Unable to register clients 1.20

Asked by Chris Goodwin

Hi all i've recently setup a new xibo install on our Windows Server 2003 R2 (32bit) Application Server and have successfully got the server side working with IIS, everything is reading and writing as it should.

The issue i'm having is the clients are unable register with the server. I receive the below error from client options:

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://server02?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "http://server02?wsdl"

Now the actual path to the xibo server is: http://server02/xibo and i can successfully log into the server using the address so i'm a bit confused as to why the clients show that error.

It is worth noting that I have previously setup xibo (for testing purposes) on an xp machine and used XAMPP and the client registered without a hitch.

Could my issue be down to using IIS?

If anyone would like any additional information then please ask.

Chris Goodwin

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Xibo Edit question
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Solved by:
Alex Harrington
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Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

I assume you're running 1.2.0 as you didn't say.

It's probably two fold.

That message usually occurs when the server isn't able to resolve or
connect to the address the clients are using.

So, firstly the server will need to be able to resolve "server02" to an
IP address.

Secondly the address does look suspicious. As I'm sure you're aware we
don't ever test with IIS so I expect that the code we're using to
reconstruct the URL the client address isn't working in that

Is there any particular reason you need to run on IIS?


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Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

Looks like it's $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] that isn't set on this IIS install.

Possible workaround: http://support.ecenica.com/web-hosting/scripting/troubleshooting-scripting-errors/how-to-fix-server-request_uri-php-error-on-windows-iis/

Revision history for this message
Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

Hi Alex,

Yes we are running 1.20

I should have stated this earlier but the reason we are running on IIS is that we currently have a few web apps hosted on this server using IIS. For XIBO we assigned the default port 80 for http traffic (as it wasn't in use) and then assigned port 666 for https traffic as the default 443 is in use by another site.

Revision history for this message
Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

oops sorry thanks for the 2nd post you made... I'll have a read of that and post back.

Chris Goodwin

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

Give me a few minutes and I'll cobble up a patch for you to test.


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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

If you go to this page:

At the top right there's a download link. Try replacing your kit.class.php file in lib/app and see if it will register then.


Revision history for this message
Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

Hi Alex,

Thank you for the very quick reply.

I've just replaced the file as instructed and now receive a new error:

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://server02xibo/xmds.php?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "http://server02xibo/xmds.php?wsdl"

Chris Goodwin

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :
Revision history for this message
Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

Hi Alex,

still receiving the same error unfortunately

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://server02xibo/xmds.php?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "http://server02xibo/xmds.php?wsdl"

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :
Revision history for this message
Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

Hi Alex,

sorry still getting the same error:

SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://example02xibo/xmds.php/?wsdl' : failed to load external entity "http://example02xibo/xmds.php/?wsdl"

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Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

OK. I'll have another try in a little while.


This email carries a disclaimer, a copy of which may be read at http://learning.longhill.org.uk/disclaimer

Revision history for this message
Best Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :
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Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

Thanks Alex Harrington, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Chris Goodwin (chris-goodwin) said :

Hi Alex,

That solved the problem, could you explain what you meant when you say "this one isn't "right" "?

Thanks for all of your help

Kind regards,
Chris Goodwin

Revision history for this message
Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

It'll break under Apache servers (probably) so while it solves your immediate issue I can't propose it for merging in to mainline.

It just needs a little finesseing.