ubuntu 10.10 will not install using Wubi (Install Ubuntu inside Windows)

Asked by robert snyder

i have tried several different ways and can not install ubuntu 10.10

i have tried two attempts at running directly from web site. 2-3 hours per download

i have downloaded and burned both 32 but and 64 bit .iso

i have tried to trial and install both versions

i have tried to wubi the 64 bit and each and every time i cant get anywhere.

i will shorten to the inportant part from the log file wubi produces

 File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 156, in run_installer
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\utils.py", line 208, in copy_file
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
12-01 19:51 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
12-01 19:51 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
12-01 19:51 DEBUG CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
12-01 19:51 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_metalink
12-01 19:51 ERROR TaskList: Cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\backend.py", line 492, in get_iso
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\backend.py", line 330, in download_iso
Exception: Cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO
12-01 19:51 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist

when trying to load without windows i get a cannot loop dev error even with everything but freeware only checked off

i am running an amd64 3500+ 2g ram in an msi mobo

i am trying to get a system to run a counter-strike source server the windows 2000 pro seems to suddeny not like the server program i have run in the past. for some reason it is thinking it is installed on an xp system and causing as much trouble as this is

Question information

English Edit question
Wubi Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
robert snyder
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This question was reopened

Revision history for this message
marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Why you are installing Ubuntu inside Windows...?
Why do you not to install alongside Windows and not inside it...?

Please make an Ubuntu desktop live install cd and install by booting your pc entirely from that install cd...
Please follow this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download

Revision history for this message
robert snyder (d9200-dsp) said :

i have tried that as well and get a device loopback error. i can not figure this thing out to save me

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

1) Please verify the md5sum of downloaded iso:

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM on Windows

2) check the self-made cd

Please boot entirely (you must not see windows starting) from Ubuntu live install cd and when the system start to boot from cd you will see two bottom screen icons ( keyboard and man inside circle ) please press space (choose your desired language) then a screen textual center menu will appear to you with this items in it:

Try Ubuntu without installing
Install Ubuntu
Check disc for defects
Test memory
Boot from first hard disk

Please select "Check disc for defects" and press enter to test if your cd-driver can read in a good way the live install cd... or if the install cd have some defective files in it.

Then please also perform a Test memory to be sure your pc RAM memory have not any issue
3) Please select "Test Memory" to deeply test your ram healty, if your pc freeze at installation or installation doesn't start.

Revision history for this message
robert snyder (d9200-dsp) said :

ok i have done the md5 test and that checks out.

no matter what i try while running the live cd i get a device loopback error

and as i have shown trying to load in windows provides error as well

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Please perform the point 2 of my previous answer...

Revision history for this message
robert snyder (d9200-dsp) said :

ok i have checked the cd by loading it up on my main pc and it works fine. so i must just have a pc that will not run any os properly or ubuntu does not like it.

as i turned off my main pc selected boot from cd and ran successfully to the program.

any suggestions as to where to go from here is appreciated

Revision history for this message
marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Trying the cd on another pc isn't like .. to perform the point 2 of my previous answer
might be this cd cannot be read with success from the cd drive of THIS pc

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delance (olivier-delance) said :

@marcobra: please attach Wubi issues to project Wubi. Currently, we have a very efficient guy who manages these issues.

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bcbc (bcbc) said :

I see the question is marked as Solved, but the last comment asks for suggestions... so I'll respond anyway:

From reading the above, I'm not sure whether you really want Wubi or not. But I have seen reports of some hardware (cd/dvd drives) causing errors when the CD works fine on different hardware - or even a different CD drive within the same computer.

So, if you want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows - direct to partition - I suggest using a USB stick to install. The main Ubuntu.com website gives instructions how to do this (http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download , step 2, click on USB and Show me how).

But if you want to do Wubi, you can easily do this by copying wubi.exe and the downloaded .iso in the same folder (not expanded, just the .iso). Then run wubi.exe from there. NOTE: wubi.exe is version specific - if you want 10.10 you need to get it from http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/
Also, it will go to the internet to download the md5 checksum info, as wubi always checks the .iso. If you don't have a connection, create a shortcut to wubi.exe and add the command line option --skipmd5check

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robert snyder (d9200-dsp) said :


thankyou i will try these suggestions later this evening.

you seem to have stated probably what i was wanting someone to tell me all along. that het ubuntu may have issues with the cdrom, so here is another way it will work.

as i really dont want to upset others that have tried to help when i was already at my wits end, the standard did you do this and just run this it will work gets to you.

i was surprised to get responses quickly. and was eager to try.

will post again after my attempt this evening.

Revision history for this message
robert snyder (d9200-dsp) said :

after putting the iso into a folder alonside wubi as was suggested the installation went smoothly.

i am currently getting updates and learnig my way around a little.

i will be forever gratefull for the suggestion from bcbc.

i hope to be better equipped to answer questions in the future.

please forgive me if i upset anyone in my desperation.

thankfully yours,


Revision history for this message
bcbc (bcbc) said :

Great you got it solved! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any issues / more questions. (I doubt you upset anyone.)

I just want to make a couple of comments re.Wubi. Lately there have been some grub issues with Wubi. e.g. there is a grub update that will break a brand new 10.04.1 install. You're on 10.10 and so you're safe - for now. But I recommend avoiding any updates to packages grub-pc and grub-common if you ever see them in Update-manager.

It's still important to have a recovery CD/USB. For this new computer you'd be advised to create a bootable USB. Ubuntu makes this easy, right from the System, Administration, Startup disk creator. Just use the same .iso you installed. Make sure it works before you have problems - just boot it up and select 'Try without installing'.

Avoid hard shutdowns - if things hang and you've tried everything you can think of to get it back, you can hold down Alt+SysRq and then press the keys: R...S...U...B... to reboot safely. Usually that works (otherwise there's no choice but a hard shutdown)