Black screen between contents

Asked by ldsonline


I'm doing some testing with Server 1.2-rc1 using the Xibo-client-1.0.7-win32-x86.msi. I realized that between the contents a black screen appears for about 1 second (maybe less) during the exhibition. So I decided to install Xibo-client-1.0.4-win32-x86.msi using the same server (1.2-rc1) and the problem stopped occurring. There is some problem with the client 1.0.7?

The Source Code of the client 1.0.4 is available for download? I ask this because in ~ xibo-maintainers/xibo/biela/files I only found the Source Code of version 1.0.7 client.

Thanks, friends.

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Solved by:
Alex Harrington
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Revision history for this message
ldsonline (ldsonline) said :

I did more testing and I concluded that the problem really is in the Client version 1.07. This time I used the 1.0.4 server and the problem continued, and there were still other problems. Some contents are not displayed as the time it was scheduled and sometimes the client is doing looping between 2 or 3 contents and does not follow for the next content of layout.

I do not know if this bug was reported or has been repaired, all the way here record the results of the tests I did.

Sorry by bad English.



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Best Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :


Categorically you must NOT run 1.0.4 clients against a 1.2.0rc1 server, and you must NOT run 1.0.7 clients against a 1.0.4 server. They were never designed to talk to one another, and will break. It's as simple as that. The reason you're seeing all those problems with regions looping and not loading media is that those clients use different methods to checksum the media - please just don't do it.

In the release notes for each version, it details which versions of server and client are compatible. Versions 1.2.0-rc2 onwards will enforce this to prevent you from connecting incompatible versions together as people seem insistent on not reading the notes.

I'm not aware of any reason you should be seeing black gaps of one second. I'm not seeing that on any of my 1.0.7 installations. What media are you seeing those gaps between? Are you just running one layout? If so, client 1.0.7 onwards will reload the layout at the end of it's run time to ensure everything on the screen is refreshed.That may lead to a brief black flash as the layout reloads. That's intensional and will not change.

Source code for Xibo is all in Launchpad. Use the big "Code" link at the top of the Answers page.

Each series of Xibo (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc) has its own branch in the repository. If you want the code for 1.0.4 then you need to look in the 1.0 series branch:

Each release version is tagged in there like "[server] Released 1.0.3". Unfortunately that seems to have been missed for 1.0.4 but I can tell you it's revision 72 as 1.0.4 was released on the 25/10/2009 and that's the last commit before that date.


Revision history for this message
ldsonline (ldsonline) said :


Thank you very much, and I apologize for not having read the release notes before installing.

I'm downloading the Server version 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 client to make new tests. As for the problem that I have informed the black gaps between the content, it occurred in a layout of a region (i,m running one layout), running videos and Flash files. I already know that between video and Flash content is a black gaps, but between the Flash content that usually does not happen and was happening. I will come back here to say if the problem continues.

Revision history for this message
ldsonline (ldsonline) said :


You're right. Using the Client and Server compatible versions does not occur this problem.

Best regards,


Revision history for this message
ldsonline (ldsonline) said :

Thanks Alex Harrington, that solved my question.