Can JCFpmMat set cohesion?

Asked by 孙灿

Hello, I need to set up some sticky particles and I found that the introduction of JCFpmMat is "Possibly jointed, cohesive frictional material, for use with other JCFpm classes". Can it set the viscosity of the particles? If so, [1] can be set?


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Jan Stránský (honzik) said :


> I need to set up some sticky particles

please define "sticky".
There might be better approaches (clumps, other material, ...) than JCFpm for your case.

> Can it set the viscosity of the particles?

(not just now, of course it could be implemented)

> Can JCFpmMat set cohesion?
> [1] can be set?



Revision history for this message
孙灿 (suncan) said :

Sticky can be understood as cohesion. Cohesion refers to the mutual attraction between adjacent parts of the same material. This mutual attraction is the expression of molecular force between molecules of the same material. For example, sand has no cohesion, and there is no attraction between each particle; Clay is cohesive and attractive between particles. I just want to simulate cohesive particles mentioned in soil mechanics.

Revision history for this message
Jan Stránský (honzik) said :

> Cohesion refers to ...

yes, the general meaning is clear.
The information request was rather what it actually does mean **for your model / simulation**.
Like if it can be a rigid body "perfectly cohesive" clump or you need mutual motion, possible split etc etc..

> For example, sand has no cohesion, and there is no attraction between each particle;

It depends on definition, circumstances, ... :-)

Depending on what "sticky" and "cohesion" actually means for your model, you can:
- use clumps
- use a material/law dealing with "cohesion": CohFrict, JCFpm, Cpm, ... (search documentation for "cohesive" or "cohesion" keywords).
- use python (O.forces.addF, O.forces.setPermF, b.state.vel, ...) to adjust your model according to your needs
- ...


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