Calculation in Marshall Mix Design

Asked by Huan

I'm trying to calculate some data from my YADE Marshall Mix Design. I want to get value such as Bulk Volume, Bulk Density, VMA, % Air Void. But the result that I get seem to be negative and incorrect. So, I am confuse on my calculation part whether I set something wrong or my formula is inccorect?

##The Following is my Code##
import random
import math
from yade import geom, pack, utils, plot, ymport
import pandas as pd

# Define material properties
youngModulus = 1e7
poissonRatio = 0.25
density = 2700
frictionAngle =0.7

# Create material
material = O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=youngModulus, poisson=poissonRatio, density=density))
material1 = O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=youngModulus, poisson=poissonRatio, density=density, frictionAngle=frictionAngle))

# Define cylinder with funnel parameters
center = (0, 0, 0)
diameter = 0.102
height = 0.18

# create cylindrical body with radius 0.102 m and height 0.064 m
cylinder = geom.facetCylinder(center=center, radius=diameter/2, height=height, segmentsNumber=80, wallMask=6)

# assign material to each body in the cylinder
for body in cylinder:
    body.bodyMat = material

# add cylinder to simulation

# Define cylinder with funnel parameters
center1 = (0,0,height/2)
dBunker = 0.4
dOutput = 0.102
hBunker = 0
hOutput = 0.15
hPipe = 0

# create funnel as a bunker with diameter 0.102 m, height 0.064 m
funnel = geom.facetBunker(center=center1, dBunker=dBunker, dOutput=dOutput, hBunker=hBunker,hOutput=hOutput, hPipe=hPipe, segmentsNumber=80, wallMask=4)

# assign material to each body in the funnel
for body in funnel:
    body.bodyMat = material

# add funnel to simulation

# define sphere parameters and number of spheres
rMean1 = (0.0125+0.019)/4
rRelFuzz1 = (0.019-0.0125)/4/rMean1
num1 = 13
rMean2 = (0.0095+0.0125)/4
rRelFuzz2 = (0.0125-0.0095)/4/rMean2
num2 = 51
rMean3 = (0.00475+0.0095)/4
rRelFuzz3 = (0.0095-0.00475)/4/rMean3
num3 = 563
rMean4 = (0.00236+0.00475)/4
rRelFuzz4 = (0.00475-0.00236)/4/rMean4
num4 = 5101
rMean5 = (0.00118+0.00236)/4
rRelFuzz5 = (0.00236-0.00118)/4/rMean4
num5 = 18369

#create empty sphere packing
sp = pack.SpherePack()

# generate randomly sphere
sp.makeCloud((-dBunker/4,-dBunker/4,1.3*height),(dBunker/4,dBunker/4,2*height), rMean = rMean1, rRelFuzz = rRelFuzz1, num = num1)
sp.makeCloud((-dBunker/4,-dBunker/4,1.3*height),(dBunker/4,dBunker/4,2*height), rMean = rMean2, rRelFuzz = rRelFuzz2, num = num2)
sp.makeCloud((-dBunker/4,-dBunker/4,1.3*height),(dBunker/4,dBunker/4,2*height), rMean = rMean3, rRelFuzz = rRelFuzz3, num = num3)
sp.makeCloud((-dBunker/4,-dBunker/4,1.3*height),(dBunker/4,dBunker/4,2*height), rMean = rMean4, rRelFuzz = rRelFuzz4, num = num4)
sp.makeCloud((-dBunker/4,-dBunker/4,1.3*height),(dBunker/4,dBunker/4,2*height), rMean = rMean5, rRelFuzz = rRelFuzz5, num = num5)

# add the sphere pack to the simulation
sp.toSimulation(material = material1)

for body in O.bodies:
   if not isinstance(body.shape, Sphere):
   if body.shape.radius >= rMean1 :
       body.shape.color = (0,0,1) #blue
   if body.shape.radius <= rMean1 and body.shape.radius > rMean2:
       body.shape.color = (0,0,1) #blue
   if body.shape.radius <= rMean2 and body.shape.radius > rMean3:
       body.shape.color = (1,0,0) #red
   if body.shape.radius <= rMean3 and body.shape.radius > rMean4:
       body.shape.color = (0,1,0) #green
   if body.shape.radius <= rMean4 and body.shape.radius > rMean5:
       body.shape.color = (1,1,0) #yellow
   if body.shape.radius <= rMean5 :
       body.shape.color = (1,0,1) #magenta

O.engines = [
        # sphere, facet, wall
        InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(), Bo1_Facet_Aabb(), Bo1_Wall_Aabb()]),
                # the loading plate is a wall, we need to handle sphere+sphere, sphere+facet, sphere+wall
                [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Facet_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Wall_Sphere_ScGeom()],
        NewtonIntegrator(gravity=(0, 0, -1000), damping=0.3),
        # the label creates an automatic variable referring to this engine
        # we use it below to change its attributes from the functions called
        PyRunner(command='checkUnbalanced()', realPeriod=2, label='checker'),
O.dt = PWaveTimeStep()

# enable energy tracking; any simulation parts supporting it
# can create and update arbitrary energy types, which can be
# accessed as['energyName'] subsequently
O.trackEnergy = True

# the following checkUnbalanced, unloadPlate and stopUnloading functions are all called by the 'checker'
# (the last engine) one after another; this sequence defines progression of different stages of the
# simulation, as each of the functions, when the condition is satisfied, updates 'checker' to call
# the next function when it is run from within the simulation next time
# check whether the gravity deposition has already finished
# if so, add wall on the top of the packing and start the oedometric test
def checkUnbalanced():
 # at the very start, unbalanced force can be low as there is only few contacts, but it does not mean the packing is stable
 if O.iter < 25000:
 # add plate at the position on the top of the packing
 # the maximum finds the z-coordinate of the top of the topmost particle
 O.bodies.append(wall(max([b.state.pos[2] + b.shape.radius for b in O.bodies if isinstance(b.shape, Sphere)]), axis=2, sense=-1))
 global plate # without this line, the plate variable would only exist inside this function
 plate = O.bodies[-1] # the last particles is the plate
 # Wall objects are "fixed" by default, i.e. not subject to forces
 # prescribing a velocity will therefore make it move at constant velocity (downwards)
 plate.state.vel = (0, 0, -0.8)
 # start plotting the data now, it was not interesting before
 O.engines = O.engines + [PyRunner(command='addPlotData()', iterPeriod=200)]
 # next time, do not call this function anymore, but the next one (unloadPlate) instead
 checker.command = 'unloadPlate()'

def unloadPlate():
 # if the force on plate exceeds maximum load, start unloading
 if abs(O.forces.f([2]) > 1e3:
  plate.state.vel *= -0.8
  # next time, do not call this function anymore, but the next one (stopUnloading) instead
  checker.command = 'stopUnloading()'

def stopUnloading():
    if abs(O.forces.f([2]) < 1e2:
        # calculate the volume of the packing
        volume_packing = 0
        num_spheres = 0
        for b in O.bodies:
            if isinstance(b.shape, yade.wrapper.Sphere):
                volume_packing += 4/3 * math.pi * b.shape.radius**3
                num_spheres += 1
        # print the number of spheres and volume of packking
        print("Number of spheres:", "{:d}".format(num_spheres))
        print("V Packing:", "{:e}".format(volume_packing))
        # print the height of the plate
        top = abs(plate.state.pos[2] + height/2)
        print("Plate height:", top)
        # calculate the volume of the cylinder
        new_volume_cylinder = math.pi * (diameter/2)**2 * top
        print("V Cylinder:", "{:e}".format(new_volume_cylinder))
        # calculate bulk volume
        new_bulk_volume = (new_volume_cylinder - volume_packing)
        print("Bulk Volume:", "{:e}".format(new_bulk_volume))
        # calculate bulk density
        new_bulk_density = (density * volume_packing) / new_bulk_volume
        print("Bulk Density:", "{:.2f}".format(new_bulk_density))
        # calculate VMA
        new_vma = (new_bulk_volume - volume_packing) * 100
        print("VMA:", "{:.2f}%".format(new_vma))
        # calculate % air void
        new_air_void = ((new_bulk_volume -volume_packing)/new_bulk_volume)*100
        print("Air Void:", "{:.2f}%".format(new_air_void))
        # calculate the porosity and porosity percentage
        new_porosity = (new_volume_cylinder - volume_packing) / new_volume_cylinder
        new_porosity_percent = new_porosity * 100
        print("Porosity:", "{:.2f}".format(new_porosity))
        print("Porosity:", "{:.2f}%".format(new_porosity_percent))
        # O.tags can be used to retrieve unique identifiers of the simulation
        # if running in batch, subsequent simulation would overwrite each other's output files otherwise
        # d (or description) is simulation description (composed of parameter values)
        # while the id is composed of time and process number
        plot.saveDataTxt(O.tags[''] + '.txt')

def addPlotData():
 if not isinstance(O.bodies[-1].shape, Wall):
 Fz = O.forces.f([2]
 plot.addData(Fz=Fz, w=plate.state.pos[2] - plate.state.refPos[2], unbalanced=unbalancedForce(), i=O.iter)

# besides unbalanced force evolution, also plot the displacement-force diagram
plot.plots = {'i': ('unbalanced',), 'w': ('Fz',)}

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Jan Stránský (honzik) said :


Please provide a MWE [1].
I.e. for porosity calculation, you do not need to run whole gravity deposition and compaction.

Create a cylinder, a top wall and a few spheres inside.
As an advantage, you can calculate all the results simply by hand and compare to the script results.

> whether I set something wrong or my formula is inccorect?

What is meant by "bulk" and "air"? Spheres are "bulk" or "air"?

For volume and number, you should probably exclude spheres that jumped out of the container.
Or prevent jumping entirely.

> # calculate the volume of the packing
> volume_packing = 0
> num_spheres = 0
> for b in O.bodies:
> if isinstance(b.shape, yade.wrapper.Sphere):
> volume_packing += 4/3 * math.pi * b.shape.radius**3
> num_spheres += 1

Just a note (not important, result is the same): a more "pythonic" (and perhaps more readable and maintainable way) would be:
num_spheres = len([b for b in O.bodies if isinstance(b.shape,Sphere)])
volume_packing = sum(4/3 * math.pi * b.shape.radius**3 for b in O.bodies if isinstance(b.shape, Sphere))



Revision history for this message
Huan (huan-liu) said (last edit ):

Hello Jan,

- Bulk mean both Sphere and Air
- Thanks for the idea, I will implement it since its easier to read
- I want to calculate the same thing but when it is still loose pack(before being compress), can I just put the same calculation method into unload plate section or should it be within the if O.iter?


Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

> - I want to calculate the same thing but when it is still loose pack(before being compress), can I just put the same calculation method into unload plate section?

What is "the same thing"?
Method should be the same, values (e.g. "top") not all.

> Bulk mean both Sphere and Air

OK, now I am lost :-)
I would understand if spheres is bulk.
Or spheres represent air bubbles and the complement is bulk.
But bulk being "both Sphere and Air" sounds really unusually.


volume_packing ... volume of spheres

new_volume_cylinder ... total volume

new_bulk_volume = (new_volume_cylinder - volume_packing)
new_bulk_volume is volume of void space
So why is it called "bulk"?
I think this is the source of the problem..

new_bulk_density = (density * volume_packing) / new_bulk_volume
new_bulk_density = (mass of spheres) / (volume of void space)
What is the meaning of such quantity?

new_vma = (new_bulk_volume - volume_packing) * 100
What is VMA? "Voids in the Mineral Aggregate"? What is its proper definition?
Why (volume of void space) - (volume of spheres)?
Why * 100?

new_air_void = ((new_bulk_volume -volume_packing)/new_bulk_volume)*100
void ratio?
If so, it should be volume_void / volume_solid, i.e. using your variables:
new_bulk_volume / volume_packing

new_porosity = (new_volume_cylinder - volume_packing) / new_volume_cylinder
seems OK


Revision history for this message
Huan (huan-liu) said (last edit ):


-By the same thing, I meant Bulk Volume, Bulk Density, VMA, and % air void before compression. Do I add the calculation code in the CheckUnblanced within the O.iter?

As per the definition of Bulk volume is the total volume of void and solid material.
-Bulk Volume is only the sphere I believe that the formula should have been (Volume_packing+Volume of void space)
-Bulk Density should have been (Total weight of sphere / Bulk Volume)
Which I assume that I should do it by hand since I have the value of Total weight of sphere is as (1200g)

-VMA is Void in the Mineral Aggregate
-So, % air void should've been (new_bulk_volume / volume_packing)

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Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.