Comment 10 for bug 1251914

Revision history for this message
kaputtnik (franku) wrote :

Here is also a soldier fighting in a loop. A blue soldier stands near beside the orange fighting one without interacting in any way.

Unfortunaly i couldn't load a autosaved file, to get the circumstances where this fight beguns. Trying to load such a autosave file triggers an Error:

"economies: player 8: economy: unknown version 778" for autosave 03 (date 22.04.2015 22:57), and
"economies: player 8: economy: unknown version 3280" for autosave 04 (date 22.04.2015 22:45)

Autosaved files 00 to 02 could be loaded. The file test3.wgf is timerelated as nearest to the battle which could be loaded. But in this file the loop is allways there and additionally a second blue soldier has a walk animation but he do not walk.

I attach a zip which contains autosave_04, 03 and test3.wgf

Version: trunk7443