save and laod previously-generated 2d packing

Asked by Zhoufeng Shi

Dear all,
I am trying to save the previously generated packing into file and load in the next simulation just like what was done in (using memoizeDb). however, when I try to do the same for 2d randomDensePack, it always says that ' No suitable packing in database found, running PERIODIC compression' and 'Packing saved to the database /tmp/bending2DPackCache.sqlite'. So I wonder if there is anything I need to do with '_memoizePacking' and '_getMemoizedPacking'.A sample code is attached below and most of the code are copy from Thanks in advance!
###############code begin###################
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from future import standard_library
from yade import pack,plot,timing,qt
import time, sys, os, copy
def _memoizePacking(memoizeDb,sp,radius,rRelFuzz,wantPeri,fullDim,noPrint=False):
 import sys
 if not memoizeDb: return
 import pickle,sqlite3,time,os
 if os.path.exists(memoizeDb):
  c.execute('create table packings (radius real, rRelFuzz real, dimx real, dimy real, dimz real, N integer, timestamp real, periodic integer, pack blob)')
 packDim=sp.cellSize if wantPeri else fullDim
 c.execute('insert into packings values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(radius,rRelFuzz,packDim[0],0,packDim[2],len(sp),time.time(),wantPeri,packBlob,))
 if not noPrint: print("Packing saved to the database",memoizeDb)

def _getMemoizedPacking(memoizeDb,radius,rRelFuzz,x1,y1,z1,fullDim,wantPeri,fillPeriodic,spheresInCell,memoDbg=False,noPrint=False):
 """Return suitable SpherePack read from *memoizeDb* if found, None otherwise.

  :param fillPeriodic: whether to fill fullDim by repeating periodic packing
  :param wantPeri: only consider periodic packings
 import os,os.path,sqlite3,time,pickle,sys
 if memoDbg and not noPrint:
  def memoDbgMsg(s): print(s)
  def memoDbgMsg(s): pass
 if not memoizeDb or not os.path.exists(memoizeDb):
  if memoizeDb: memoDbgMsg("Database %s does not exist."%memoizeDb)
  return None
 # find suitable packing and return it directly
 conn=sqlite3.connect(memoizeDb); c=conn.cursor();
  c.execute('select radius,rRelFuzz,dimx,dimy,dimz,N,timestamp,periodic from packings order by N')
 except sqlite3.OperationalError:
  raise RuntimeError("ERROR: database `"+memoizeDb+"' not compatible with randomDensePack (corrupt, deprecated format or not a db created by randomDensePack)")
 for row in c:
  R,rDev,X,Y,Z,NN,timestamp,isPeri=row[0:8]; scale=radius/R
  rDev*=scale; X*=scale; Y*=scale; Z*=scale
  memoDbgMsg("Considering packing (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,%s,scale=%g), created %s"%(R,.5*rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,"periodic" if isPeri else "non-periodic",scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp))))
  if not isPeri and wantPeri: memoDbgMsg("REJECT: is not periodic, which is requested."); continue
  if wantPeri and (X/x1>0.9 or X/x1<0.6): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: initSize differs too much from scaled packing size."); continue
  if (rRelFuzz==0 and rDev!=0) or (rRelFuzz!=0 and rDev==0) or (rRelFuzz!=0 and abs((rDev-rRelFuzz)/rRelFuzz)>1e-2): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: radius fuzz differs too much (%g, %g desired)"%(rDev,rRelFuzz)); continue # radius fuzz differs too much
  if isPeri and wantPeri:
   if spheresInCell>NN and spheresInCell>0: memoDbgMsg("REJECT: Number of spheres in the packing too small"); continue
   if abs((y1/x1)/(Y/X)-1)>0.3 or abs((z1/x1)/(Z/X)-1)>0.3: memoDbgMsg("REJECT: proportions (y/x=%g, z/x=%g) differ too much from what is desired (%g, %g)."%(Y/X,Z/X,y1/x1,z1/x1)); continue
   if (X<fullDim[0] or Y<fullDim[1] or Z<fullDim[2]): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: not large enough"); continue # not large enough
  if not noPrint: print("Found suitable packing in %s (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,%s,scale=%g), created %s"%(memoizeDb,R,rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,"periodic" if isPeri else "non-periodic",scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp))))
  c.execute('select pack from packings where timestamp=?',(timestamp,))
  if isPeri and wantPeri:
   sp.isPeriodic = True
   if fillPeriodic: sp.cellFill(Vector3(fullDim[0],0,fullDim[2]));###
  #sp.cellSize=(0,0,0) # resetting cellSize avoids warning when rotating
  return sp
  #if orientation: sp.rotate(*orientation.toAxisAngle())
  #return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,material=material)
 #print "No suitable packing in database found, running",'PERIODIC compression' if wantPeri else 'triaxial'

def randomDensePack2d(predicate,radius,material=-1,dim=None,cropLayers=0,rRelFuzz=0.,spheresInCell=0,memoizeDb=None,useOBB=False,memoDbg=False,color=None,returnSpherePack=None,seed=0):

 import sqlite3, os.path, pickle, time, sys, numpy
 from math import pi
 from yade import _packPredicates
 if 'inGtsSurface' in dir(_packPredicates) and type(predicate)==inGtsSurface and useOBB:
  print("Best-fit oriented-bounding-box computed for GTS surface, orientation is",orientation)
  dim*=2 # gtsSurfaceBestFitOBB returns halfSize
  if not dim: dim=predicate.dim()
  if max(dim)==float('inf'): raise RuntimeError("Infinite predicate and no dimension of packing requested.")
 if not wantPeri: fullDim=tuple([dim[i]+4*cropLayers*radius for i in (0,1,2)])
  # compute cell dimensions now, as they will be compared to ones stored in the db
  # they have to be adjusted to not make the cell to small WRT particle radius
  cloudPorosity=0.25 # assume this number for the initial cloud (can be underestimated)
  beta,gamma=fullDim[1]/fullDim[0],fullDim[2]/fullDim[0] # ratios β=y₀/x₀, γ=z₀/x₀
  N100=spheresInCell/cloudPorosity # number of spheres for cell being filled by spheres without porosity
  y1,z1=beta*x1,gamma*x1; vol0=x1*y1*z1
  x1=max(x1,8*maxR); y1=max(y1,8*maxR); z1=max(z1,8*maxR); vol1=x1*y1*z1
  N100*=vol1/vol0 # volume might have been increased, increase number of spheres to keep porosity the same
  if sp:
   if orientation:
    sp.cellSize=(0,0,0) # resetting cellSize avoids warning when rotating
   return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,material=material,returnSpherePack=returnSpherePack)
  else: print("No suitable packing in database found, running",'PERIODIC compression' if wantPeri else 'triaxial')
 O.switchScene(); O.resetThisScene() ### !!
 if wantPeri:
  # x1,y1,z1 already computed above
  #print cloudPorosity,beta,gamma,N100,x1,y1,z1,O.cell.refSize
  #print x1,y1,z1,radius,rRelFuzz
  vmax[1]=0 ## diff
  for s in sp:
  O.dt=utils.PWaveTimeStep(); O.wait()
  sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
  #print 'Resulting cellSize',sp.cellSize,'proportions',sp.cellSize[1]/sp.cellSize[0],sp.cellSize[2]/sp.cellSize[0]
  # repetition to the required cell size will be done below, after memoizing the result
  V=(4.0/3.0)*pi*radius**3.0; N=assumedFinalDensity*fullDim[0]*fullDim[1]*fullDim[2]/V;
   # upperCorner is just size ratio, if radiusMean is specified
   ## no need to touch any the following
   noFiles=True,lowerCorner=[0,0,0],sigmaIsoCompaction=-4e4,sigmaLateralConfinement=-5e2,compactionFrictionDeg=1,StabilityCriterion=.02,strainRate=.2,thickness=0,maxWallVelocity=.1,wallOversizeFactor=1.5,autoUnload=True,autoCompressionActivation=False, internalCompaction=True).load()
  while ( numpy.isnan(utils.unbalancedForce()) or utils.unbalancedForce()>0.005 ) :,True)
  sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
 O.switchScene() ### !!
 if wantPeri: sp.cellFill(Vector3(fullDim[0],maxR,fullDim[2]))##diff
 if orientation:
  sp.cellSize=(0,0,0); # reset periodicity to avoid warning when rotating periodic packing
 return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,material=material,color=color,returnSpherePack=returnSpherePack)
# tests
from yade import pack
#sp = randomDensePack2d(pack.inAlignedBox((-1,-1,-1),(2,2,2)),radius=.1,rRelFuzz=.5,spheresInCell=200)
sp = randomDensePack2d(pack.inSphere((0,0,0),3),radius=.1,rRelFuzz=.5,spheresInCell=200,returnSpherePack=True,memoizeDb='/tmp/bending2DPackCache.sqlite')

Question information

English Edit question
Yade Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Jan Stránský
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Best Jan Stránský (honzik) said :


use memoDbg=True to get some more info.
The problem is this line
if wantPeri and (X/x1>0.9 or X/x1<0.6): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: initSize differs too much from scaled packing size."); continue
so some problems with dimensions.. put come "debug prints" to see what are the values and, why it is rejected, what/why is saved, what is loaded.....


Revision history for this message
Zhoufeng Shi (zhoufeng-s) said :

Thanks Jan for your kind reply!
So I tried the method you mentioned above to debug the problem. After I comment several condition lines that are not suitable for 2d situation and modify some values such as cellSize & cellFill in _getMemoizedPacking function, the code now can work well for saving 2d packing. Lines that I made changes are ended with long '####' symbol for clear inspection.
However, as I am pretty new to both yade and python, sometimes I may not know what I am doing exactly and whether what I have done is correct or not. so the results can be wrong and I just mistaken it as a correct one. Any critiques and suggestions are welcomed!
the code are attached for future reference
#############code begin############
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from future import standard_library
from yade import pack,plot,timing,qt
import time, sys, os, copy
def _memoizePacking(memoizeDb,sp,radius,rRelFuzz,wantPeri,fullDim,noPrint=False):
 import sys
 if not memoizeDb: return
 import pickle,sqlite3,time,os
 if os.path.exists(memoizeDb):
  c.execute('create table packings (radius real, rRelFuzz real, dimx real, dimy real, dimz real, N integer, timestamp real, periodic integer, pack blob)')
 packDim=sp.cellSize if wantPeri else fullDim
 c.execute('insert into packings values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(radius,rRelFuzz,packDim[0],0,packDim[2],len(sp),time.time(),wantPeri,packBlob,))
 if not noPrint: print("Packing saved to the database",memoizeDb)

def _getMemoizedPacking(memoizeDb,radius,rRelFuzz,x1,y1,z1,fullDim,wantPeri,fillPeriodic,spheresInCell,memoDbg=True,noPrint=False):
 """Return suitable SpherePack read from *memoizeDb* if found, None otherwise.

  :param fillPeriodic: whether to fill fullDim by repeating periodic packing
  :param wantPeri: only consider periodic packings
 import os,os.path,sqlite3,time,pickle,sys
 if memoDbg and not noPrint:
  def memoDbgMsg(s): print(s)
  def memoDbgMsg(s): pass
 if not memoizeDb or not os.path.exists(memoizeDb):
  if memoizeDb: memoDbgMsg("Database %s does not exist."%memoizeDb)
  return None
 # find suitable packing and return it directly
 conn=sqlite3.connect(memoizeDb); c=conn.cursor();
  c.execute('select radius,rRelFuzz,dimx,dimy,dimz,N,timestamp,periodic from packings order by N')
 except sqlite3.OperationalError:
  raise RuntimeError("ERROR: database `"+memoizeDb+"' not compatible with randomDensePack (corrupt, deprecated format or not a db created by randomDensePack)")
 for row in c:
  R,rDev,X,Y,Z,NN,timestamp,isPeri=row[0:8]; scale=radius/R
  rDev*=scale; X*=scale; Y*=scale; Z*=scale
  memoDbgMsg("Considering packing (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,%s,scale=%g), created %s"%(R,.5*rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,"periodic" if isPeri else "non-periodic",scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp))))
  if not isPeri and wantPeri: memoDbgMsg("REJECT: is not periodic, which is requested."); continue
  #if wantPeri and (X/x1>0.9 or X/x1<0.6): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: initSize differs too much from scaled packing size."), print(X), print(x1),print(scale); continue########################################
  if (rRelFuzz==0 and rDev!=0) or (rRelFuzz!=0 and rDev==0) or (rRelFuzz!=0 and abs((rDev-rRelFuzz)/rRelFuzz)>1e-2): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: radius fuzz differs too much (%g, %g desired)"%(rDev,rRelFuzz)); continue # radius fuzz differs too much
  if isPeri and wantPeri:
   if spheresInCell>NN and spheresInCell>0: memoDbgMsg("REJECT: Number of spheres in the packing too small"); continue

   #if abs((y1/x1)/(Y/X)-1)>0.3 or abs((z1/x1)/(Z/X)-1)>0.3: memoDbgMsg("REJECT: proportions (y/x=%g, z/x=%g) differ too much from what is desired (%g, %g)."%(Y/X,Z/X,y1/x1,z1/x1)); continue###################################################
   if (X<fullDim[0] or Y<fullDim[1] or Z<fullDim[2]): memoDbgMsg("REJECT: not large enough"); continue # not large enough
  if not noPrint: print("Found suitable packing in %s (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,%s,scale=%g), created %s"%(memoizeDb,R,rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,"periodic" if isPeri else "non-periodic",scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp))))
  c.execute('select pack from packings where timestamp=?',(timestamp,))
  if isPeri and wantPeri:
   sp.isPeriodic = True
   if fillPeriodic: sp.cellFill(Vector3(fullDim[0],radius*(1+rRelFuzz),fullDim[2]));#################
  #sp.cellSize=(0,0,0) # resetting cellSize avoids warning when rotating
  return sp
  #if orientation: sp.rotate(*orientation.toAxisAngle())
  #return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,material=material)
 #print "No suitable packing in database found, running",'PERIODIC compression' if wantPeri else 'triaxial'

def randomDensePack2d(predicate,radius,material=-1,dim=None,cropLayers=0,rRelFuzz=0.,spheresInCell=0,memoizeDb=None,useOBB=False,memoDbg=True,color=None,returnSpherePack=None,seed=0):

 import sqlite3, os.path, pickle, time, sys, numpy
 from math import pi
 from yade import _packPredicates
 if 'inGtsSurface' in dir(_packPredicates) and type(predicate)==inGtsSurface and useOBB:
  print("Best-fit oriented-bounding-box computed for GTS surface, orientation is",orientation)
  dim*=2 # gtsSurfaceBestFitOBB returns halfSize
  if not dim: dim=predicate.dim()
  if max(dim)==float('inf'): raise RuntimeError("Infinite predicate and no dimension of packing requested.")
 if not wantPeri: fullDim=tuple([dim[i]+4*cropLayers*radius for i in (0,1,2)])
  # compute cell dimensions now, as they will be compared to ones stored in the db
  # they have to be adjusted to not make the cell to small WRT particle radius
  cloudPorosity=0.25 # assume this number for the initial cloud (can be underestimated)
  beta,gamma=fullDim[1]/fullDim[0],fullDim[2]/fullDim[0] # ratios β=y₀/x₀, γ=z₀/x₀
  N100=spheresInCell/cloudPorosity # number of spheres for cell being filled by spheres without porosity
  y1,z1=beta*x1,gamma*x1; vol0=x1*y1*z1
  x1=max(x1,8*maxR); y1=max(y1,8*maxR); z1=max(z1,8*maxR); vol1=x1*y1*z1
  N100*=vol1/vol0 # volume might have been increased, increase number of spheres to keep porosity the same
  if sp:
   if orientation:
    sp.cellSize=(0,0,0) # resetting cellSize avoids warning when rotating
   return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,material=material,returnSpherePack=returnSpherePack)
  else: print("No suitable packing in database found, running",'PERIODIC compression' if wantPeri else 'triaxial')
 O.switchScene(); O.resetThisScene() ### !!
 if wantPeri:
  # x1,y1,z1 already computed above
  #print cloudPorosity,beta,gamma,N100,x1,y1,z1,O.cell.refSize
  #print x1,y1,z1,radius,rRelFuzz
  vmax[1]=0 ## diff
  for s in sp:
  O.dt=utils.PWaveTimeStep(); O.wait()
  sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
  #print 'Resulting cellSize',sp.cellSize,'proportions',sp.cellSize[1]/sp.cellSize[0],sp.cellSize[2]/sp.cellSize[0]
  # repetition to the required cell size will be done below, after memoizing the result
  V=(4.0/3.0)*pi*radius**3.0; N=assumedFinalDensity*fullDim[0]*fullDim[1]*fullDim[2]/V;
   # upperCorner is just size ratio, if radiusMean is specified
   ## no need to touch any the following
   noFiles=True,lowerCorner=[0,0,0],sigmaIsoCompaction=-4e4,sigmaLateralConfinement=-5e2,compactionFrictionDeg=1,StabilityCriterion=.02,strainRate=.2,thickness=0,maxWallVelocity=.1,wallOversizeFactor=1.5,autoUnload=True,autoCompressionActivation=False, internalCompaction=True).load()
  while ( numpy.isnan(utils.unbalancedForce()) or utils.unbalancedForce()>0.005 ) :,True)
  sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
 O.switchScene() ### !!
 if wantPeri: sp.cellFill(Vector3(fullDim[0],maxR,fullDim[2]))##diff
 if orientation:
  sp.cellSize=(0,0,0); # reset periodicity to avoid warning when rotating periodic packing
 return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,material=material,color=color,returnSpherePack=returnSpherePack)
# tests
from yade import pack
#sp = randomDensePack2d(pack.inAlignedBox((-1,-1,-1),(2,2,2)),radius=.1,rRelFuzz=.5,spheresInCell=200)
sp = randomDensePack2d(pack.inSphere((0,0,0),4.5),radius=.1,rRelFuzz=.5,spheresInCell=500,returnSpherePack=True,memoizeDb='/tmp/bending2DPackCache.sqlite')
####################### end of the code####################

Revision history for this message
Zhoufeng Shi (zhoufeng-s) said :

Thanks Jan Stránský, that solved my question.