Pyclient undefined symbol error on Karmic32

Asked by axelmasok

Hi guys,

Followed the pyclient wiki as best as I could understand (Linux user since 04 but new to Ubuntu/Kubuntu).

What I "didn't" do is:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

...because it pulls 200MB of updates and.... If this is the show stopper let me know...

I must add I have Xibo working last week on Jaunty32 (Vanilla-no updates). This is my 2nd attempt on fresh Karmic32 and still get:

ciasia@karmic32:/opt/xibo/pyclient/client/python$ ./
Xibo Client v1.1.0a21
Reading default configuration
Reading user configuration
Log Level is: 0
Logging will be handled by: XiboLogXmds
Switching to new logger
Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 525, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 2816, in run
RuntimeError: ./ undefined symbol: _ZN5boost6python9converter8registry6insertEPFPvP7_objectEPFvS5_PNS1_30rvalue_from_python_stage1_dataEENS0_9type_infoE

The gentleman in another question/topic:
...had a similar issue but no mention of a resolve. He mentioned doing an:
" => not found"
...but my working Jaunty32 install also can't link to and works fine. I must say I symlinked that library to /usr/lib/ = no difference to my issue. I don't think it's related.
I have the updated Boost libraries from that PPA.

Any clues to sort this out?

Question information

English Edit question
Xibo Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Alex Harrington
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Revision history for this message
Best Alex Harrington (alexharrington) said :

Did you replace with the correct one for karmic as shown in the instructions?

If you did, please post the output of 'find /usr/local/lib'


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Revision history for this message
axelmasok (axelmasok-hotmail) said :

Ohhhhh Maaaaaaan!!!!
Your spot on. My apologies.
There is something about that Install Guide page Alex... I can read it 20 times and interpret it 20 different ways!

I have typed up a quick and dirty version of it for both Jaunty32 and Karmic32 to redeem myself.
I hope this may help others (as long as you don't mind Alex, it might save stupid questions like mine).

Revision history for this message
axelmasok (axelmasok-hotmail) said :

Thanks Alex Harrington, that solved my question.