RSS-Feed not updating

Asked by Rik


i made a RSS feed on the Xibo server wich has to stay up-to-date, and loaded it into a layout. it works fine. i've set te duration to 60 (1 minute) and i've set the update interval to 1 minute too, so it should update every minute. but it doesn't...

in another post i read that i could set the feed in the region 2 times, and that works.
But it's not so nice... after a minute you see it hopping from the bottom to top. could you look if you can make it update every time when it's "outside the region"

maybe a possible fix is that it starts down when you use the direction up. it starts right when you use direction left and so on... and if you have some more time... maybe make it to stop after it's out of the region after the time it has to display, instead of just stop after the set time while the text is in the middle of the screen...

thanks a lot!

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

The feed never updates while it's on the screen - that's why putting two
together works.

If you give the same duration and update interval with one feed, the
feed will only update every other run as the duration timer starts
before the check for freshness so the feed is nearly expired but not
quite one time in two.

If you set it to 0, it will always update at each loop.


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Revision history for this message
Rik (knakel2) said :

I've set the update interval to 0, restarted the client.... changed something in the RSS, but nothing was updated after a minute...

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

You would have to wait for the whole layout to reload if there's only
one item in the region with the RSS feed before it updates.

What's the longest running item you have on the layout?


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Rik (knakel2) said :

okay, sorry i tought with after each loop you meant after his own loop (wich i wanted).
is this possible in the next versions?


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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

In the Python client it already updates at each time the duration

The Microblog Search updates in the background and is a good model for
how the RSS could work.

It's my intension to update the RSS to work in that way in due course
for the python client.

There's no plans at the moment to overhaul RSS on the Windows client as
far as I'm aware.

If you want that to be considered, you should log it as a blueprint.

If you need that functionality immediately, someone on the dev team
could estimate the number of hours work involved and give you a price on
a bounty basis.


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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

> okay, sorry i tought with after each loop you meant after his own loop

You could get the same effect by putting your RSS item, then a text item
with just a space character in it and a duration of 1 second.


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Revision history for this message
Rik (knakel2) said :

i can't seem to download a 1.2.0 python client?

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :