Why xterm package listed as dependency

Asked by Amir

I see xterm package is listed as required dependecy in y ppa man. May I know which specific feature in y-ppa-manager that relies on xterm?

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Alin Andrei (nilarimogard) said :

The PPA Purge feature launches xterm to let the user see what's happening and also for user input.

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Ben (keinspamhier) said :

But why xterm? Isn't the bog standard terminal good enough?

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Sean Watson (sean.watson) said :

Probably because Kubuntu uses Konsole and Unity uses gnome-terminal, and to avoid dragging in KDE or GNOME libs in xterm is used as it has neither.

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Efreak (efreak2004) said :

Launching the terminal via x-default-terminal (which should be set by update-alternatives) should open the default terminal. This is probably better than requiring another package.

Konsole and gnome-terminal both support the -e argument. Neither appears to support -hold, but I'm not sure if it's really necessary; it seems like you can get basically the same functionality with `read -p "Press [Enter] key to quit"`

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