calculation of external work

Asked by Yor1

Hi all,

I try to calculate the external work in triaxial compression test. In fact, i found that in the script TriaxialStressController.cpp the external work is calculated when the loading is done by force with the function "controlExternalStress" . But when the loading is done with the strain rate, the external work is not calculated. How can I calculate the external work when i load with the strain rate.

Best regards.

This is the script TriaxialStressController.cpp


#include "FlowEngine_FlowEngineT.hpp"



Vector3r TriaxialStressController::getStress(int boundId) {assert (boundId>=0 && boundId<=5); return stress[boundId];}

Vector3r TriaxialStressController::getStrainRate() {
 return Vector3r (

void TriaxialStressController::updateStiffness() {
 Real fluidStiffness = 0.;
 FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Engine> e, Omega::instance().getScene()->engines) {
  if (e->getClassName() == "FlowEngine") {
   TemplateFlowEngine_FlowEngineT<FlowCellInfo_FlowEngineT,FlowVertexInfo_FlowEngineT>* flow =
   if ( (flow->fluidBulkModulus > 0) && (!(flow->dead)) ) fluidStiffness = flow->fluidBulkModulus/porosity;
 for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) stiffness[i] = 0;
 InteractionContainer::iterator ii = scene->interactions->begin();
 InteractionContainer::iterator iiEnd = scene->interactions->end();
 for( ; ii!=iiEnd ; ++ii ) if ((*ii)->isReal())
  const shared_ptr<Interaction>& contact = *ii;
  Real fn = (static_cast<FrictPhys*> (contact->phys.get()))->normalForce.norm();
  if (fn!=0)
   int id1 = contact->getId1(), id2 = contact->getId2();
   for (int index=0; index<6; ++index) if ( wall_id[index]==id1 || wall_id[index]==id2 )
    FrictPhys* currentContactPhysics = static_cast<FrictPhys*> ( contact->phys.get() );
    stiffness[index] += currentContactPhysics->kn;
 if (fluidStiffness > 0) {
  stiffness[0] += fluidStiffness*width*depth/height;
  stiffness[1] += fluidStiffness*width*depth/height;
  stiffness[2] += fluidStiffness*height*depth/width;
  stiffness[3] += fluidStiffness*height*depth/width;
  stiffness[4] += fluidStiffness*width*height/depth;
  stiffnessWallFront = stiffness[5] += fluidStiffness*width*height/depth;

void TriaxialStressController::controlExternalStress(int wall, Vector3r resultantForce, State* p, Real wall_max_vel) // controls walls such that Sum Forces from Sample on Wall = resultantForce
 Real translation=normal[wall].dot(getForce(scene,wall_id[wall])-resultantForce);

 const bool log=false;
 if(log) LOG_DEBUG("wall="<<wall<<" actualForce="<<getForce(scene,wall_id[wall])<<", resultantForce="<<resultantForce<<", translation="<<translation);
 if (translation!=0)
    if (stiffness[wall]!=0)
   translation /= stiffness[wall];
   stiffnessWallLeft = stiffness[0];
   stiffnessWallRight = stiffness[1];
   stiffnessWallBottom = stiffness[2];
   stiffnessWallTop = stiffness[3];
   stiffnessWallBack = stiffness[4];
   stiffnessWallFront = stiffness[5];
   if(log) TRVAR2(translation,wall_max_vel*scene->dt)
   translation = std::min( std::abs(translation), wall_max_vel*scene->dt ) * Mathr::Sign(translation);

   getForceBack=normal[wall_back].dot(getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_back])); //JH

   ResultantForce= normal[wall].dot(resultantForce);//JH



    else translation = wall_max_vel * Mathr::Sign(translation)*scene->dt;

 previousTranslation[wall] = (1-stressDamping)*translation*normal[wall] + 0.8*previousTranslation[wall];// formula for "steady-flow" evolution with fluctuations

        dampingWorkWall+=stressDamping*(translation*normal[wall]-previousTranslation[wall]).dot(getForce(scene,wall_id[wall]));// JH

 //Don't update position since Newton is doing that starting from bzr2612
// p->se3.position += previousTranslation[wall];
 externalWork += previousTranslation[wall].dot(getForce(scene,wall_id[wall]));
 // this is important is using VelocityBins. Otherwise the motion is never detected. Related to

void TriaxialStressController::action()
 // sync thread storage of ForceContainer
 if (first) {// sync boundaries ids in the table
  wall_id[wall_bottom] = wall_bottom_id;
   wall_id[wall_top] = wall_top_id;
   wall_id[wall_left] = wall_left_id;
   wall_id[wall_right] = wall_right_id;
   wall_id[wall_front] = wall_front_id;
   wall_id[wall_back] = wall_back_id;}

 if(thickness<0) thickness=2.0*YADE_PTR_CAST<Box>(Body::byId(wall_bottom_id,scene)->shape)->extents.y();
 State* p_bottom=Body::byId(wall_bottom_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_top=Body::byId(wall_top_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_left=Body::byId(wall_left_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_right=Body::byId(wall_right_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_front=Body::byId(wall_front_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_back=Body::byId(wall_back_id,scene)->state.get();
 height = p_top->se3.position.y() - p_bottom->se3.position.y() - thickness;
 width = p_right->se3.position.x() - p_left->se3.position.x() - thickness;
 depth = p_front->se3.position.z() - p_back->se3.position.z() - thickness;

 boxVolume = height * width * depth;
 if ( (first) || (updatePorosity) ) {
  BodyContainer::iterator bi = scene->bodies->begin();
  BodyContainer::iterator biEnd = scene->bodies->end();

  particlesVolume = 0;
  for ( ; bi!=biEnd; ++bi ) {
   const shared_ptr<Body>& b = *bi;
   if (b->isClump()) {
    const shared_ptr<Clump>& clump = YADE_PTR_CAST<Clump>(b->shape);
    const shared_ptr<Body>& member = Body::byId(clump->members.begin()->first,scene);
    particlesVolume += b->state->mass / member->material->density;
   else if (b->isDynamic() && !b->isClumpMember()) {
    const shared_ptr<Sphere>& sphere = YADE_PTR_CAST<Sphere> ( b->shape );
    particlesVolume += 1.3333333*Mathr::PI*pow ( sphere->radius, 3 );
  first = false;
  updatePorosity = false;
 max_vel1=3 * width /(height+width+depth)*max_vel;
 max_vel2=3 * height /(height+width+depth)*max_vel;
 max_vel3 =3 * depth /(height+width+depth)*max_vel;

 porosity = ( boxVolume - particlesVolume ) /boxVolume;
 position_top = p_top->se3.position.y();
 position_bottom = p_bottom->se3.position.y();
 position_right = p_right->se3.position.x();
 position_left = p_left->se3.position.x();
 position_front = p_front->se3.position.z();
 position_back = p_back->se3.position.z();

 // must be done _after_ height, width, depth have been calculated
 //Update stiffness only if it has been computed by StiffnessCounter (see "stiffnessUpdateInterval")
 if (scene->iter % stiffnessUpdateInterval == 0 || scene->iter<100) updateStiffness();
 bool isARadiusControlIteration = (scene->iter % radiusControlInterval == 0);

 if (scene->iter % computeStressStrainInterval == 0 ||
   (internalCompaction && isARadiusControlIteration) )

 if (!internalCompaction) {
  Vector3r wallForce (0, goal2*width*depth, 0);
  if (wall_bottom_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 2) controlExternalStress(wall_bottom, wallForce, p_bottom, max_vel2);
   else p_bottom->vel[1] += (-normal[wall_bottom][1]*0.5*goal2*height -p_bottom->vel[1])*(1-strainDamping);
   /// JH we have to verify
   //else { p_bottom->vel[1] += (-normal[wall_bottom][1]*0.5*goal2*height -p_bottom->vel[1])*(1-strainDamping);
    //externalWork += (p_bottom->vel*scene->dt).dot(getForce(scene,wall_id[wall]));}
  } else p_bottom->vel=Vector3r::Zero();
  if (wall_top_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 2) controlExternalStress(wall_top, -wallForce, p_top, max_vel2);
   else p_top->vel[1] += (-normal[wall_top][1]*0.5*goal2*height -p_top->vel[1])*(1-strainDamping);
  } else p_top->vel=Vector3r::Zero();

  wallForce = Vector3r(goal1*height*depth, 0, 0);
  if (wall_left_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 1) controlExternalStress(wall_left, wallForce, p_left, max_vel1);
   else p_left->vel[0] += (-normal[wall_left][0]*0.5*goal1*width -p_left->vel[0])*(1-strainDamping);
  } else p_left->vel=Vector3r::Zero();
  if (wall_right_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 1) controlExternalStress(wall_right, -wallForce, p_right, max_vel1);
   else p_right->vel[0] += (-normal[wall_right][0]*0.5*goal1*width -p_right->vel[0])*(1-strainDamping);
  } else p_right->vel=Vector3r::Zero();

  wallForce = Vector3r(0, 0, goal3*height*width);
  if (wall_back_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 4) controlExternalStress(wall_back, wallForce, p_back, max_vel3);
   else p_back->vel[2] += (-normal[wall_back][2]*0.5*goal3*depth -p_back->vel[2])*(1-strainDamping);
  } else p_back->vel=Vector3r::Zero();
  if (wall_front_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 4) controlExternalStress(wall_front, -wallForce, p_front, max_vel3);
   else p_front->vel[2] += (-normal[wall_front][2]*0.5*goal3*depth -p_front->vel[2])*(1-strainDamping);
  } else p_front->vel=Vector3r::Zero();
 else //if internal compaction
  p_bottom->vel=Vector3r::Zero(); p_top->vel=Vector3r::Zero(); p_left->vel=Vector3r::Zero(); p_right->vel=Vector3r::Zero(); p_back->vel=Vector3r::Zero(); p_front->vel=Vector3r::Zero();
  if (isARadiusControlIteration) {
   Real sigma_iso_ = bool(stressMask & 1)*goal1 + bool(stressMask & 2)*goal2 + bool(stressMask & 4)*goal3;
   sigma_iso_ /= bool(stressMask & 1) + bool(stressMask & 2) + bool(stressMask & 4);
   if (std::abs(sigma_iso_)<=std::abs(meanStress)) maxMultiplier = finalMaxMultiplier;
   if (meanStress==0) previousMultiplier = maxMultiplier;
   else {
    // previousMultiplier = 1+0.7*(sigma_iso-s)*(previousMultiplier-1.f)/(s-previousStress); // = (Dsigma/apparentModulus)*0.7
    // previousMultiplier = std::max(2-maxMultiplier, std::min(previousMultiplier, maxMultiplier));
     if (sigma_iso_ < 0) // compressive case: we have to increase radii if meanStress > sigma_iso_, considering that sigma_iso_ < 0. We end with the same expression as before sign change
       previousMultiplier = 1.+(sigma_iso_-meanStress)/sigma_iso_*(maxMultiplier-1.); // = (Dsigma/apparentModulus)*0.7
     else // tensile case: we have to increase radii if meanStress > sigma_iso_ too. But here sigma_iso_ > 0 => another expression
       previousMultiplier = 1.+(meanStress-sigma_iso_)/sigma_iso_*(maxMultiplier-1.); // = (Dsigma/apparentModulus)*0.7
   previousStress = meanStress;
   //Real apparentModulus = (s-previousStress)/(previousMultiplier-1.f);

void TriaxialStressController::computeStressStrain()
 State* p_bottom=Body::byId(wall_bottom_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_top=Body::byId(wall_top_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_left=Body::byId(wall_left_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_right=Body::byId(wall_right_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_front=Body::byId(wall_front_id,scene)->state.get();
 State* p_back=Body::byId(wall_back_id,scene)->state.get();

  height = p_top->se3.position.y() - p_bottom->se3.position.y() - thickness;
  width = p_right->se3.position.x() - p_left->se3.position.x() - thickness;
  depth = p_front->se3.position.z() - p_back->se3.position.z() - thickness;

 meanStress = 0;
 if (height0 == 0) height0 = height;
 if (width0 == 0) width0 = width;
 if (depth0 == 0) depth0 = depth;
 strain[0] = log(width/width0); // all strain values are positiv for extension
 strain[1] = log(height/height0);
 strain[2] = log(depth/depth0);

 Real invXSurface = 1.f/(height*depth);
 Real invYSurface = 1.f/(width*depth);
 Real invZSurface = 1.f/(width*height);

  force[wall_bottom]=getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_bottom]); stress[wall_bottom]=force[wall_bottom]*invYSurface; // all stress values are positiv for tension
 force[wall_top]= getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_top]); stress[wall_top]=-force[wall_top]*invYSurface;
 force[wall_left]= getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_left]); stress[wall_left]=force[wall_left]*invXSurface;
 force[wall_right]= getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_right]); stress[wall_right]= -force[wall_right]*invXSurface;
 force[wall_front]= getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_front]); stress[wall_front]=-force[wall_front]*invZSurface;
        force[wall_back]= getForce(scene,wall_id[wall_back]); stress[wall_back]= force[wall_back]*invZSurface;

 for (int i=0; i<6; i++) meanStress+=stress[i].dot(pow(-1.0,i)*normal[i]); // normal[i] is always inwards
 meanStress/=6.; // ( sXX(xLeft) + sXX(xRight) + sYY(yBottom) + sYY(yTop) + sZZ(zBack) + sZZ(zFront) ) / 6

void TriaxialStressController::controlInternalStress ( Real multiplier )
 particlesVolume *= pow ( multiplier,3 );

    \fn TriaxialStressController::ComputeUnbalancedForce( bool maxUnbalanced)
Real TriaxialStressController::ComputeUnbalancedForce( bool maxUnbalanced) {return Shop::unbalancedForce(maxUnbalanced,scene);}

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Revision history for this message
Jérôme Duriez (jduriez) said :

Hi Jabrane,

I think the easiest solution would be you compute yourself this external work, applying as a post-processing stage, the same kind of formula that the one used to update "externalWork" in TriaxialStressController.cpp (dW = sigma dEpsilon, basically...)

This being said, my suggestion would be not to copy-paste source code in questions but rather refer, if necessary, e.g. to where anyone can access it directly


PS: I think we use "script" rather for python scripts that define our Yade simulations, rather than for the C++ files that define the source code of Yade

Revision history for this message
Luc Scholtès (luc) said :

Hi guys,
Building up on this question, is there any reason for not computing the external work in triaxial loadings when the walls are strain controlled rather than stress controlled?
Am I missing something?

Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

> Am I missing something?

Yes, I think. External work is computed whatever the type of control.
I miss why it seems to be assumed otherwise here.

Revision history for this message
Luc Scholtès (luc) said :

Thanks Bruno for your answer.

As I said, I probably missed something since, in the version I use, the external work is only computed in


with this line:

externalWork += previousTranslation[wall].dot(getForce(scene,wall_id[wall]));

Then, according to these lines in TriaxialStressController::action(), externalWork is thus computed only when the walls are stress controlled (these are the lines for bottom wall only, the same structure applies for all other walls):

if (wall_bottom_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 2) controlExternalStress(wall_bottom, wallForce, p_bottom, max_vel2);
   else p_bottom->vel[1] += (-normal[wall_bottom][1]*0.5*goal2*height -p_bottom->vel[1])*(1-strainDamping);

In order to have the external work computed under strain control, I had to modify the code according to the following lines:

if (wall_bottom_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 2) controlExternalStress(wall_bottom, wallForce, p_bottom, max_vel2);
   else { p_bottom->vel[1] += (-normal[wall_bottom][1]*0.5*goal2*height -p_bottom->vel[1])*(1-strainDamping);
    // LS: update of external work?
    externalWork += (p_bottom->,wall_id[wall_bottom])))*scene->dt;

Without this change, I just cannot explained where the elastic energy that is stored in my sample during the deviatoric phase is coming from.

So, 2 possibilities here:

1) I miss something conceptually for not considering these additional lines (and then no work is produced when walls are strain controlled) -> this is why I ask if I missed something
2) I use an outdated version where the external is only computed in ControlExternalStress (my version is not the latest one)

In any of these 2 cases, I just cannot verify the energy balance in my system and I will then stick to my changes to do so.

Unless you have another explanation?



Revision history for this message
Jérôme Duriez (jduriez) said :

As for myself, I agree with Luc and the initial author of this question.

From my understanding of the code, the TriaxialStressController.externalWork variable is indeed not updated for strain controlled boundaries (this also holds for the current version, see gitHub), whereas there is no reason for that.

I think it would thus make sense to modify the code for externalWork to be updated outside the TriaxialStressController::controlExternalStress() function.


Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

Ok, my mistake. For some reason my local branch has a line very similar to what Luc suggests (hence I was not seing the problem) but it has never been pushed to trunk, I never realized that. I will commit.


if (wall_bottom_activated) {
   if (stressMask & 2) controlExternalStress(wall_bottom, wallForce, p_bottom, max_vel2);
   else {
    p_bottom->vel[1] += (-normal[wall_bottom][1]*0.5*goal2*height -p_bottom->vel[1])*(1-strainDamping);
    externalWork += p_bottom->,wall_bottom_id))*scene->dt;}

Revision history for this message
Bruno Chareyre (bruno-chareyre) said :

Can you help with this problem?

Provide an answer of your own, or ask Yor1 for more information if necessary.

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