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V3 = nodeIdsMin+(r+1)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V4 = nodeIdsMin+(r+1)*(nh+1)+h+0
   #create grid connection
   if h == nh-1:
 # create PFacet
 for r in range(nw):
  for h in range(nh):
   if r == nw-1:
    V1 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+0
    V2 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V3 = nodeIdsMin+(0+0)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V4 = nodeIdsMin+(0+0)*(nh+1)+h+0
    V1 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+0
    V2 = nodeIdsMin+(r+0)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V3 = nodeIdsMin+(r+1)*(nh+1)+h+1
    V4 = nodeIdsMin+(r+1)*(nh+1)+h+0
   #create Pfacets
 return nodesIds,cylIds,pfIds
# 4.2.2). generate flexible membrane
shiftfactor = O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2]-((height-h_ini)/2)
nodesIds,cylIds,pfIds = membraneCylinderGenerator(width=width, height=O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2]-O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2], nw=80, nh=50, rNode=rParticle,
posC=Vector3(0,0,O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2]), materialNodes=GridMat, materialPfacets=pFacetMat)

# E.c.3). define different sections of membrane
membrane_grid = [O.bodies[s] for s in nodesIds ]
membrane_pfacet = [O.bodies[s] for s in pfIds]

# E.c.4). run one interaction
for f in membrane_grid:
 f.shape.color = Vector3(0,0,0)
 x = f.state.pos[0]
 y = f.state.pos[1]
 z = f.state.pos[2]
 dist = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
 n = Vector3(x/dist,y/dist,0)
 if z<=O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2] and z>=O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2]:
  f.state.vel = -vel_ini_r*n*5
while 1:,True)

# 4.2). redefine engine
# some initial parameters

tsrr = 110000
wszz = 0
wsrr = 0
r_avg = 0
# velocity
zvel = 0.05*rate*height
rvel = 0.05*rate*height
max_vel = 0.5*height
gz = 0
gr = 0
rParticle = width/100
tszz = 110000
tsrr = 110000
max_vel = 0.5*height
axialforce = tszz*width*width*math.pi/4

 ServoPIDController(axis=[0, 0, 1], maxVelocity=0.3*max_vel, iterPeriod=1, ids=topcap, target=axialforce, kP=2.0, kI=0.0, kD=0.0, label='top'),
 ServoPIDController(axis=[0, 0, -1], maxVelocity=0.3*max_vel, iterPeriod=1, ids=botcap, target=axialforce, kP=2.0, kI=0.0, kD=0.0, label='bot'),
# set final friction angle, enable cohesion

def plotAddData():
# axial stress
 f4 = 0 # total confining force act on the flexible membrane toward center of circle
 r_cum = 0 # cumulative radius of flexbile membrane
 count = 0 # number of gridnodes
 for b in membrane_grid:
  x = b.state.pos[0]
  y = b.state.pos[1]
  z = b.state.pos[2]
  dist = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
  n = Vector3(x/dist,y/dist,0)
  if z<=O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2] and z>=O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2]:
   f_local = O.forces.f( # resultant force on the gridnode
   f_normal = n[0]*f_local[0]+n[1]*f_local[1]+n[2]*f_local[2]
   f4 -= f_normal
   r_cum += dist
   count += 1
 # calculate resulant force on top and bottom loading plates
 f1 = sum(O.forces.f(b)[2] for b in topcap) # axial force act on the top loading plate
 f2 = sum(O.forces.f(b)[2] for b in botcap) # axial force act on the bottom loading plate
 # calculate height of sample and area of cylindrical walls
 wdz = O.bodies[top_id].state.pos[2] - O.bodies[bot_id].state.pos[2] # height of sample
 r_avg = r_cum/count-rParticle # average radius of flexible membrane
 wAz = math.pi*r_avg*r_avg # area of loading plate
 wAr = math.pi*r_avg*wdz*2 # area of flexible membrane
 # calculate axial and radial stress
 wszz = 0.5*(f2-f1)/wAz # average axial stress in the Z direction (kPa)
 wsrr = f4/wAr
 unbF = unbalancedForce()
 print( 'Servoing: wszz= ',wszz,' wsrr= ',wsrr,' unbalanced force: ',unbF)
 plot.addData(z=O.iter, swa=wszz, swc = wsrr, unbF = unbalancedForce())

def node2servo(node, area):
 global tsrr, max_vel
 x, y, z = node.state.pos
 f = tsrr * area
 dist = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
 return ServoPIDController(ids=[], maxVelocity=max_vel, axis=Vector3(-x/dist, -y/dist, 0),iterPeriod=10,target=f,kP=5.0,kI=0.0,kD=0.0)

#nodes, nodesmiddle, nodestop, nodesbottom = findnodes(0, height)
nAPFacet = math.pi*width*height/(nw*nh)
servosnode = [node2servo(node, nAPFacet) for node in membrane_grid]
O.engines = O.engines + servosnode

r = qt.Renderer()
r.bgColor = 1, 1, 1

plot.plots = {'z': ('swa', 'swc'), 'z ': ('unbF',)}
O.dt = 0.1*PWaveTimeStep()

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Revision history for this message
Yade Guide (yade-guide) said :

Hey kyle2000, check out some related threads. This is an automated reply.

Title: "A problem with using the ServoPIDController() function"
Question by wangkaichao on 08 Apr 2023:
 The user is encountering difficulties with using the ServoPIDController() function in Yade on Ubuntu 22.04. They are seeking assistance in setting the target value to a sine function of time within their code. The user has provided information about the function's usage and suggested solutions, including using labels and PyRunner for more advanced options.

Title: "Servo control of flexible membrane using ServoPIDController"
Question by kyle2000 on 13 Jul 2023:
 The user is seeking help with using a ServoPIDController for servo control of a flexible membrane with confining pressure. They have been advised to assign corresponding center-oriented forces to the grid nodes and start with a simpler approach by prescribing force directly to the nodes using O.forces.setPermF. If insisting on servo control, the user can use ServoPIDController for each grid node, calculating the confining stress area and targeting a specific force value. The user asked if the 'axis' in PIDController should be defined individually for each node, to which the response was yes, with a few considerations. They are also looking into the correctness of the function for calculating the stress on the loading plate and confining stress. The difficulty lies in determining proper proportional parameters for kP, kI, and kD. A user suggested reading the wikipedia article and testing the parameters on a simple example. Another user confirmed that the function for calculating the stress on the loading plate and confining stress looks correct.

Title: "About servo process of triaxialStressController engine"
Question by littlefish on 14 Mar 2019:
 The user is having difficulty controlling servo processes in a triaxialStressController engine for a triaxial test with wall boundaries. They experience large fluctuations in confining pressure when axial strain exceeds 20-30%. The user wonders if there's a way to control the confining pressure within a smaller range during the test. <br> In response to this issue, Bruno suggests that large fluctuations can have various causes and recommends providing more information for a more accurate answer. He mentions that when the tolerance is zero, servo-control will do its best unless the difference is exactly zero.

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.