Python install script problem

Asked by Steve Haines

Installed Xibo for the first time over the weekend including the Python client - very impressive.

Only problem I had was with the install script(

Installed Ubuntu 10.04.3 then downloaded and ran the script. It all appeared to install ok, but when it came to running Xibo, I got the error message: 'ImportError: No module named avg'. On investigation, libavg seemed to have been installed in an odd place, further down the /usr/local tree than expected.

Not having the skill to resolve the problem, I started over with a new install and this time followed the manual installation instructions which worked.

I'm no Linux expert but I think the problem may be that the script unpacks the TAR using
tar xf libavg-* -C /usr/local
whereas the manual instruction is
"Unpack the binary distribution of libavg/Berkelium/libbrowsernode in to /. "

Manual installation worked well and its now running beautifully.

Incidentally I'm running the client on a Zotac Zbox HD-ID11 which uses the Atom D510 dual core and nVidia ION graphics driving an HD monitor. Seems to work well.

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