Generation of sphere packing using CohFrictMat model

Asked by Meng Qing Xiang

Hello all,

I want to make a simulation of slope using FEMxDEM code. Dr. Guo Ning proposed a good example for the generation of 2D friction packing. I also see Ning also using the FEMxDEM method for cohesive materials. I want to change the and set cohesion and rolling friction using CohFrictMat model. The problem is divided into two sstep, firstly a sphere packing without friction and cohesion is compressed to the hydrostatic stress. Then I want to add rolling friction and cohesion to the model. But it does not work, I really appriciate if anyone can give me some advice. Tho code is as following:

from yade import pack


sp = pack.SpherePack()
size = .24
O.cell.hSize = Matrix3(size,0,0, 0,size,0, 0,0,.1)
print len(O.bodies)
for p in O.bodies:
   p.state.blockedDOFs = 'zXY'
   p.state.mass = 2650 * 0.1 * pi * p.shape.radius**2 # 0.1 = thickness of cylindrical particle
   inertia = 0.5 * p.state.mass * p.shape.radius**2
   p.state.inertia = (.5*inertia,.5*inertia,inertia)

O.dt = utils.PWaveTimeStep()
print O.dt


def term():
   O.engines = O.engines[:3]+O.engines[4:]
   print getStress()
   print O.cell.hSize
   for p in O.bodies:
      p.state.vel = Vector3.Zero
      p.state.angVel = Vector3.Zero
      p.state.refPos = p.state.pos
      p.state.refOri = p.state.ori'0.yade.gz')

# servo the stress to the hydrostress state;O.wait()
#This will reload the autosaved compacted sample
# I want to change the model with rolling friction and Cohesion
# Add rolling friction and Cohesion to the model
O.engines[2].lawDispatcher.functors[1].always_use_moment_law = True
O.engines[2].physDispatcher.functors[1].setCohesionNow = True

Thanks in advance!!!
The error information is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yadedaily", line 182, in runScript
  File "", line 75, in <module>
    O.engines[2].lawDispatcher.functors[1].always_use_moment_law = True
IndexError: list index out of range
[[ ^L clears screen, ^U kills line. F12 controller, F11 3d view (use h-key for showing help), F10 both, F9 generator, F8 plot. ]]

Question information

English Edit question
Yade Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Meng Qing Xiang
Last query:
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Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

Dear Meng Qin Xiang, "But it does not work" is too vague to describe a problem.
Please try and be specific, else it needs one to run and understand the script before getting to your point.

Revision history for this message
Meng Qing Xiang (642229461-k) said :

Thanks for your reply. The error information of my code is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yadedaily", line 182, in runScript
  File "", line 75, in <module>
    O.engines[2].lawDispatcher.functors[1].always_use_moment_law = True
IndexError: list index out of range
[[ ^L clears screen, ^U kills line. F12 controller, F11 3d view (use h-key for showing help), F10 both, F9 generator, F8 plot. ]]

Revision history for this message
Jérôme Duriez (jduriez) said :


Python indexing starts with 0, and you thus have to write

O.engines[2].lawDispatcher.functors[0].always_use_moment_law = True

to access the Law2 you want to modify (which is the only one available)

We eventually are quite far from a CohFrictMat related question ;-)

Revision history for this message
Meng Qing Xiang (642229461-k) said :

Dear Duriez:

Thank you very much. That really solve my problem.
