Comment 2 for bug 1408707

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kaputtnik (franku) wrote :

Thanks :-) editing of world/terrains/init.lua works fine. But i didn't get a clue of what sense the dither_layer make. Of course the dither behavior is different depending on the layer value between two terrains (see attached picture), but i am not sure, which values do make sense. Sometimes it could make sense to "overlap" water over beach, sometimes not.

I thought about some kind of ruleset for the dither_layer: The terrain which covers other terrains should get a higher value. In this scenario Snow covers all other terrains, so it should get the highest value, while beach could be covered by most other terrains, so it should get the lowest value. As you might have guess, such a rule makes no sense at all.

In the end i think, the values for dither_layer couldn't get a ruleset, or couldn't be sorted/adjusted, to fit all the mapcreators needs. Somtimes he needs mountain covering beach, somtimes the other way round, depending on the look and feel in the map.

Am i right, that the only reason for dither_layer is: Give the dither-algorithm a rule, which terrain covers the other.
Or overlooked i some other aspects?