Large video's not playing correctly, layout errors

Asked by Kevin

I'm having issues with playing .wmv video's:
When I schedule a small video (~1mb, 00:10) to play Xibo does it fine, but when I select a larger video (~80mb, 07:00) the layout loads for a sec (and shows layout) and then reverts to the default Xibo splash screen and doesn't go back to the scheduled layout. Only thing I know is that it doesn't add the video to the client library, but the video does seem to upload properly to the CMS; I get no errors and it shows in the CMS's library.

I read several topics about the layout reverting to the default Xibo splash screen when the content (layout) is invalid, but that didn't get me any further. Everything works without the larger video in the layout. Also, I just found out this problem also occurs when I put a website in a region.

Video information (from VLC):
Codec: Windows Media Video 9 (WMV3)
Resolution: 1352x760
FPS: 25
Decoded format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Error log:

I've opened the log and for my last run (client gets stuck alot on errors) it states that both video's have downloaded 100% but the bigger video isn't playable in the library and still makes the layout invalid. Here is the error log:

ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:14|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:14|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:14|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:14|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
UI Thread|19-1-2015 10:59:22|Error|MainForm - ChangeToNextLayout|Layout Change to failed. Exception raised was: Default layout
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:24|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:24|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:24|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:24|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
UI Thread|19-1-2015 10:59:32|Error|MainForm - ChangeToNextLayout|Layout Change to failed. Exception raised was: Default layout
FileAgent_media_Id_10|19-1-2015 10:59:33|Error|FileAgent - Run|Downloaded file failed MD5 check. Calculated [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] & XMDS [ 0262961e218cf134fe12b451aaece59a] . 10.wmv
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:34|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:34|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:34|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:34|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
UI Thread|19-1-2015 10:59:42|Error|MainForm - ChangeToNextLayout|Layout Change to failed. Exception raised was: Default layout
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:44|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:44|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:44|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7
ScheduleManagerThread|19-1-2015 10:59:44|Error|ScheduleManager - LoadNewSchedule|Layout invalid: 7

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Xibo Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

Was the file uploaded via the Xibo CMS or did you copy it in to the server
library replacing an existing file?

Revision history for this message
Kevin (kevin-sozanski) said :

Uploaded via the CMS

Revision history for this message
Dan Garner (dangarner) said :

FileAgent_media_Id_10|19-1-2015 10:59:33|Error|FileAgent - Run|Downloaded file failed MD5 check. Calculated [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e] & XMDS [ 0262961e218cf134fe12b451aaece59a] . 10.wmv

That means that your video download failed and you have a corrupted video as a result. This could be because your MD5 is incorrectly calculated in the CMS - or because the CMS thought the upload finished but it didn't.

Can you try to play the video from the CMS library (directly in the file system) and see if that uploaded video plays.

Also we have moved to Github, so if you could repost with the answers on there, that would be great.

Dan Garner suggests this article as an answer to your question:
FAQ #2666: “We have moved to Github”.

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