No media statistics on pyclient 1.6.0

Asked by Douglas

My clients do not send back any media statistics.
The log folder is empty.
But, I have adapted the client to run on Ubuntu 14.04 (server version with xorg, on a Atom board but it runs ok, no problem with videos swfs etc.)
The only problem, is not to send back media statistics.

If you are using Python client and not Windows version of Xibo-16X CMS, for SOME reason the stats wont work.
If you get the same client and point to a Windows cms, it works.
So edit the lib/data/ and remove scheduleID column from Insert, also change the stat table with scheduleID column NULLABLE

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Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

You need to enable it in the client settings, then wait as the statistics
are sent back in batches.

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :

So, This option are enabled in the client settings.
And is running for 2 weeks.

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

It definitely works. It's only media statistics not layout statistics and
media that runs last probably won't log as it's destroyed.

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :

I found this on Last 100 client "log option" 3069 2014-09-02 19:46:20 Client .SubmitLog [Errno 113] No route to host.
I don't know exactly what this function does (.SubmitLog), but if it's the media statistics function may be this is the problem.
My Apache access.log:
[02/Sep/2014:19:46:20 -0300] 'POST /xibo/xmds.php HTTP/1.0" 200 804 "-" "SOAPpy 0.12.0"
Apache error.log:

And fresh logs from new player installed a 3 hours ago.
2014-09-03 11:57:13 Client .SubmitLog XMDS could not be initialised
3473 2014-09-03 11:57:44 Client .check Could not connect to XMDS.

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

Your client can't connect to the CMS so no logs are being returned

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :

But the CMS is showing the client online, the media are being downloaded by client.
For example, if I change some media it will change on client too.

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

What colour are the lights on the client information screen?

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :


Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

All of them are green? That makes no sense if you're getting an error in
the log

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :

All of them...
Can be the soap version?
Because the server is running on debian 7 (php-soap (0.12.0-2.1), and the client is running on Ubuntu 14.04 (python soap 0.12.0-4)?

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

14.04 is not supported so it could well be a difference in the soap
library. You would need to investigate yourself to determine that

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :

I'll do this.
If you want, and if I solve it, I can post the results here!

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

That would be helpful thanks

Revision history for this message
Douglas (douglas-prodocimo) said :

Now, I am migrating the clients to the android version, because I had other problems with the player's stability.
Anyway I'll try the proposed solution:
""So edit the lib/data/ and remove scheduleID column from Insert, also change the stat table with scheduleID column NULLABLE""
Just to ensure.

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

I really wouldn't recommend making database schema changes - it will likely
cause future upgrades to fail.

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